

Li Shang-yin’s Reception History in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 米彦青

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文在前人研究成果的基础上,从原始文献资料出发,运用接受美学理论,较为全面地梳理和分析了清代李商隐诗歌接受的整体风貌。引言中将李商隐体出现后的不同历史分期中对于李商隐接受方面的文献整理和海内外研究成果做了详尽的综述,梳理出了一条较为清晰的研究脉络,并对本论文所解决的问题做了陈述。正文分为八章。第一章为清初虞山诗派对李商隐的接受,主要在明末清初的时代背景下分析士人心态促成对李商隐诗歌的接受,肯定了朱鹤龄等人笺注李商隐诗集背后所隐伏的钱谦益的巨大功绩,并由钱谦益和其继嗣二冯在虞山诗派中的威望及在创作中对义山诗的接受,带动吴乔等人对李商隐的接受情况进行分析论证。第二章从靳荣藩所著《吴诗集览》着眼,通过对吴梅村诗歌中显现的接受李商隐成分的分析,进一步揭示出跨越时空的相通心灵是导致吴梅村和李商隐诗风相似的根本原因。同时由于吴梅村是娄东诗派的领军人物,受他的影响,娄东十子对李商隐诗歌也有不同程度的接受。第三章对康雍之际的闽派诗人黄任对李商隐在七绝和悼亡类、无题类诗歌的创作接受进行了分析,并论述了这一时期诗坛对李商隐的接受:诗论方面主要是叶燮、朱彝尊、何焯等;版本方面有赵臣瑗、胡以梅和陈堡;专集评述方面是徐德鸿和陆鸣皋、陆昆曾及姚培谦。第四章对乾隆之际的江苏诗人黄景仁与李商隐的感伤诗美的接受进行了分析。并注意到这一时期冯浩在义山研究考据学方面的重要成果,同时纪昀对李商隐的诗艺分析也是前所未有的,除此而外,还有沈德潜、薛雪、翁方纲等人的赞誉之声及李怀民、黄子云的负面接受。第五章论述了桐城派、曾氏家族和李希圣对李商隐的接受,其中以曾氏家族为代表的家族性文化接受在家族内部和乡里所产生的影响是李商隐接受史研究上的一个新的视点。第六章论述了吴下西昆派诗人曹元忠、汪荣宝、张鸿、徐兆玮和孙景贤在清末对李商隐的接受,他们是承续了清初虞山诗派对李商隐的接受而形成的一个专宗李商隐的诗歌派别,因其在近代李商隐诗歌接受中的突出地位和贡献,本文着重论述之。这一时期的李商隐接受版本方面只有钱氏兄弟对李商隐文的整理,而诗论方面则有刘熙载等人。第七章论述清末中晚唐派代表诗人樊增祥和易顺鼎对李商隐用典艺术特色方面的承袭情况,并说明其不似之因。诗论方面则由陈衍等同光体诗人的接受结束了清代诗坛的评论。

【Abstract】 This thesis is on the foundation of forefather’s research results,proceed from primitive document material,using the theory of reception aesthetics,have combed and analysed the whole style and features which the poetry of Li Shang-yin was recepted in Qing Dynasty.In the foreword,I have put research results of Li Shang-yin’s reception history in different period in order and make the exhaustive surey,comb out a comparatively clear train of thought of research,tell ahout the problems which have been solved in the thesis.The paper consists of eight chapters.Chapter One makes an introduction to the Li Shang-yin’s reception of Yu Shan Poetical Branch and analyses the poets’minds in early Qing dynasty which came into being one of the reasons to recept Li Shang-yin’s poetry.Apart from it ,the chapter also studies Qian Qian-yi and Er-Feng’s poetry who were the inner connection between the others in this poetical branch and followers,such as Zhu He-ling and Wu Qiao,etc.Chapter Two starts with WuShi Ji Lan which was written by Jin Rongfan, from the works ,getting the result that Wu Mei-cun recepted Li Shang-yin’s art feature by their similar soul world. The others in Lou Dong Poetical Branch also receptded Li Shang-yin by learning from their teacher Wu Mei-cun. Chapter Three studies another poet named Huang Ren who lived in KangXI,YongZheng &QianLong dynasty.His reception to the poetry of Li Shang-yin mainly focused on QiJue.During this period,there were many famous critics(such as Ye Xie,Zhu Yi-zun,He Zhuo,Hu Yi-mei,Zhao Chen-yun) who analyzed the style and features which were taken on in the poetry of Li Shang-yin and published many selections of the poetry of Li Shang-yin.Chapter Four studies Huang Jing-ren who was a very special poet ,living in QianLong dynasty.He recepted the sadness aesthetics from the poetry of Li Shang-yin. Feng Hao was an influential critic on KaoJuXue and Ji Yun was famous for criticizing the poetic features of Li Shang-yin.Chapter Five analyzes TongCheng Poetical Branch,Zeng’s and Li Xi-sheng recepted the poetry of Li Shang-yin.I probe into the association between Zeng’s,who stands for family culture, and Li Xi-sheng.This is a new focus which hasn’t been paid attention to before.Chapter Six studies Wu Xia XiKun Poetical Branch ,which lived in Late Qing dynasty, including

【关键词】 李商隐接受史清代诗歌
【Key words】 Li Shang-yinPoetry of Qing dynastyReception History
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期