

The Analysis and Processing of the Type、Structure and Transform of the Semantic Chunk

【作者】 雒自清

【导师】 黄曾阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(声学研究所) , 信号与信息处理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 HNC提出了语言概念空间和自然语言空间的说法,通过语言概念空间研究语言现象。HNC认为交互引擎需要3级提升:第一级提升从概念基元空间进入句类符号体系,对应句类分析技术;第二级提升从句类符号体系进入语境单元符号体系,对应语境单元萃取技术;第三级提升从语境单元符号体系进入语境符号体系,对应语境生成技术(黄曾阳2004)。这3级提升的实现就是交互引擎的3项主体技术工程。交互引擎还应包含翻译引擎,其核心技术环节之一是6项过渡处理,即“两转换、两变换、两调整”。两转换是句类转换和句式转换;两变换是语义块构成变换和语义块主辅变换;两调整是主块分离、辅块位置的调整和句群小句顺序的调整。本论文是有关交互引擎的应用理论研究,具体内容包括:1.简要介绍了交互引擎和翻译引擎理论,它们体现了HNC近5年来的最新发展;2.对语义块的构成特点进行了分析,指出这些构成特点自身就存在着语义块分离、移位、变换等各种复杂语言现象,有可能引起格式和句类转换、主辅变换等问题。3.系统阐述了语境单元的背景要素与辅块的关系,依据语言逻辑概念对辅块进行了二、三级分类,结合句类知识给出方式、参照、途径等辅块的判定方法。这些结果可应用于语境单元萃取技术的背景要素抽取。4.结合句类知识论述了语义块的主辅变换问题,其结果可应用于翻译引擎的过渡处理。HNC正在从单一的句类分析技术向交互引擎所规划的4项核心技术发展。本文的探索是就语义块主辅辨识引发的基本理论和应用,作第一阶段的探讨。

【Abstract】 HNC puts forword the principles of the Alternation Engine and the Translation Engine which will be used in the Natural Language Processing.The Alternation Engine has 3 steps:from the grass roots of the concept space to the first floor---Sentence Category Analysis; from the first floor to the second floor---Sentence Group Unit Extraction and from the second floor to the superstratum of the concept space---Abstract(Huang zengyang 2004).The Translation Engine has 6 Transiton Processing : the conversion of the Sentences Category and the conversion of the Sentences Formula; the tansform of the structure of the Sntence Cunk and the transform of the Main Chunk and the Accessorial Chunk; the adjust of the separation of the Main Chunk and the position of the Accessorial Chunk, the adjust of the order of the Sentence Group.This thesis is the the basis of the Alternation Engine and the Translation Engine,the material contents :(1).Discusses the Alternation Engine and the Translation Engine,and advances two basic hypothesises;(2).Analyses the characteristic of structure of the Semantic Chunk;(3).Classifies the Accessorial Chunk and differentiate and analyse discriminate the different AC.(4).Sums up the disciplinarian of the the transform of the Main Chunk and the Accessorial ChunkThe Main Chunk has been studied more carefully in the level of sentence than the Accessorial Chunk,but AC has an important role in the study of the context.This thesis makes the primory study of this subject.

  • 【分类号】H11;H085.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】450
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