

A Comparison Study on Landuse Changes and Their Environment Influence in China Bamboo Producing Area along an East-West Gradient

【作者】 谢锦忠

【导师】 傅懋毅; Manuel Ruiz Peres;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 生态学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究是国际林业研究中心(CIFOR)合作项目“不同社会经济条件下中国竹产区经营制度选择及对生态环境的影响”的子课题(2001~2005)。随着我国竹产业的快速发展,森林面积和珍贵森林资源快速减少,竹林面积迅速扩大,特别在西部地区更加明显。竹林的经营与可持续利用越来越受到广泛关注,这种趋势既促进了竹农增收,增进了地方的经济实力,但也改变了地方的生态环境(天然林减少、大量使用化肥、生物多样性减少)。虽然竹类研究人员正在不系统地研究竹子可持续经营与利用技术,但由于受到科学认识和研究条件的限制,这些研究结果还不能完全满足竹产区可持续发展的需要,仍限制我们认识和了解竹产业变化对生态和环境方面的影响。鉴于此,很有必要分析我国不同竹产区土地利用/土地覆盖变化(LUCC)对其生态环境的影响,这对实现我国南方竹类资源的可持续经营、有效利用与生态安全目标非常重要。 土地利用/土地覆盖变化已成为土地科学、地球系统科学、全球环境变化及可持续发展研究中的核心领域。目前国内外在土地利用/土地覆盖变化对环境生态效应(大气环境、水环境、土壤环境、生物多样性)的研究取得了很大进展,但主要集中在小尺度范围内进行。在较大尺度(如一个县)水平上研究土地利用变化,如竹林资源变化,对当地环境(水土流失、生物多样性保护、碳汇变化)的影响研究罕见报道。本研究利用3S等先进技术和定位观察相结合的方法,在较大尺度水平上(县级)研究20世纪80年代初林业改革开始到2004年期间中国主要不同竹产区土地利用变化(主要是竹林面积快速扩大)对当地生态自然环境质量(水土流失、生物多样性和碳汇)的影响,探讨各竹产区可持续经营的土地利用方式。 按照东西经度梯度和竹产业发展水平选择我国东部(浙江省富阳市、安吉县),中部(湖南省平江县)和西部(四川省沐川县)等四个竹产区作为试验区,连续四年在6类土地利用方式上开展土壤侵蚀定位观察和植物多样性、植被碳储量的野外(样地)调查,建立相关生态过程数学模型,并利用遥感技术和地理信息系统获得的自从20世纪80年代初林业生产承包责任制实施以来的4个不同时期的土地利用数据,计算和分析不同竹产区在不同时期土地利用方式转变对当地生态环境的影响。主要研究结果如下: 1.不同土地利用类型的年地表迳流量和土壤侵蚀量,不仅与年降水量呈线性相关,而且与土地上的植被类型关系密切。阔叶林发生的年土壤侵蚀量最少,仅为22.9~49.5kg·hm-2·a-1,而农耕地的年土壤侵蚀量最大,为237.8~478.5kg·hm-2·a-1。年地表迳流量排序为:阔叶林<针叶林和集约经营竹林<粗放经营竹林和经济林<农耕地;土壤

【Abstract】 This sub-project is one part of the project of "Bamboo Management Options in Different Socio-economic Conditions and Their Environmental Implications: A Case-comparison along an East-West Gradient in China"(2001-2005). Along with China bamboo industy developed rapidly, and the fast decrease of forest area and the valuable timber resources, and bamboo stands expansion, especially in western China, the bamboo managment options and bamboo utilization have being paid attention popularly, and this trend to influence both farmer’s bamboo-based earning activities and local economy, but is bring environmental costs derived from the replacement of natural forests, the heavy use of chemical inputs and the reduced biodiversity value of intensive bamboo plantations. Chinese bamboo researchers have been studying the technologies of intensive silviculture and utilization of bamboo resource in unsystematically, and the results are still not meet the demands of sustainable development of bamboo stands due to the past limits of science knowledge and research conditions. This project derives from the need to understand the impacts on landuse and land-cover change (LUCC) related to environmental aspects of bamboo producing area. It is important for China to combine the environmental and developmental objectives for the sustainable management and effective utilization of bamboo resource in the southern region of China.Landuse and land-cover change has become the core region of land sciences, earth systematic sciences, global environm ental change and sustainable development. At present, research progress on impact of land use and land-cover change on ecoenvironment, including atmosphere, water condition, soil surroundings and biodiversity, have been gained, but most of research concentrated on the small scale level. The research on the large scale level have not been reported. This paper aims on the large scale level, for example, on the county level, to used the method which combined remote sensing technology and GIS, and fixed observation, to comprehensive analysis to local environment (including water and soil erosion,
