

Application of GIS and Remote Sensing for Study of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases-Case Studies of Hepatitis B and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

【作者】 钟少波

【导师】 薛勇; 曹务春; 曹春香;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(遥感应用研究所) , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 据美国联邦地理数据委员会(Federal Geographic Data Committee,FGDC)的评估,政府部门全部数据的80-90%是带有地理位置信息的,这自然也包括卫生部门的数据。这种情况对于其它国家也是相似的。而地理信息系统(Geographic Information Systems,GIS)和遥感(Remote Sensing,RS)具有强大的地理空间数据获取、管理、处理、分析和显示的能力,这使得GIS、遥感等空间信息技术在卫生领域上的应用具有先天的优势。遥感能够快速、大范围获取空间数据,随着遥感领域的发展,新的卫星和传感器系统被送入轨道,依靠这些种类繁多的空间探测器和日益完善的参数反演方法,丰富的大气、海洋、陆面信息能够被获取,为卫生领域中疾病发生与各类环境相关性分析、疾病时空建模等提供了数据支持。而GIS除了继续完善和发展其传统的基于地图的空间分析功能外,也开始弥补其由于历史原因所造成的空间数据分析功能的不足。在GIS与遥感的集成方面也有长足的发展,目前的主流GIS和遥感软件基本上可以综合分析常用栅格和矢量格式的地理数据。本研究以乙肝(Hepatitis B)和高致病性禽流感(Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza,HPAI)两种疾病为例,研究了疾病制图(disease mapping)、聚类分析(clustering analysis)、生态分析(ecological analysis)等传染病流行病学研究主题。综合本文的研究工作,主要取得以下几方面的成果: (1) 探索性空间数据分析(Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis,ESDA)技术和Kriging插值方法相结合应用于我国乙肝地理分布研究Kriging插值方法是GIS地统计(Geostatistics)分析技术的核心,其在地质学、土壤学、气候学等领域具有广泛的应用。而其应用于疾病制图却不多见。本研究首先对我国1994-1998乙肝发病率数据进行了探索性空间数据分析,在此基础上成功应用Kriging方法制作了这5年我国乙肝发病地理分布图。结果显示,我国乙肝发病率地理分布特点为:西北内蒙和甘肃一带、中南和华东部分地区和东北部分省市为高发地区。长江以南高于长江以北。东部沿海高于西部边疆。通过发病率地理分布图,可以直观地了解我国乙肝疾病发生情况,为决策提供了初步依据。也为进一步的病因分析,环境相关研究提供了重要的

【Abstract】 In terms of the evaluation of Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), about 80-90 percent of government data, which naturally include those from health department, are georeferenced. This situation makes no differences in other countries. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) have strong ability of acquirement, management, processing, analyzing and visualization of georeferenced data. So they have inherent advantages in health applications. RS is capable of obtaining spatial data rapidly and widely. With the advance in RS research, new satellites and sensors have been launched into space. Resort to various spaceborne tools, plenty of atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial information can be acquired, which provides data support for heath research. In addition to perfect and develop traditional map based analysis, GIS also begins to improve its spatial statistic analysis ability, which is currently weak in GIS due to historical causes of GIS development. In the integration of GIS and RS, great improvements have been made. The current mainstream GIS and RS software packages are basically able to comprehensively analyze raster and vector data with most commonly used formats. Taking Hepatitis B and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) as examples, this paper researches on disease mapping, clustering analysis, ecological analysis etc. issues of epidemiological research of infectious diseases. To sum up the work of this paper, the following achievements have been gained:(1) Disease mapping of Hepatitis B with Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) techniques and Kriging methods.
