

【作者】 韩恩珠

【导师】 黄有福;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 本论文从文化视点研究中韩两国儒文化的形成、发展以及在不同历史时期的特点。重点放在以反映在日常生活中的伦理道德与礼仪文化为主的中韩两国儒文化意识的比较研究上。 儒文化可以说是中国传统文化的核心,而儒文化传播到朝鲜半岛便形成了具有韩民族特色的儒教文化。本论文在比较研究中韩两国儒文化意识时,从多个侧面考察儒文化的相关问题即要考查两国人对儒文化研究方法上的异同点,也要考查中韩两国在文化上的差异,以及传统文化与现代社会生活的相互关系等等。 所以,对中韩两国儒文化意识的比较研究有助于揭示中韩两国儒文化以及民族传统文化的共同特征和相异性,进而有助于促进两国间的文化交流和经济交流。这一点便是本论文的学术意义和现实意义之所在。 本论文运用民族学、社会学等学科的理论和方法,采用了文献资料研究和问卷调查相结合的研究方法。合理吸收和参考前人研究成果的基础上,以在中韩两国同时进行的社会调查资料的分析研究为依据,全面、系统、深入地对中韩两国儒文化意识进行比较研究。这一点正是与以往的任何有关儒文化研究不同的地方,也是本论文的创意性之所在。 全文共分六个章,每章具体阐述的内容如下: 第一章为导论,主要由论文的基本观点及选题意义、研究的动态

【Abstract】 The formation and development of Han Liangguo’s Confucianism civilization during this thesis from the civilization viewpoint is studied as well as at the characteristic of different history particular periods. Stressly put in the comparison research of moral middle Han Liangguo’s Confucianism civilization consciousness giving first place to with the ceremony and propriety civilization with the ethics in the day-to-day life of reflection.The Confucianism civilization can be said to the nucleus of traditional civilization of China, and the Confucianism civilization is disseminated just having formed the Confucianism religion civilization that possesses the Han nation characteristic to the Korean Peninsula. This thesis is when comparing to study middle Han Liangguo’s Confucianism civilization consciousness, namely in order to examine the similiarities and differences points to the Confucianism civilization research method of two compatriotss from many correlation problems that the side was inspected the Confucianism civilization, and also will examine the difference in the civilization of middle Han Liangguo, as well as traditional civilization and the interrelationship of modern times social life etc.So, Han Liangguo’s Confucianism civilization as well as the common
