

Research on Low-Dilution and Loss Sublevel Caving of Inclined Medium-thick Orebody in Xiadian Gold Mine

【作者】 周宗红

【导师】 任凤玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 采矿工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 岩金矿床在我国分布较广,随着开采深度的增加和国民经济对黄金需求量的增大,越来越需要开发安全高效采矿方法。虽然在迄今为止的采矿方法理论研究与矿山生产实践中,对岩金矿床高效开采领域进行了许多研究,但一直忽视了无底柱分段崩落法,使这一安全高效采矿方法未能在岩金矿床得到实际应用。究其原因,主要是无底柱分段崩落法开采岩金矿床的工艺技术没有得到合理解决,传统工艺技术的崩落法矿石损失贫化较大,从而使岩金矿床一直成为无底柱分段崩落法的应用禁区。 本文在研究散体流动规律与无底柱分段崩落法低贫损开采模式的基础上,针对夏甸金矿倾斜中厚矿体条件,进一步改进了无底柱分段崩落法的采场结构与落矿、放矿方式。研究应用自落顶、设置回收进路与保持三个分段回采的采场结构,适应岩金矿床一般矿体铅直厚度较小的特点;应用数值模拟方法,研究了岩体变形、移动和破坏规律,揭示了诱导空区顶板冒落的机理;用中深孔与浅孔两种落矿方法,解决矿体边界多变条件下的净洁落矿技术;用两种放矿方式——回收进路截止品位放矿、其他进路按放出量控制放出——控制矿石损失贫化率,由此形成了适应岩金矿床开采条件的无底柱分段崩落法新方案。新方案在夏甸金矿得到了实际应用。 夏甸金矿Ⅶ号矿体为一典型的岩金矿床,矿岩节理裂隙发育,矿体埋藏深、倾斜中厚。原来采用干式充填法开采,在生产中存在着安全条件差、生产效率低和矿石损失大等诸多问题。应用本文改进的无底柱分段崩落法新方案,取代干式充填法,同时针对Ⅶ号中厚矿体的具体条件,解决了安全高效开采的工艺、技术问题:针对矿岩硬度与稳固性特点,研究了采动地压控制方法;基于夏甸金矿散体移动规律与矿岩容易冒落的特性,提出了诱导顶板围岩冒落形成覆盖层的方法;根据矿体产状,提出了根据上分段矿体边界设置回收进路的方法。由此,形成了小结构参数和组合式落矿、放矿方式的的无底柱分段崩落实用新方案。新方案较好地解决了岩金矿床倾斜中厚矿体应用无底柱分段崩落法矿石损失贫化大的弊端,同时较好地保持了无底柱分段崩落法采场结构简单、安全条件好、机械化程度高和生产能力大的优点。该方案在夏甸金矿实施三年以来,避免了矿山常年发生的采场安全事故,提高了采场生产能力,创造了巨大的经济效益,取得了良好的应用效果。 理论研究与在夏甸金矿的实际应用表明,本文提出的由诱导冒落、设回收进路、不小于三分段回收的采场结构与组合式落矿、放矿方式构成的无底柱分段崩落新方案,可成为一种高回采率、高效率和贫化率得到有效控制的采矿方法,用于贵金属矿床的地下开采。本文研究成果,拓宽了无底柱分段崩落法的应用范围,在国内外金属矿山具有广

【Abstract】 The vein gold deposits distribute widely in our country. With the increase of mining depth and augmentation of gold requiring quantity by civil economy, it’s more and more needed to exploit secure high-efficient mining methods. Although a lot of research on the high-efficient exploitation field of vein gold deposits is carried out in the theoretical research of mining method and production practice of mines, the sublevel caving without sill pillar has been neglected at all times. Therefore, the secure high efficient mining method doesn’t gain practical application. Researching into its reasons, the primary one is that technics and technique to exploit vein deposits by sublevel caving without sill pillar haven’t been solved in reason, and the traditional caving sublevel has bigger ore loss and dilution. Thereby, it turns vein gold mine into a forbidden zone to use sublevel caving without sill pillar.On the basis of investigating the granule moving rules and low-dilution and loss exploiting mode of sublevel caving without sill pillar, aiming at the inclined and medium-to-thick orebody condition in Xiadian gold mine, the stope structure and ore blasting and drawing mode were more ameliorated in this thesis. First, the stope structure with natural falling roof, setting recovery drifts and keeping three-sublevel exploiting were investigated and applied so as to adapt the characteristics that ecumenical orebody in vein deposits had less lead-vertical thickness. Then, the deforming, moving and destroying rules of rock mass were studied, and the mechanism to induce mined areas roof fall by using the numerical simulation method Third, the ore break down clean technique on condition of changeful orebody borderline was resolved by using two kinds of blasting method medium-to-deep and shallow hole. Finally, using two ore drawing modes that ore was drawn by cut-off grade in recovery drifts, and ore in other drifts was controlled to discharge by drawn quantity, ore dilution and loss ratio were controlled Thereout, a new scheme of sublevel caving without sill pillar was formed, which adapted to the vein gold deposits exploiting conditions. The new scheme has already used in practice in Xiadian gold mine.The No Ⅶ orebody in Xiadian gold mine is a typical vein gold deposit. Its ore-rock has developed joints and fissures, and the orebody is deep embedding and inclined, medium-thick.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期