

【作者】 张云平

【导师】 杨树明;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 WTO法律规则是国际政治经济既合作又冲突的产物,是各方利益平衡、妥协的结果。亚非法律协商会秘书长B.森在一次关于地区性合作的部长级会议上曾说:“差不多在经济合作的所有领域中,法律、经济和政治因素总是难解的相互交织在一起,所以在对三种因素进行审慎的结合,可以取得解决问题的任何合理而有效的方案。”正因如此,从法律、国际政治和经济学角度研究WTO者甚多,而从其他角度尤其是从伦理学角度研究WTO法律制度者甚少。一般而言,对法律的评价由三个层面组成,即技术层面、功利层面、道德层面,而道德评判在关于法律的评价中居最高层次,它约束技术评价和功利评价。对WTO法律进行道德评判,发现其“内在的固有价值”,揭示其道德局限性,进而提出中国参加WTO机制的伦理应对方略,这是国际经济法学者的一项历史使命。正是出于这种考虑,本文试图用伦理学的方法,借鉴国际政治、国际关系、国际政治经济学的研究成果,研究分析WTO法律制度、WTO立法程序和WTO司法程序,对其进行道德评判。 全文除引论和结论外,正文共有五章。 引论是对理论预设的说明,旨在为全文提供一个范式和分析框架。从厘定核心概念入手,提出了六个基本命题:国际体系无政府状态、当代国际经济关系政治化、国际贸易政策的实质及选择制约、WTO法律制度是霸权和平在国际贸易领域的产物、国家是一个自私有限理性行为体以及法律与道德的内在关联。重点阐述了WTO法律制度的价值、逆向价值与其伦理性、反伦理的关系,提出WTO法律制度的伦理性是由WTO法律的价值决定的,而反伦理性是由其逆向价值决定的。还分析了伦理地方性与普适性的关系,认为伦理既有地方性,又有普适性,二者是辩证统一的。引论为以后各章的逻辑展开和深入论证作全面的理论铺垫。 第一章是对普世伦理、国际伦理正义与伦理互利原则的研究,旨在阐述国际贸易合作的伦理范畴。首先,分析了普适伦理的五种理论表述以及伦理普世化“自上而下”和“自下而上”的两种证明方式,证明普适伦理的可能性。其次,分析了正义理论的历史演变及特征,考查了罗尔斯的正义理论模式,进而用伦理学方法论证普适伦理正义原则。再次,分析为什么普适(国际)伦理正义在国际贸易领域体现为互利原则,重点阐述了互利原则作为国际贸易合作的国际伦理正义基石的内在依据,分析了互利的三层道德规

【Abstract】 The rules of the law of WTO aren’t only the outcome of the cooperation and the confliction of the international economy and politics but also are the result of the balancing and the compromising of the interests of all parties. B.Sen, the secretary-general of the Asian-African law consultative committee, at a ministerial conference of the regional cooperation said: "Almost at all fields of the economic cooperation, the law、 economic and political factors are always delicately mingled. As long as the careful combination of the three factors, any reasonable and efficient scheme of the resolving problems can be gained." Just as what has mentioned, there are many examples of the studies of the WTO from the angle of the law、the international politics and economics but scarcely from other approaches especially from the angle of the ethics. Generally speaking, the assessment of the law consists of the three levels: the technical level、the utility level and morality level which tops the system of the assessment of the law and binds the technical assess and the utility assess. It is a historical mission for the scholars of the international economic law to make out the internal "intrinsic value" from the morality assess of the law of WTO and point out the moral limitations and further put forward the ethic strategy of China taking part in the mechanism of WTO. Considering it, the article manages to take the approach of the ethics to research and analyze the system of the law of WTO、 the legislative procedure of WTO and the judicial procedure of WTO with the reference to the achievements of the international politics、 international relationship and international political economics to make the ethic assess of WTO.There are five chapters except the introduction and the conclusion in the article. The introduction is the explanation of the supposed theory and aims to provide the model and the frame of the analysis for the article. It takes approach of the definition of the several core concepts to put forward

  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】3
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