

【作者】 石明庆

【导师】 张毅;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过南宋理学内部各派诗歌理论的疏理,对南宋的理学诗论作较全面的总结,由此阐述理学对南宋诗学的重要影响,并对南宋主要诗人的诗学思想中的理学因素加以剖析,以加深对南宋诗歌理论批评及其创作实践的认识。在绪论部分,概述了南宋理学的繁盛与流行局面,以及理学诗论的发展演变轨迹,并概要地阐述了理学与南宋诗学之间的内在联系。第一章着重论述朱熹的诗学及湖湘学派的诗论。朱熹不仅集理学之大成,也是理学家中诗学修养最深的一位学者,其诗学思想综合了北宋理学诸家的看法,主要是继承了程颐、杨时的诗论,以及其父朱松的诗学观点。他对诗歌创作有浓厚的兴趣,以自己的诗歌创作体会为基础,折衷理学与诗学,建立起庞杂的几乎涉及诗学理论各个方面的理学诗论。朱熹的诗学思想,是理学与诗学既冲突又能妥协的基本关系的一个缩影,其理学的本体论、心性论、工夫论和境界论,都渗透到他的诗歌理论批评中,其中不乏颇有价值的观点,如虚静明理的创作思想,涵泳自得的鉴赏理论,以及对诗歌赋比兴之艺术特征的认识等。比朱熹稍早和同时,由胡安国所开基的湖湘学派已成为南宋理学界的一面旗帜,但他们在诗学思想上尚没有突出的建树,不过一些闪光的论点弥足珍贵,比如胡寅从词曲可以提高人的精神境界的角度,为文学与理学在心性修养的层面上找到了相通点。张栻则提出学者之诗的概念,为理学家的诗歌作了区别于一般文人诗歌的规定和理论概括。第二章论述吕祖谦及永嘉学派的诗论。吕祖谦与朱熹、张栻并称“东南三贤”,但他在诗学理论上贡献不大,他的《诗经》研究和《宋文鉴》的编选,体现的是重视实用的功利主义的文学观。永嘉学人与他关系密切,他有关文的看法对永嘉学派有影响。薛季宣作为永嘉学派的真正奠基者,在学术倾向上与吕祖谦相近,他在诗歌理论批评方面提出以情存性、以性约情的诗性情说,以及不废丽辞的思想,与朱熹等正统理学家的观点相比同中有异,而且是异大于同。到了叶适那里,对文的重视体现在了诗论上,最突出的就是对唐诗尤其是晚唐诗的提倡,叶适也因此成为永嘉四灵在理论上的代言人。作为一个大儒,叶适的诗学思想实际是很丰富的,在某些方面与朱熹有类似之处;但他树立了与濂洛不同的儒家道统,并影响到他的诗论。他对理学的批评以及对诗文的重视,使他成为南宋后期反对程朱理学制约文学的一面旗帜。第三章论述陆九渊及心学派的诗学理论。与朱熹恰成相反,陆九渊对诗歌创作的兴趣不大,诗歌批评较少,但他没有诗歌创作与学道相妨的言论。他对江西诗派的评论和由此涉及的对中国古典诗歌史的概述,高屋建瓴而言简意赅。尤其值得深入思考和分析的是,陆九渊重在唤起人的道德自觉的心学,含有提升诗歌创作主体内在本质的因素,

【Abstract】 The goal of the present dissertation is a probe into the relation between Neo-Confucianism and poetics in the Southern Song Dynasty, with a special focus on a systematic review of thoughts of poetics hold by different schools of Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, on the basis of which an analysis is carried out on the Neo-Confucian elements contained in the poetics of major poets. The dissertation is composed of six chapters.In the introductory section, a survey of the boom and popularization of Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty and the evolutionary trace of Neo-Confucian poetics is conducted. It briefly illustrates the connection between Neo-Confucianism and poetics.Chapter One mainly discusses the poetics of Zhu Xi and Huxiang school. In Zhu Xi were synthesized not only Neo-Confucianism, but also Neo-Confucian poetics. Under the guidelines of his Neo-Confucian thoughts, inheriting the poetic views of various schools of Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty, especially the thoughts of Cheng Yu and Yang Shi, Zhu Xi established such a comprehensive poetic theory that it included nearly all aspects of poetics, on the basis of his own poetic studies and understandings of writing. It can be said that Zhu Xi’s poetics was a miniature of the essential relation between Neo-Confucianism and poetics, which contradicted and compromised with each other. Earlier than Zhu Xi, Hu An-guo founded the Huxiang school of poetics which was considered as the first banner in the field of Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty. Although this school did not make many outstanding contributions to poetics, some of their illuminating ideas were of great values. For example, Hu Yin, from the perspective that ci (poetry) and qu (songs) could raise the level of cultural life, realized the similarities between literature and Neo-Confucianism in temperamental cultivating.Chapter Two talks about the poetic theories of Lv Zu-qian and Yongjia school. Though Lv-zuqian was among the“three famous intellectuals in the southeast”, he did not make much contribution to poetics. His emphasis on practicality of literature was reflected in his study of The Book of Songs and edition of The Selection of Articles of Song Dynasty, and had great influence

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1205