

Philosophical Thinking and Analysing on the Practice of China’s Forest Resources Classification Management

【作者】 谢守鑫

【导师】 寇文正; 陈谋询;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 论文在对国内外森林资源经营管理研究和实践动态进行综合叙述的基础上,比较深入系统地对我国森林资源分类经营管理的发展和现状进行了分析:自20世纪末以来,我国林学将森林资源分类经营管理作为重要课题进行研究,在理论和实践两个方面都取得了明显进展;特别是从本世纪开始,更对我国森林资源分类经营管理概念、体制、机制、政策和措施等各个方面进行了广泛探讨与实践,为系统研究分类经营管理奠定了扎实基础。但从总体分析发现,已有的研究多是从局部或单项问题出发进行孤立、片面地研究,特别缺乏对分类经营管理应用基础理论的研究,不少成果仅是过程或结果的一般性总结,没有上升到理论高度,没有归纳出一般规律,也因此影响了其指导实践作用的发挥。因此,作者提出必须对我国分类经营管理进行科学、全面探索,使研究与实践有机结合,把各种现象和问题上升到哲学角度进行思考,归纳出具有普遍指导意义的一般规律,用以指导全国森林资源分类经营管理实践。本研究立足于加快推进我国森林资源分类经营管理,从国情、林情出发,在对我国分类经营管理实践进行历史回顾和现实总结的基础上,以哲学的视角,应用对立统一和唯物辨证法、科学发展观的原理,对分类经营管理的要素和过程进行全方位考察,并将各种要素归类为相互联系、相互影响的哲学范畴进行系统比较、协调,寻求具有普遍指导意义的结论和认识。论文分别在分类经营管理的物质基础和认识基础、分类经营管理的本质与外部特征、分类经营管理的必然趋势与偶然现象、分类经营管理的整体属性与区域特征、分类经营管理的因果联系及其复杂性、分类经营管理的要素构成和经营管理方式、分类经营管理的可能性与现实性等方面,提出了各个基本观点、现状诊断和实践活动,既有分类经营管理的认识论问题,又有分类经营管理的方法论问题;既回答为什么分类经营管理,又回答如何分类、以及分类后的控制管理。通过研究得出下列主要结论:森林资源本身的固有属性是分类经营管理的物质基础和基本前提;人类对森林的认识是分类经营管理的认识基础和基本条件;森林短缺和社会对森林的多元化需求是分类经营管理的根本动力;环境全球化等因素是分类经营管理的外在动力;分类经营管理的物质基础、认识基础、根本动力和外在动力构成了我国分类经营管理的历史必然性,而我国林业实现“两个转变”、建立“两大体系”、实施可持续发展战略构成了我国分类经营管理的现实必然性;由于资源环境、历史文化、民族意识等的特殊性,何时、以何种方式开展分类经营管理具有偶然性;森林资源分类经营管理的要素构成可归为森林资源、经营管理主体、经营管理方略三个方面,本质是经营管理方式和体制机制的转变;推进我国分类经营管理既有各种有利条件,又面临不少困难,必须把握现实与可能的辩证关系,立足必然、关注普遍性,同时顾

【Abstract】 Classified forest resources management is an important approach for establishing“two forest systems”and realizing sustainable forestry development. Since the reform and experimental improvement of China’s forest resources classification management which started in 1996, remarkable progress has been made in both theory and practice and classified forest resources management has become one of the hot topics of China’s forestry. At the turn of this century, research activities in forest resources classification management had been carried out extensively, covering lots of aspects like management system, approaches, organizational means and mechanism establishment, etc. Theoretically, answers have been obtained as for the reasons why classified forest management should be conducted, the way to achieve it and post-classification issues. As a result, identical thinking and ideas have been sought and relevant technical criteria developed. Study has been also conducted on relevant policies. All these have laid a solid foundation for systematic research on classified forest management. However, generally speaking, the research activities carried out at present are weak in terms of basic theory of classified forest management because they are conducted in a scattered, isolated way. Some results are only the summing up of some experimental work without in-depth theoretical basis and regularity, which have no significance for guiding practical work. As a result, scientific and comprehensive review must be done on China’s forest classification management practices and the research outcomes shall be combined with the forestry production activities. The issues and problems of different kinds must be dealt with from philosophical perspectives. And general law shall be sought to provide guidance to the national forest resources classification management.On the basis of reviewing the historical and present development of China’s forest resources classification management and observing comprehensively the major elements and the whole process of classified forest resources management from philosophical perspective, the research work is aimed at speeding up the forest resources classification management in the country. The research work covers such contents as basis for classified forest resources management, its inner and outer features, its inexorable tendency and accidental phenomena, its general attribute and regional features, its possibility and practicability. All these contents constitute a unification of theory and methodology, thus putting classified forest resources management into a systematic development process.
