

Cloning of L Type Calcium Channel α1D Subunit Specific Gene from Human Odontoblast-like Cells

【作者】 吕海鹏

【导师】 史俊南; 赵守亮;

【作者基本信息】 第四军医大学 , 口腔临床医学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 牙本质是构成牙齿的主体,在生理情况下只有矿化过程,不存在类似于骨组织的吸收和改建过程,牙本质的形成细胞——成牙本质细胞具有终身形成牙本质的能力,也是牙本质发生损伤,龋损时的修复细胞。因此,以成牙本质细胞为研究对象,可以直观的反映牙本质的形成和修复机制,并在一定程度上可以反映人类矿化细胞在组织矿化过程中的作用机制。 成牙本质细胞是位于牙髓组织外周的高柱状细胞,来源于外胚间充质细胞。成牙本质细胞具有分泌和合成所有牙本质基质成分的功能,在牙本质的形成过程中起重要的作用。同时成牙本质细胞还具有矿化的功能,但矿化所需的钙离子是怎样到达矿化前沿?这种钙离子的转运是怎样调控的?1988年Lundgren T等首次发现小鼠成牙本质细胞膜和线粒体内膜上有钙离子通道,此后学者们开始对牙齿尤其是成牙本质细胞中的钙离子通道进行研究,但到目前为止,关于这方面的研究报道还很少。 本研究首先从人成牙本质样细胞中克隆出L型钙离子通道α1亚基D亚型的特异性基因,并对其进行测序鉴定,经与己登录的人L型钙离子通道α1亚基D亚型基因序列比对,证实克隆出的基因片段为人成牙本质样细胞L型钙离子通道α1亚基D亚型的特异性基因;随后构建了该特异

【Abstract】 Dentin is the principal part of a tooth, unlike bone, under physiological condition, no absorption and reconstruction but mineralization course exists in dentin. Dentin formation is a consecutive process in whole life of a tooth and odontoblast cells are responsible for it through secretion and mineralization of dentin matrix. Thus, taking odontoblast cells as research target would help to better understand the mechanisms of dentinogenosis and to some extent provide valuable information in the formation of human mineralized tissues.Odontoblast cells, closely neighbor dentin, form a monolayer lining the periphery of dental pulp, and stretch cell processes into dentinal tubules. Odontoblasts are derived from embryonic connective cells that are called ectomesenchymal cells because of their well-established origin from the neural crest. Odontoblasts play a key role during the formation of dentin owing to their abilities of secreting and synthesizing the all the matrix constituents of the dentin. In addition, the odontoblasts seem to be instrumental in mineral formation. The essential question is how the Ca2+ ions are transported to the mineralization front, and how this transportation is regulated. Earlier evidence indicates that it is important of the transcellular route of Ca2+ transport during dentinogenesis. If this is the case, a set of
