

Economic Model of Municipal Water Recycling and Technique Supporting System

【作者】 张兴文

【导师】 杨凤林;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 环境工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 我国是淡水资源匮乏的国家。要解决淡水资源短缺与水环境污染问题,其根本出路在于实施水循环经济。 本文阐述了水循环经济的概念、特征、意义、原理及原则;研究了其发展模式的支撑体系及实施技术方案;总结了污水原位处理与应用—小循环;城市污水再生处理与利用—中循环;雨水及再生水参与自然界—大循环,构成自然—人工二元复合水循环模式;进行了水循经济分析;实施水循环经济的主要途径是污水资源化。污水资源化的关键是污水治理技术的集成创新。阐述了国内外城市生活污水、石化企业废水处理与回用研究及应用现状。 本文研究和总结了作者从事的部分城市污水及石化企业废水处理的中试研究与工程实践。首先,根据污(废)水的性质、回用水质的要求,结合国内外及作者组织与参与处理类似污水的研究和应用,择优组合工艺,确定关键技术:①酒店污水,采用一体化生物膜反应器(MBR);②采油废水,取用一体化膜生物反应器(MBR)+生物滤池(BAF);③乙烯污水及反洗水,采用生物移动床(MBBR);④石化厂废水采用生物移动床(MBBR)+反渗透(RO);⑤热电厂以城市生活污水处理厂二级标准出水深度处理回用,采用高效生物反应器(GX)+反渗透(RO);⑥城市生活污水处理采用曝气生物滤池(BAF)处理至一级B标准。经中试,均达到出水指标,①、③、④和⑥已付诸工程实践,运行效果良好,达到出水水质指标。

【Abstract】 China is a country facing severe fresh water shortage. To resolve the fresh water shortage and water environmental pollution, the fundamental strategy is water recycling.This work elaborated the concepts, characteristics, significance, and theorem of water recycling. The evolutions and technique practice of water recycling are studied, which includes, waste water treatment at the source — small scale recycling; reuse and reclamation of municipal waste water — medium scale recycling; the composite recycling form of rainfall water and reclaimed water ~ large scale recycling. An analysis on the economy of water recycling is performed. In the water recycling economy, utilization of wastewater resource is the major approach, and the key is to integrate existing water treatment technologies while create new technologies. A review of the current treatment technologies and reuse applications of household and petrochemical wastewater is given in this work.A series of pilot test cases and practical applications of municipal and petrochemical wastewater treatment systems are demonstrated. Based on the wastewater pollutant components and treatment requirements, the key technology is selected and integrated with optimized process design, such as:1. Wastewater from hotels: Integrated Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR)2. Wastewater from oil mining: Integrated Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR) + Biological Aerated Filter (BAF )3. Wastewater from PVC manufacture: Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)4. Wastewater from petrochemical industries: Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)+ Reverse Osmosis (RO)5. Deep treatment and recycle of municipal wastewater and wastewater from power plant which meets Standard B: High efficient Biological shake-bed (GX) +Reverse Osmosis (RO)6. Municipal wastewater: to reach first level of Standard B and confirmed by pilot test. The processes described in 1, 3, 4and 6 have been applied to realistic treatment systems.The operating effectiveness has been validated and the treated water has met the quality criteria.
