

A Perspective Research on the Shift in Educational Thought

【作者】 卢建筠

【导师】 郭思乐;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本文以中国传统的老子生成哲学思想为基本原则,以怀特海的过程哲学中的核心概念“生成”为主要视角,并采用以实体性哲学思维与生成性哲学思维相对照的基本方式,从而为解读教育提供两个参照系或两种透视方式。本文的研究方法是以实体性和生成性的认识论和本体论相结合、教育理论与实践相结合、教育学科与其他学科相结合的方法,特别是通过本体论的透视方法和思维分类方法相结合的方法,以期通过以广度达到深度的途径对现代教育的性质进行探索。文章的主旨是以生成性的本体论(主要是老子为代表的中国宇宙生成思想和以怀特海为代表的西方生成性哲学)和宇宙论(建立在霍金的宇宙学说及生成性演化论、协同学、突变论等复杂性科学之上的宇宙观)以及由道家思想衍生出来的递弱代偿演化论思想作为本文进行教育探索的基本思想背景,而其相应视角中的教育观则又大大丰富了生成性教育的内涵。文章还探讨了教育的两种重要机制:自我教育模式的自组织教育生成机制和丰富模式的他组织教育生成机制。过程哲学使我们坚信教育世界是一个生成的过程;老子哲学使我们相信,只有坚持自然无为和相反相成的根本原则,才能真正地促进教育生成;而复杂性科学哲学则启示我们我们,教育也应该与科学一样,是不断发展向前进步的、富有生机的活动。而蒙台梭利的幼儿教育理论与实践、杜威的经验教育理论与实验研究、鲁洁的德育观重大转变等视角和以及教育现实,都为本文假说提供了一定实证性的支持。最后,文章又分别总结与讨论了教育思维转向的大趋势与复杂性,从而从整体上完善了文章的宏观结构,而结语则以讨论教育生成性的性质而结束了全文。一言以蔽之:正如怀特海所宣称的“实际存在物是如何生成的构成了这个实际存在物是什么”一样,本文认为,教育是生成性的,这才决定了教育存在性的那种根本性质;正如生成性的宇宙论认为我们所面对的客观世界其实是一个充满生机的宇宙,生成性的教育观也认为,教育世界也是充满着活力和生成性的。于是就可以认为,建立在最广泛的赋权基础上的生成性教育就是追求正义的教育。本文的主要观点:1从本体论角度来透视和研究教育能够更深刻地认识教育;2在教育实践与理论研究中,从实体性思维到生成性的转变是一个大趋势;3相对于实体性思维,生成性的思维方式更适合于对教育实质的理解,也有助于教育的变革;4老子哲学、怀特海哲学及复杂性科学哲学非常有助于从更多的视角考察教育;5生成性教育是一种解放的、民主的、可持续的、整合的教育;6生成性教育旨在为学生的自我生长提供支持性的环境,社区、学校、教室、家庭等教育单元都应努力成为促进学生成长的生成共同体;7当然,教育思维方式的转变也是一个非常复杂的过程,不能固守简单化的思维,而对于教育中的实体性思维也应该全面地对待其应有的价值。全文共分五章:第一章导论:教育思维方式转变概论本章主要阐述教育思维方式转变的概论,包括所研究的问题的提出与研究方法以及实体性思维与生成性思维这两类教育思维方式转变的背景等的初步探讨,继而提出了本文的基本假说。第二章教育思维方式转变的内涵之一:实体性思维参考系中的教育本章是本文正式探讨教育的两部分中心内容其中之一,主要探讨了实体性教育的基本假说、理论与实践特征及模型的构建。第三章教育思维方式转变的内涵之二:生成性思维参考系中的教育本章是本文的核心内容。生成性导向的教育以其特有的视角来看我们的教育,从而得出了相应独特的结论——具体来说,它是一种追求最大的可能性、同时能够包容不确定性的、以生命的自主活动为基本价值导向的教育,它是一种重视广泛而深刻的内在联系的教育。于是生成性教育就是一种民主的、解放的、可持续性的教育。而生成教育的机制、过程哲学、老子哲学以及相关的复杂性科学哲学所提供的不同的主要视角和生成性教育的核心指标都促进了对生成性教育的认识。最后,文章又从历史和现实的角度为生成性教育的提出提供了教育理论与实践变革方面的支持。最后,文章又勾画出生成性思维的教育人生,以促进对教育参与者人生进程的指引与启示。第四章教育思维方式转变的外延之一:教育思维转变的大趋势及其结论本章则主要论述了教育思维变革的方向与大趋势,并总结出教育思维方式转变的结论:即努力将人类的生长环境构建成一个有助于促成生成的共同体就是教育的最终目标。第五章教育思维方式转变的外延之二:教育思维方式转变的复杂性及其讨论本章则主要探讨了教育思维方式转变的复杂性,并指出:虽然这两种思维方式转向的大趋势是明显的,但其也并非水火不相容。最后的结束语则从思维方式转换的角度讨论了教育的性质,就是说教育的性质就象宇宙一样是具有活性的,是由学生的生命活动机制决定的,有着其科学性基础,但更主要是艺术性的,其主要任务应该是提供条件以促进学生的生长、转变与生成。

【Abstract】 This paper explores the quality of modern education and provides two frames of reference or perspectives: the basic principle of becoming in Taoism and Whitehead’s process philosophy. The main method of this research is the combination of epistemology and ontology, and that of education theory and practice. The leitmotiv of this article is the ontology of becoming. This can be found in the Taoist cosmology of becoming and by the Western becoming philosophy represented by Whitehead, Hokin’s cosmic theory, the theory of evolution by successively becoming weaker, which originated in Taoism, and synergetics and catastrophe theory. This paper will mainly show how the corresponding education worldviews greatly enrich the connotation of becoming education. Then the paper explores the two education mechanisms: 1) the mechanism of self-organization as the basis of self-education theory, and 2) the concept of other-organization as the basis of an enrichment model. Process philosophy makes us believe that education is a process of becoming. Taoism helps us to think that we may promote becoming in education by following the underlying principle that process moves from opposition to mutual becoming. The philosophy of complex science inspires us that education, just like science, is moving forward constantly and full of vitality. One can find support for this thesis in Montessori’s methods of infant education, John Dewey’s experiential education and Lu Jie’s transformation of moral education. In the end, this article summarizes the great trends and discusses the complexity of educational thought as it develops in the macroscopic structure of this paper. The epilogue discusses the nature of education. Whitehead claims that the process by which the actual entity comes into being determines its nature. Similarly, we may say that the education process determines its essential character. Just as the cosmology of becoming treats the objective world as a cosmos full of life, becoming education considers the world of education as full of vigour and becoming.The main viewpoints of this article:1 The shift of thinking modes from substance thinking to becoming thinking in education practice & study is a great trend;2 The mode of becoming thinking is more suitable to the understanding of the nature of education, being helpful to education reform in the meantime;3 It will perceive and research education deepper from the perspective of angle of ontology;4 Taoism philosophy, Whitehead philosophy and philosophy of complex science will be of much help to overlook education from more angles of vision; 5 Becoming education is a kind of laberating, democratic, sustainable and integrated one;6 Becoming education exists in order to provide a supportive surrounding for the self growing of all students, education unit such as schools and classrooms should do their utmost to change into becoming community to help students’s development;7 The shift of education thinking modes is a complecated process. So not simlified thinking but whole round thinking including sustance thinking is necessary in education research.And the whole paper may be devided into five chapters:Chapter 1st: Introduction: A conspectus of the shift of education thinking modes. This chapter mainly outlines the veering of education thinking modes, including the research method and putting forward of the question the paper studies on, the background of the transformation of the two education thinking styles of sustance thinking and becoming thinking. Afterwards, the paper puts forward the hypothesis.Chapter 2nd: The 1st part of the connotation of the shift of education thinking modes: Education in the frame of reference of substance thinking. This chapter is one of the two central parts to explore education formally. It mainly explores the basic hypothesises, theoretical and practical trwits and the construction of the model of substance education.Chapter 4th: The 1st part of the extension of the shift of education thinking modes: Great trends of education thinking shift and its conclusion. This chapter mainly discusses the direction and great trends of education thinking change. then the conclusion of education thinking transformation is put forward, briefly speaking, that is, to construct human’s growing envioriment into a becoming community is the final goal of education.Chaper 5th: The 2nd part of the extension of the shift of education thinking modes: The complexity of education thinkinq Shift and its related discussion, This chapter mainly explores the complexity of education thinking transformation. And in the discussion, though the manifest trends of this transformation are put forward, they two are not so antipathic, just like water and fire.At last, the Tag discusses the character of education from the angle of thinking shift. That is to say, the nature of education is full of vigour just like that of our universe, and to be decided by the life activity mechanism of the students’. It also has a foundation of science, but more of it maybe artistic. And the commitment of education is to provide conditions for students to shape themselves and to promote their growing, shift and becoming.

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