

Study on Methods of Special Objects Extraction and Height Calculation from High Tension Corridor

【作者】 李朝阳

【导师】 李小文; 阎广建; 周国清;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文受到国家高技术研究发展计划(2003AA134040)和国家华中电网的共同资助。 随着我国经济的高速发展,对电力输电网等基础设施的安全运行也提出了更高的要求,利用航空遥感技术,进行电力巡线成为了电力部门的迫切要求。国家“十五”期间,研制高分辨率光学航空相机,并积极推进遥感技术的产业化成为了国家十五期间的一个重点。 电力巡检中,精确测量电力线和周围之间的相对距离是巡检的一个重要内容,目前国际上通常应用机载激光扫描测高系统(ALS)进行电力走廊监测,但ALS造价高且容易漏检细小目标,如何利用高分辨率光学航空影像识别和测量地表特征物的高程信息在国际上是个难题。本文研究的目标就是利用机载多角度成像系统设计相应的数据处理软件,利用航空数字摄影测量方法,精确惯导系统,高分辨率航空影像及图像处理技术来提取高压线路走廊地表特征物和计算相应的高程,准确地获得电力线与周围树木等障碍物之间的距离,为保证电力的安全传输提供必要的技术支持。 本文以高压线路走廊特征物的提取和高程计算作为主要研究内容,完成了一些具有创新意义的研究工作,主要包括:高分辨率航空影像中高压电力线的自动提取;高分辨率大角度航空影像中树高提取方法的研究;高分辨率航空影像中树冠的分割方法的研究;其主要研究成果和内容有: (1)首次详细归纳和分析了高分辨率航空光学影像中,高压电力线的影像特征,根据这些特点,提出了一种从多角度高分辨率航空影像中自动提取电力线的方法,设计和比较分析了抗强噪声的电力线像素检测算子,提出了分段Radon变换方法,按直线分段提取电力线并进行分组连接,利用类似卡尔曼滤波器跟踪方式连接被提取电力线的断裂部分,用实验证明了即使在复杂的自然背景下该方法也能完整提取高压电力线。 (2)传统的区域相关匹配算法由于会产生许多匹配误差,生成的DSM精度有限。论文提出了一种利用树冠分割从大角度观测影像

【Abstract】 This dissertation is funded partially by the High Technology Research and Development Program (2003AA134040) and the Central China Grid Company Limited.The rapid development of our national economy brings up higher requirement to the safe operation of infrastructures such as power transmission network. For this reason, it is an urgent demand for electric power enterprise to make use of remote sensing technology for power line inspection. In the mean time, one of emphases is placed on the development of high-resolution aerial optical camera with its vigorously accelerating production of remote sensing technology during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period.In powe line surverying, one of the important tasks is to accurately measure the distance between the transmission lines and surrounding objects. Recently, airborne laser scanning system (ALS) is applied in power line corridor monitoring. However, the cost of laser scanning system is very high and some slim objects are probably missed or are not measured. It is a challenge recognizing the land object and accurately measure its height from high resolution aerial optical images. The goal of study in this paper is to develop a multi-angular airborne imaging system and appropriate software to obtain the distance between the transmission lines and surrounding objects using digital photogrammetry, accurate POS system, large-scale aerial images and image processing technology for the safety of the power line transmission.The creative works are on the study of special objects extraction and height calculation from high tension corridor. The main innovation results of this dissertation are listed as follows:
