

The Simulation Research on Mechanism Action Reliability

【作者】 纪玉杰

【导师】 李良巧; 孙志礼;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 机构动作(运动)可靠性是衡量各种机构质量好坏的重要指标之一。在以往的机械可靠性研究中,比较重视强度和寿命的可靠性问题,而对机构动作可靠性的研究较少。随着机械向高精密化、高自动化方向的发展,人们逐渐认识到以机构动作的准确性为主要指标的可靠性问题日益突出,成为制约机械可靠性提高的主要因素之一。因此,系统地研究机构动作可靠性理论和分析方法,对于全面提高机械产品的质量,具有十分重要的实际意义。 在机构动作可靠性的分析中,以往大多是从建立数学模型的角度进行研究,这种方法对多因素影响下的复杂机构分析、求解非常困难。本文在分析了国内外现有机构动作可靠性理论和研究方法的基础上,综合运用机构运动学、运动误差分析及干涉模型理论,从考虑尺寸误差和运动副间隙误差的角度出发,建立了机构动作可靠性的数学模型,并给出了机构动作可靠性的计算公式。 综合分析了ADAMS、CAD软件和VC++之间的协作技术,提出了一种机构动作可靠性仿真方法,即以ADAMS/View作为研究平台,建立机构参数化模型,在循环仿真过程中完成每一次模型的实现,保存仿真结果,再应用自编程序对仿真结果进行统计、计算得出机构动作可靠度。 根据所提出的仿真方法,建立了机构动作可靠性仿真系统(MARSS)。其中,前处理模块主要完成机构模型的参数化建模,施加约束、力和运动,建立测量对象等功能;动作可靠性仿真模块自动完成对参数化模型的实现、执行运动学/动力学仿真以及保存仿真分析结果的循环操作;后处理模块完成对仿真结果的统计,最终计算出机构动作可靠度。MARSS采用菜单、对话框以及快捷键的方式设计,用户使用方便,适用于不同机构的动作可靠性分析与计算,通用性较好。 综合考虑尺寸制造误差和运动副间隙误差的影响,建立了曲柄滑块机构的运动可靠性仿真模型。应用蒙特卡洛法和截尾正态分布理论,有效地解决了仿真过程中模型的尺寸误差和运动副误差为随机变量的问题,并应

【Abstract】 Mechanism action reliability is one of the most significant standards to test the quality of various mechanisms. In the previous study on the mechanism reliability, the reliability of strength and longevity was paid more attention to while the study of mechanism action reliability was ignored. With the mechanical development of highly accuracy and highly automation, the issue of reliability that takes the accuracy of mechanism action as the main standard becomes outstanding, and which is one of the most important factors to control the improvement of mechanism reliability. Therefore, the systematically study on the theory of mechanism action reliability and its analytical method is greatly meaningful to the improvement of the mechanical products.On the analysis of the mechanism action reliability, most previous study is based on the establishment of math model, the method by which is applied difficultly on the complicated mechanism affected by many factors. Whereas, on the basis of extendedly research on theory and analysis method of mechanism action reliability on hand, combined with mechanism kinematics, and the theory of mechanism error analysis for motion and interference model, the math model of mechanism kinematics is established, and the formulate of mechanism motion reliability is presented considered manufacture error and joint clearances.The collaborative technique between the software of ADAMS, CAD and VC++ is comprehensively analyzed, a simulation method of mechanism action reliability is proposed, i.e. on the foundation of the ADAMS/View study, mechanism parametric model is established. Furthermore, the model is realized every time in the circle of simulation and the outcome is saved; then applied with the User-Written Subroutine, the outcome of the simulation is further calculated and computed from which the action reliability can be got.According to the technical plots stated above, the mechanism action

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期