

A Study on Optimized Model of Animal Husbandry Production System in Typical Area of Agri-pastoral Transitional Zone

【作者】 裴晓菲

【导师】 黄文秀;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(自然资源综合考察委员会) , 生态学, 1999, 博士


【摘要】 农牧过渡带是我国北方广为分布的一类生态交错带,具有农业和牧业两个区域生态系统相互过渡过程中,由农牧两个相邻系统相互作用确定的一系列特性。由于该地区生产上既有农区的特点又有牧区的特点,因此对该地区畜牧业生产系统优化模式的研究,对于我国畜牧业的发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。本研究以北方农牧过渡带典型地区赤峰市为例,对该地区畜牧业生产系统优化模式进行了研究,主要研究结果如下: 提出了农牧界线划分的四个原则:综合作用与主导限制因素原则、自然因素的一致性原则、人、环境和生物的协调性原则和时间阶段性原则。在上述原则的指导下,选取25个反映自然因素、人类因素和经济因素的指标,建立了农牧界线划分的指标体系。运用聚类分析方法,尝试性地对赤峰地区农牧界线进行了定量划分,将赤峰市划分为偏农区、农牧交错区和偏牧区三种类型,并且对各个类型区进行了分析和比较。 考虑牧草现实利用率和合理利用率两种情况,分别以日食量和可消化能计算了赤峰市不同类型区的理论载畜量,并进行了比较;分析了各类型区消化能和可消化粗蛋白质的供需情况。结果表明,在牧草合理利用率下,三个类型区无论是暖季还是冷季都已超载过牧,消化能和可消化粗蛋白不能满足家畜生长的需求。并总结出我国广大牧区和农牧交错区超载过牧的深层次理论上的原因是理论载畜量计算方法不完善和牧草合理利用率值偏高。 分析了赤峰市偏农区、农牧交错区和偏牧区的饲料资源和家畜资源,对各区之间资源的特点进行了比较和评价。 提出了农牧过渡带地区畜牧业生产系统优化的指导思想,构建了畜牧业生产系统优化模型。针对偏农区、农牧交错区和偏牧区饲料资源和家畜资源的不同特点,通过对饲料结构、畜种结构和种群结构的优化,实现了各类型区畜牧业生产系统的整体优化。提出了偏农区、农牧交错区和偏牧区不同的畜牧业生产系统优化模式。 从草地管理、草地建设、饲料结构调整、畜群结构调整和技术培训五个方面提出了赤峰市实现畜牧业生产系统优化模式的政策建议;从基础设施建设、种子工程建设、农牧结合和产业化建设四个方面提出了实现赤峰市畜牧业生产系统优化模式的战略措施。

【Abstract】 Agri-pastoral transitional zone is a typical ecotone, which spreads widely in northern China and has a series of features caused by interaction between neighboring agricultural system and pastoral system. Since the production has both agricultural and pastoral characteristics in this area, the study of optimized model of animal husbandry production system in this area has important theoretical and practical significance for the development of animal husbandry in China. This case study is conducted in Chifeng prefecture, Inner Mongolia, which locates in typical agri-pastoral transitional zone of northern China. The main results of the research are as follows:Four principals of delimitation of agri-pastoral transitional zone are put forward, which are principal of integrated action and dominant limited factors, principal of coherence of natural resources, principal of coordination among human being, environment and biology and periodical principal . With the guidance of above-mentioned principals, twenty-five indexes that represent natural factors, human factors and economic factors are selected to establish the delimitation index system of agri-pastoral transitional zone. Using cluster analysis method, quantitative delimitation of agri-pastoral transitional zone in Chifeng Prefecture is conducted tentatively. Chifeng prefecture is divided into three sub-areas, which are agricultural sub-area, agri-pastoral transitional sub-area and pastoral sub-area. Analysis and comparison are conducted among these sub-areas.Considering two circumstances of actual utilization rate and reasonable utilization rate of herbage and using daily feed consumption and digestible energy (DE), carrying capacity of domestic animals is calculated and compared separately in different sub-areas. Supply and requirements of digestible energy (DE) and digestible crude protein (DCP) in each sub-area are analyzed. The results indicate that three sub-areas are all overgrazed whether in summer and autumn or in winter and spring under the reasonable utilization rate of herbage. At the same time,
