

Modeling and Optimization of Internal Thermally Coupled Distillation Columns

【作者】 刘兴高

【导师】 钱积新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 1999, 博士

【摘要】 内部热耦合精馏塔(ITCDIC)是精馏塔节能研究的前沿。目前,主要是日本和我国在进行研究。研究表明ITCDIC的节能效果与常规精馏塔最小回流比下的能耗相比可节能30%~40%以上,操作费用与常规精馏塔最小回流比下的费用相比可节省近30%,具有极大的工业应用前景和理论研究价值。 其基本原理是:精馏段和提馏段被分为两个塔,热耦合通过两段之间的热交换来实现;为了提供传热必须的推动力,精馏段将在较高的压强下进行操作,为了调整压强,两段之间安装了压缩机和调节阀;由于内部热耦合,使精馏段产生向下的液相流,提馏段产生向上的蒸汽流,从而可以减少热负荷甚至去掉常规的再沸器和冷凝器,达到节能目的。 本研究课题属于国家环保局1997年中日环境保护正式合作项目,项目14,“在石油企业进行节能及减轻环境负荷的研究”,由浙江大学工业控制技术研究所和日本通商产业省物质工学工业技术研究所共同承担(国家环保局,环科科,1997,006号文),旨在通过合作研究进一步了解内部热耦合精馏过程的操作特性、控制特性,加速内部热耦合精馏过程的开发研究,为工业化奠定基础。 目前,已经完成了ITCDIC过程的理想物系和非理想物系的建模、仿真、控制和集成优化的研究工作。成功地建立了ITCDIC过程的稳态和动态数学模型、操作参数的集成优化模型;给出了相应的仿真和优化算法;进行了详细的热耦合机理、操作特性、动态品质和参数优化研究。为进一步的理论研究、中试和工业化奠定了扎实的基础。研究成果已处于国际领先水平,并开发出了相应的系列软件。主要内容如下: ● 提出了一个新的ITCDIC过程数学模型并给出了相应的仿真算法,通过对该模型的仿真不仅可以得到ITCDIC静态和动态操作特性,而且可以得到与常规精馏塔相较的比较特性,比如节能百分率、热力学效率上升百分率。

【Abstract】 The Internal Thermally Coupled Distillation Column (ITCDIC) is the frontier of distillation energy saving research. The researches are mainly in Japan and Institute of Industrial Process Control of Zhejiang University. The research results show that the energy saving percent of ITCDIC is up to 30%~40% and the operation expense saving percent of ITCDIC is close to 30%, compared with the energy consumption and operation expenses of conventional distillation column (CDIC) under the minimum reflux ratio operation respectively.The manipulation of internal thermal coupling is accomplished through heat exchange between the rectifying and the stripping sections. In order to provide the necessary temperature driving force for the heat to be transferred from the rectifying section to the stripping section, the former must be operated at a higher pressure than the latter. For adjusting the pressure, a compressor and a throttling valve are installed between the two sections. Due to the internal thermal coupling, a certain amount of heat is transferred from the rectifying section to the stripping section and brings the downward reflux flow for the rectifying section and the upward vapor flow for the stripping section. As a result, the condenser and reboiler are not required, and energy savings are realized.This research project is China-Japan cooperative project "Research on energy savings and alleviating environmental burden in petroleum enterprises" between Institute of Industrial Process Control of Zhejiang University and National Institute of Material and Chemical Research of Japan, supported by National Environmental Protection Bureau of P. R. China (Huan-Ke-Ke, 1997, No 006, Project 14). The purpose is to research the operational characteristics, dynamic behaviors and control

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期