

The Research of Physical Measure of Seismic Intensity and Damage Potential of Earthquake Ground Motions

【作者】 郝敏

【导师】 谢礼立;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 防灾减灾工程与防护工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 地震烈度物理标准是一个具有悠久历史的基础性的研究课题,由它引发出的地震动破坏势研究也已开展了一百多年。由于地震资料匮乏,这个课题的研究都是以长期积累的地震记录和震害资料为基础的,但不同地震的震源机制、地震动特性、受损结构属性以及烈度评定是不同的,这种将不同年代、不同地点的多次地震的资料混在一起研究烈度物理标准虽然不尽合理,但也是十分无奈,不得已而为之的。另外过去的研究虽也考虑了区分结构类型,但总的来说较为粗糙。此外涉及的地震动参数也很简单,主要都是一些峰值参数和少量频率参数,而一些重要的地震动特征,如能量参数和持时参数从未考虑到。针对这种状况,本文利用台湾集集地震提供的同一地震中得到的丰富的地震记录和详尽的震害资料开展了烈度物理标准和地震动破坏势的研究,主要研究内容和成果有以下几个方面:(1)整理统计了集集地震的工程震害资料,并以此为基础采用平均震害指数方法绘制了集集地震的烈度等震线。(2)选取了量大面广,且震害资料丰富的砌体、钢筋混凝土框架和钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙三类结构,计算了它们在多种地震动作用下的地震损伤,并研究了这三类结构的损伤与地震动幅值、频率、持时和能量特性等15个地震动参数之间的关系,以确定地震动参数与结构损伤之间的相关性,进而探求地震动的破坏势。结果显示:地震动输入能量Einput、地震动滞回能量Eh以及地震动峰值加速度PGA表现出与所有结构都非常好的相关性,其中两个能量参数达到了除砌体外和所有结构相关系数都近似1的相关性,说明能量参数能够非常完美的表征地震动对混凝土结构的破坏势,和砌体结构的反应也存在很强的相关性,但不如混凝土结构明显;对于砌体结构,地震动有效峰值加速度EPA与之有很好的相关性;对于钢筋混凝土框架结构,PSV与低层框架在地震动作用下的损伤有很大相关性,PGV、PSD、Arias强度与中层框架相关性较好; Arias强度与高层框架相关性较好;对于钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙结构,PGV、Arias强度与之反应相关性较好。(3)由于Einput、Eh、PGA、PSV、Arias强度、EPA、PGV、PSD这8个参数和结构的反应或损伤有较好或一定的相关性,将214条集集地震加速度记录参照根据本文绘制的烈度等震线按照7、8、9、10度区进行划分,计算出每个烈度区内这8个参数的算术平均值,将这些均值和烈度分别进行基

【Abstract】 The research of physical measure of seismic intensity is a history and basic subject and the study of damage potential of earthquake ground motion has been worked on for more than one hundred years. Because of the lack of the material about the seismic damage the study of this field is carried out based on the accumulated earthquake records and damage material. Since different earthquakes have different source mechanism, ground motion characteristics, damaged structures and seismic intensity evaluation the method of mixing different earthquake material with different time and location to study physical measure of seismic intensity is not valid. But this method is unavoidable. Also, though the study before classify the kind of structures it is very cursory and simple. In addition, the ground motion parameters considered only included peak amplitude and few spectrum parameters and the energy and duration parameters were never taken into account. As for this condition the study of physical measure of seismic intensity and damage potential of ground motion based on the abundant records and specified damage material from Chi-Chi earthquake is conducted in this paper. The main contents and conclusions of this dissertation are followed.(1) The material about damage to structures of Chi-Chi earthquake is collected and based on it the isoseismal is plotted using the method of mean damage index.(2) Three kinds of structures as for masonry structures, RC frames and RC shear wall frames are chosen for their generally popularization. The response and damage index of these structures subjected to different kind of ground motions are calculated. The study of the correlation between parameters and the structure response and damage index is conducted in order to confirm the correlation between ground motion parameters and structure response and find out the damage potential of ground motion. The results are followed. Einput, Eh and PGA reveal very good correlation with response of all the structures. The correlation coefficient between Einput, Eh and all the structure response except masonry structures is nearly 1, which indicates the energy parameters can reflect
