

【作者】 廖龙辉

【导师】 赵曜;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 理论是行动的先导,一个执政党要始终走在时代前列,就一刻也离不开科学理论的指导。共产党为谁执政,如何执政,这是马克思主义执政党长期探索并致力于解决的一个根本问题。马克思主义执政理论就是揭示和反映无产阶级政党执政规律的科学理论体系,内容十分丰富,对其深入探讨具有重大的理论和实践意义。但目前的研究尚处初步阶段,至今,党的执政理论还没有形成一套真正成熟的体系,本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,运用多学科知识,对其若干问题进行了初步探索。除了导言和结束语之外,本文的主体由五部分构成,共十二章,主要内容如下: 第一部分论述马克思主义政党执政的基础理论,分为两章。其中:第一章分析了政党、执政党的内涵、政党的本质,马克思主义认为政党的本质是阶级性,政党是阶级斗争的产物。而充分认识执政党的特点是掌握执政规律和执政理论的切入点,作为马克思主义执政党,中国共产党与西方执政党既有执政党的一些共性,也存在着本质差别,从共性角度看,主要是:中西执政党都必须把国家和社会的发展置于优先位置;都要担负起社会整合的功能;执政权都有被“异化”的可能。就区别而言,主要有:执政党的产生和获得政权方式的不同;执政党自身角色不同;执政职能的范围不同;执政党与其它政党相处方式不同;中国共产党与西方执政党内部结构的区别;与军队的关系不同。第二章论述了中国共产党的执政理念是立党为公、执政为民。立党为公、执政为民的实质内涵就是党领导和支持人民当家作主,它是历史唯物主义的基本要求;是马克思主义执政党尊重社会发展规律;是尊重人民历史主体地位的必然要求;是马克思主义政党的内在本质和根本价值取向;是马克思主义政党一条最重要最根本的执政规律。

【Abstract】 Theory is the forerunner of practice. A ruling party needs the instruction of scientific theory if it wants to lead in the forefront of the times. Who the communist party rules for and how to rule are the essential problems the Marxist ruling party is exploring and trying to resolve for a long time. The Marxist ruling theory is a scientific theory system which uncovers and reflects the ruling laws of proletarian parties. The theory is abounded in contents. The deep discussion on it will be of great significance in theory and practice. However, the present research is on the start and there is no a mature ruling theory system of parties. Instructed by dialectic materialism and historical materialism, using multi-discipline knowledge, this paper has done primary exploration on its several issues. Besides the introduction and ending, the main body of this paper is composed by five parts, twelve chapters. The main contents are as follows.The first part is concerned with the basic ruling theory of Marxist parties. It is divided into two chapters. The first chapter analyzes the parties, the meaning of parties and the essentiality of party. The Marxism thinks that the essentiality of party is class nature. The party is the product of conflicts between classes. The cut-in point of mastering the rules and theories of ruling is to learn about the natures of ruling parties. As the Marxist ruling party, the communist party of china has some commons and essential difference with western ruling parties. The commons are mainly like these: they all place priority on the development of states and society; they all assume the function of social integration; they all have the

【关键词】 马克思主义执政党执政理论
【Key words】 Marxismruling partyexercising power
  • 【分类号】D05
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1044