

Study on Building Eco-City Based on Sustainable Development

【作者】 石永林

【导师】 王要武;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 当前,以追求人与自然和谐为目标的生态化运动正在世界范围内展开,并向多方面渗透。城市建设已由单纯的追求环境优美转向对城市生态系统的全面可持续发展的追求。以健康、高效、文明为特征的生态城市正成为全球城市可持续发展的理想模式,代表着未来城市发展的方向。建设可持续发展的生态城市已成为人类共同的呼声。但是目前还没有统一规范的生态城市建设方法或指南。本文以可持续发展理论和城市生态学为基础理论,以城市生态系统为研究对象,提出了基于可持续发展的生态城市建设模式,并对其进行了广泛而深入的研究。本论文是作者在攻读博士学位期间,以作为主要成员参与完成的《哈尔滨市建设可持续发展的生态城市的研究》项目基础上而完成的。论文全面、深入地分析了城市可持续发展和生态城市的研究与建设现状,指出了当前国内外在生态城市各主要研究领域的成果和存在的不足,并阐述了建设基于可持续发展的生态城市的重大意义。介绍了基于可持续发展的生态城市的理论基础,包括城市生态学和城市可持续发展的基本概念和理论。在此基础上提出了基于可持续发展的生态城市的概念,并分析了其内涵,提出了基于可持续发展的生态城市的建设目标和建设原则,阐明了进行基于可持续发展的生态城市建设的必要性和迫切性。在分析现有城市发展模式缺陷的基础上,根据城市生态系统的特点、结构,构造了基于可持续发展的生态城市概念模型,将基于可持续发展的生态城市系统分为社会生态系统、经济生态系统、自然生态系统和基础设施四个子系统。根据城市生态系统功能和运行理论,对基于可持续发展的生态城市系统运行进行了定义,提出了基于可持续发展的生态城市的空间和时间运行体系。在基于可持续发展的生态城市概念模型指导下,研究了该系统的信息反馈机制、平衡机制、可持续发展机制及驱动力机制。提出了建立可持续发展生态城市指标体系的基本原则,依据基于可持续发展的生态城市复合系统的内容,将基于可持续发展的生态城市系统的目标分成四部分,社会生态可持续、经济生态可持续发展、社会生态可持续发展和基础设施生态可持续发展,并提出了相应的评价指标体系。对综合评价法和生态足迹法进行了有益的改进,为进行基于可持续发展的生态城市的分析和评价提供了新的思路。在以上研究的基础上,以哈尔滨市为对象进行了实例分析,对哈尔滨市与其

【Abstract】 Currently the ecological movement for the goal of harmony between the human being and nature is launched vigorously and permeated in many ways throughout the world. The focus of city building has changed from the pure beautiful natural environment to the all-round sustainable development of urban ecosystem. Eco-city, with the feature of health, efficiency and civilization, is the ideal model of urban sustainable development all over the world and directs city development in the future. Sustainable development eco-city has become human’s common demand. However, there are no normative method and directions for eco-city building. Therefore we combine demonstration analysis with academic, put forward the model of eco-city based on sustainable development and deeply study the methods of building sustainable development eco-city based on the successful experience. This paper is set up on the foundation of the project of building sustainable development eco-city in Harbin which is done during the author’s study work of PHD.This paper details out analysis of the present situation of research and application of urban sustainable development and eco-city. It points out the main results and shortage and states the reason why building eco-city based on sustainable development. Secondly, introduce the concept of sustainable development eco-city originally including urban ecology and urban sustainable development. Based on these basic theories, expound the concept of sustainable development city and analyze its aim,building principle and necessity. Then by diagnosing the limitation of traditional city development model study the total structure of sustainable development eco-city according to the feature, structure of urban ecological system and the focus on people of sustainable development. It puts forward the detailed structure of the four subsystems which are social eco-subsystem, economic eco-subsystem, natural eco-subsystem and infrastructure eco-subsystem and gives a detailed research of each subsystem’s main content. It defines the function and circulation of sustainable development eco-city system. The spatial framework of sustainable development eco-city is put forward and the rules and conditions of the spatial framework are discussed.The mechanism of sustainable development eco-city such as information-responding mechanism, balancing mechanism, development mechanism and driven mechanism is discussed detail.The basic principle of establishing the evaluation indicator system is introduced.
