

Toward the Wholeness of Survival

【作者】 王晓英

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 艾丽丝·沃克是当代美国文坛最有影响的作家之一,她所倡导的妇女主义思想,不仅代表了她的哲学立场,也促成了她具有特色的妇女主义文学创作艺术的形成。艾丽丝·沃克妇女主义文学创作的特征,就在于作家致力于表达的妇女主义思想和与此相关的文学表达方式。本文的研究以艾丽丝·沃克的主要作品为依据,对艾丽丝·沃克的妇女主义文学创作特征进行梳理和分析,并从社会历史意义和艺术审美价值两方面对艾丽丝·沃克的妇女主义文学创作做出评价。 本文认为追求人类的完整生存,是艾丽丝·沃克所宣扬的妇女主义之灵魂,它不仅贯穿于艾丽斯·沃克的整个文学创作,而且渗透进了作家的创作艺术之中,使其作品体现出独具特色的艺术风格和美学意蕴。本文指出,妇女主义思想构建了沃克文学作品的主题模式。这一主题模式具体表现为一种破碎——缝合——完整的结构。沃克的创作重在揭示黑人妇女在种族主义和性别主义双重压迫下的破碎的生存状态,但它更强调呼唤黑人妇女自我意识的觉醒,树立黑人妇女的自尊自信,探索将黑人妇女破碎的灵魂缝合以实现完整生存的途径。同时,沃克的作品还体现了对所有人民,包括男人和女人、有色人和白人的生存关怀,和对完整的人类社会的憧憬,表达了妇女主义超越二元对立和对抗,追求人类社会多元共存、平等和谐、共同繁荣的思想。 艾丽丝·沃克的创作思想与创作艺术一脉相承,都以阐发妇女主义理想为宗旨。本文认为百衲被象征了沃克妇女主义文学的艺术形式,其主要特征就在于以碎片化的形式呈现完整的艺术效果。沃克的作品常常采取多元叙述视角,多声部叙述声音的叙事形式,并将美国黑人传统文化中特有的表述方式,如:布鲁斯音乐、黑人土语等,直接运用到艺术创作中,既弘扬了美国黑人文化的审美价值,又丰富了文学的表现手段,使其作品体现出独特的美学意蕴和艺术价值。经由这些方式,沃克将妇女主义的思想内容与艺术形式完美地结合在了一起,构建了妇女主义的文学模式。

【Abstract】 Alice Walker is one of the most influential contemporary American writers. The womanist thoughts that she initiated not only represent her philosophical stance, but also help to produce her literary writings with womanist characteristics, which are embodied by her devoted womanist thoughts and the related literary mode of expression. Based on Walker’s major works, the present dissertation attempts to sort out and analyze her womanist writings and to make an assessment of them from the aspects of social historical significance and aesthetical values.The present dissertation holds that the pursuit of "the survival and wholeness of entire people " is the essence of Walker’s womanism, which is not only the central theme of the whole of Walker’s literary works, but also permeates all of her writings so that her literary production demonstrates a unique artistic style and aesthetic implications. The author of the present dissertation points out that womanist ideology constructs the thematic mode of Alice Walker’s literary works, which is represented by the clearly outlined structure of" patches - piecing— wholeness". Walker’s literary productions are basically delineations of the fragmentary living conditions endured by the Black women with the double oppression of racialism and sexism, and at the same time it also lays great emphasis on the importance of awakening the self consciousness of the Black women via artistic productions, on the cultivation of their self esteem and confidence, and on the exploration into the way by which they could stitch "the patched" souls for "spiritual survival and survival whole". Meanwhile, Walker’s writings are also the embodiments of the concerns about the existence of all people, including men and women, the Colored and White and of their aspirations; and they are also expressions of the ideals of womanism that aim at going beyond the antagonism of dualism for the wholeness of survival, a harmonious co-existence, and a prosperous human society.Alice Walker’s ideology and art of her writings are in direct line with each other, both of which are explications of womanism. The present dissertation concludes that the patched quilt is a symbol of the artistic form of Walker’s womanist writings, the

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】2
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