

The Clinic Epidemiologic Survey for Congenital Microtia

【作者】 杜佳梅

【导师】 庄洪兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国协和医科大学 , 整形外科学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的:探讨导致先天性小耳畸形发生的各种危险因素,为小耳畸形的预防提供理论依据。 研究对象和方法:采用病例对照的研究方法,选取2004年2月~8月期间入院的207例6~11岁的小耳畸形患者的亲生父母为研究对象;209例无先天性疾病的住院患者的亲生父母为对照,按年龄频数进行1:1的配比。根据自行制定的小耳畸形相关危险因素调查表对病例组及对照组进行问卷调查。调查主要内容包括:1.患者及其父母基本信息;2.家族史及父母的生活方式;是否存在小耳畸形家族史、父母双方的吸烟史及饮酒史、孕期是否装修房子、父母双方是否有长期饮茶史;3.怀孕时父亲、母亲的情况:父母亲的年龄、母亲怀孕初期感染和发热、母亲用药史、母亲贫血病史、妊高征、先兆流产和保胎史、剧烈呕吐、母亲孕期的精神状况、子宫疾病和妊娠异常、X射线接触史、母亲的妊娠史等,并对相关因素进行变量统一定义。对两组的计数和计量资料通过卡方检验进行单因素分析。然后采用非条件的Logistic逐步回归法来进行各变量的多因素分析。对危险因素中的等级资料还进行了趋势卡方检验。

【Abstract】 Objectives: To identify the risk factors associated with congenital microtia, and put forward its preventive measures.Methods: A case-control, retrospective study was performed. A total of 207 cases of congenital microtia and 209 age-frequently-matched controls were interviewed individually according to the uniform questionnaire. The variables analyzed included: gender, education of father and mater, pregnant age of father and mater, first trimester intrauterine infection and medication, fervescence, retinoic acid, hypemia, hypertension, threatened abortion and tocolysis, vomiting of pregnancy and antemetic, psychic trauma, Uterine disease, abnormal pregnancy, pesticide, diazepam, clomifene, excessive drinking and smoking of parents, parity, abortion (spontaneous and induced) , X-ray, residence fitment, attending defect, tea and family history. The available data were analyzed by chi-square test and multivariate Logistic regression model.Results: Compared to the controls, there were not statistically differences in the cases in age and race. The factors, such as gender, pregnant age of father and mater, first trimester intrauterine infection and medication, fervescence, hypemia, threatened abortion and tocolysis, psychic trauma, abnormal pregnancy, pesticide, excessive drinking and

  • 【分类号】R764.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】281