

Preparation and Mechanisms of Waterborne Solar Heat Reflecting Coatings Used on Metal

【作者】 郭清泉

【导师】 陈焕钦;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 化学工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 金属腐蚀要造成巨大经济损失。涂料涂层防腐蚀是最有效、最经济、应用最普遍的方法。在众多的金属用涂层中,近年来一种具有太阳热反射功能的涂料引起人们的重视。地面上物体吸收太阳辐射引起表面温度过高会给工业生产和日常生活带来诸多问题和不便,因此运用各种方法降低或防止太阳光强烈辐射所引起的升温,节约能源,是一个重要的研究课题。另外,在追求防腐蚀涂料高性能的同时,开发环境友好型产品,成为全球涂料工业的一种发展趋势。本研究正是针对这一情况和我国的实际需求,以研制一种有效防腐、高效降温、耐候性强的水性涂料产品为目标。我们成功开发了单涂和双涂两种形式的金属防腐蚀涂料产品。 在双涂型涂料产品的研制中,针对环氧乳胶底漆,通过双组分混合以后体系的粘度、硬度和光泽变化规律,揭示出环氧乳胶涂料的固化机理为在多相体系中发生的由扩散过程决定的不充分固化反应,这样环氧乳胶涂料的适用期就不能通过体系的粘度变化来反映,采用涂层光泽度指标,以涂层光泽下降75%的时间作为适用期的终点。环氧乳胶清漆涂层的耐水性、耐盐水性和耐碱性能优良,耐酸性能较弱,从市售中选择出环氧乳液3560-W-50和水性固化剂EPI-CURETM8537-WY-60配合所得清漆涂层的防腐蚀性能突出,可以达到浸泡在水和盐水中120h,碱液中超过500h,漆膜的状态保持完好;色漆的配制选择氧化铁红、磷酸锌和三聚磷酸铝、滑石粉、沉淀硫酸钡、空心微珠作为体系所用颜填料,当采用两种防锈颜料配合使用时,涂层的防腐蚀效果有极大提高。空心微珠的添加对体系的防腐蚀性能没有明显影响,但是可以显著提高涂层的隔热降温效果,采用后添加方式(体系高速搅拌分散后再加入)以避免空心微珠破裂,添加量在10-15%(涂料总量)比较适宜。当体系的对比颜料体积浓度(∧)大于0.80时,涂层的耐化学腐蚀起泡性大为降低。在助剂选择中,润湿分散剂和增稠剂的选择是关键,配制方法不同,使用的助剂也不同。采用固化剂色浆法配制得到的环氧乳胶底色漆比乳液色浆法存在明显的优势,当环氧当量(EEW)与活性胺氢当量(HAV)比例在1.0-1.1∶1时,涂层综合防护效果最佳。 在双涂型涂料产品的研制中,针对面漆,发现涂料的成膜物质对涂层的太阳热反射率没有显著影响,涂层中含有的反射材料对涂层的热反射能力有决定性影响。反射材料的折光指数越大,涂层对太阳热的散射能力越强;当钛白粉颜料的粒径分布在0.2-1.0μm之间越多时,涂层的降温效果越显著;当体系中存在其它颜料时,颜料之间的相互作用导致干燥涂层中的颜料呈现出不同的分

【Abstract】 Metal corrosion would lead to large economic loss. Coating anticorrosion is the most effective, economic and widely used way to protect metal from corrosion. A new kind of coatings among various metalic coatings which can reflect solar heat has attached great importance to develop in recent years. The temperature raising of an objects on the ground because of adsorbing solar energy has been causing a lot of trouble for human life and industrial production. So developing anticorrosion coating with the function of reflecting solar heat is an important research topic. At the same time, developing environmental friendly coatings with higher performances has become the trends of coating industry.The objects of this research are making a kind of waterborne coatings which are effective anticorrosion, high efficacy in lowering the temperature, higher weather resistance. We have successfully made two types of anticorrosive metal coatings, e.g, coating of single and double composition.Research the changes of viscosity, hardness and gloss of two composition primer of epoxy latex after mixed reveals the mechanisms of curing reaction. The experimental results show that the curing reaction in multi-phase system is not complete and the controlling step is diffusion process. The pot-life of two composition epoxy latex can be observed by the index of coating gloss loss. The epoxy latex varnish is good at the performances of water-resistance, salt water-resistance, alkali resistance and against acid environment. The whole performances of epoxy latex 3560-W-50 and firming agent EPI-CURETM 8537-WY-60 are the best among five kinds of coatings sold on the market, and the film keeps fine after they were dipped in water or salt water for 120 h, and were dipped in 10%NaOH for over 500 h. Colored pigments of epoxy latex include red iron oxide, phosphorous excluder pigments, talc powder, barium sulfate and zeeospheres. The anticorrosive performances of coatings including zinc phosphate and trimeric aluminum phosphate are better than single pigment coatings. Zeeosphere has nearly no influences on coatings anticorrosive performances, otherwise, it can obviously increase the coating capability of heat insulation. To add zeeospheres after high speed stirring system can avoid the fracture of zeeospheres. Zeeosphere’s weight in paints being 10%-15% is fit for its behaviors.
