

The Research on Theory and Applications of New Balance Transformer and Harmonic Suppression Transformer

【作者】 张志文

【导师】 王耀南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本论文围绕电力系统负序和谐波两大热点问题,从电力系统重要装备-变压器本身原理和结构出发,就如何利用变压器潜能解决负序和谐波问题,展开了一系列理论和应用研究。本论文的研究具有重大的理论意义和工程实用价值,并有广阔的工程应用背景。本论文结合教育部重点研究项目“新型变压装置及应用”(102174)和湖南省“十五”重大科技专项“高压直流输电新型换流变压器研制”(05GK1001-2),开展了大量的研究工作。本文的主要研究工作包括以下几个方面。本文系统性地分析了电力系统负序和谐波及其抑制方法,阐述了现有各种平衡变压器的主要技术特点和应用范围,指出了其使用的局限性。分析了无源滤波器、有源滤波器和混合滤波器的主要拓扑结构及其特点,指出了实现有源滤波器的三个技术关键。本文探索了平衡变压器的内在规律,系统性地分析了Scott-Teaser变压器、Le Blanc变压器、Wood Bridge变压器、阻抗匹配平衡变压器、多功能平衡变压器、YN/A平衡变压器、YN/>/~-V平衡变压器、四相四柱式变压器等现有平衡变压器的运行原理,形成了较为完整的平衡变压器的理论构架,为平衡变压器的分析、计算和运行提供了理论依据。本文提出了新型平衡变压器的理论构想,发明了三种新型平衡变压器,即“星形-双梯形接线三相变四相或三相变两相平衡变压器”,“星形-梯形接线三相变两相平衡变压器”以及“星形-三角形接线三相变两相和三相变三相平衡变压器”。提出了三种新型平衡变压器的接线方案,建立了新型平衡变压器的数学模型,形成了新型平衡变压器较为完整的理论体系。提出了以绕组短路阻抗作为平衡条件和解耦条件的构想,并导出了绕组短路阻抗所应满足的关系式。这些理论成果是新型平衡变压器设计、制造和运行的理论指导和依据。本文首创的三种新型平衡变压器具有结构简单、设计制造方便、综合性能优良,材料利用率高等特点,可消除零序电流,并对负序电流具有十分显著的抑制作用,特别适合于需要单相或两相或三相负荷的应用场合。对于星形-双梯形接线平衡变压器和星形-梯形接线平衡变压器,其材料利用率可达100%,具有十分广阔的应用前景。三种新型平衡变压器已申请国家发明专利。本文提出了谐波抑制变压器的基本概念和拓扑结构,阐述了感应型谐波抑制变压器和自耦型谐波抑制变压器的基本原理,给出了基于无源滤波器、有源滤波器和混合滤波器等多种谐波抑制变压器的结构形式,说明了谐波抑制变压器的技术特点。这些理论成果为今后进一步研究指明了方向。本文分析了多功能平衡变压器、谐波屏蔽变压器和新型换流变压器等多种实用的谐波抑制变压器之基本结构、技术特点、工作原理和应用场合。研制了三种变压器模型,并完成了模型的型式试验。提出了基于谐波抑制变压器的滤波器设计方法,阐述了基于变压器谐波磁势安匝平衡机理的滤波器设计原理,给出了滤波器设计实例和参数。本文完成了基于新型换流变压器的直流输电试验平台的设计工作,分析了系统结构和组成原理,阐述了控制系统各部分功能框图及控制特性,给出了滤波方案和滤波器结构及参数,为该试验平台投入运行做好了理论准备。本文对谐波抑制变压器进行了应用与试验研究,提出了基于多功能平衡变压器和谐波屏蔽变压器的滤波方案和试验方案,模拟了现场运行的多种工况,测取了大量的试验数据,分析了试验结果,证实了谐波抑制变压器的原理是正确的,且具有很好的滤波效果。本文研制了多功能平衡变压器样机,解决了多功能平衡变压器工程应用中的许多关键技术难题,实现了多功能平衡变压器样机及其配套滤波器的现场挂网运行,实施了该变压器的基本功能和高次谐波滤波、无功补偿和提供变电所用电源等多项辅助功能。通过现场测试数据,研究了该变压器的各种运行方式。现场试验结果证实了该变压器的运行原理和滤波效果,为该变压器的推广应用积累了宝贵的现场运行经验。该项成果已通过上海铁路局组织的技术鉴定,同意在铁路上推广应用。新型平衡变压器和谐波抑制变压器适应了电力系统抑制负序和谐波的迫切要求,它们利用变压器本身的磁势平衡原理,构造出适应不同应用领域的结构形式,充分利用了变压器的多项潜能,使之具有综合效应,符合节能、省材、简单等基本要求,具有十分广阔的应用前景。

【Abstract】 Focused on hot topics of negative sequence and harmonic in power system and based upon the principle and structure of transformers which are the essential components in power system, this article develops a series of theoretical and application researches to solve the negative sequence and harmonic problems by utilizing the transformer’s potential. With its heavy theoretical significance and engineering value, this study gains a wide applications in engineering practice.This dissertation, together with key study project 102174 of Ministry of Education - new-style transforming device and its application as well as key science & technology project 05GK1001-2 of the Tenth Five Year Plan of Hunan Province -research & manufacture of new-style converter transformer in HVDC power transmitting system, makes numbers of studies in the following aspects.In this dissertation, negative sequence, harmonic and their suppression methods in power system are systematically analyzed, basic technical characteristics and application range of various types of existing balancing transformers as well as their application limitation are expounded. The main topological structures and their features of passive filter, active filter and compound filter are anatomized and meanwhile three technical keys in active filter application are listed.Inherent rules of the balancing transformer are explored. Operation principals of the existing balancing transformers, such as Scott-Teaser transformers, Le Blanc transformers, Wood Bridge transformers, impedance-matched balancing transformers, multi-function balancing transformers, YN/A balancing transformers, YN/> /~-V balancing transformers, four-phase four-leg transformers and etc, are systematically discussed. A more sound theory framework of balancing transformers is shaped as the theoretical benchmark for the analysis, calculation and operation of balancing transformers.In this dissertation, the theoretical assumptions of new-style balancing transformer are presented. Three connection models of new-style balancing transformers, i.e. star-double trapezia connection three-phase to four-phase or two-phase balancing transformer, star-trapezium connection three-phase to two-phase balancing transformer and star-delta connection three-phase to two-phase and three-phase balancing transformer, are invented. The connection schemes for these three models of new-style balancing transformer are proposed, the mathematical models of new-style balancing transformers are established and a more sound theoretical system of new-style balancing transformer is profiled. The conceits, taking short circuit impedance of winding as balance condition and decoupling condition, are provided and the corresponding equations that apply to short circuit impedance of winding are deducted. These fruits are theoretical guideline and foundation for the design, manufacturing and operation of new-style balancing transformers.The three models of new-style balancing transformers, which were pioneered by the author and characterized by simple structure, design and manufacturing easiness, excellent all-around performance and high utilization rate of material, can eliminate zero sequence currents, considerably suppress negative sequence currents and especially suit for the application that single phase load or two phase load is necessary. For star-double trapezia connection or star- trapezium connection balancing transformers which remain an infinite application potential, the utilization rate of material can be up to 100%. Already, the three models of new-style balancing transformers have applied for national invention patents.The general concept and topological structure of harmonic-suppressed transformers are indicated in this dissertation. The fundamental principals of inductive harmonic-suppressed transformers and auto-coupling harmonic-suppressed transformers are illustrated. Various harmonic-suppressed transformer structures relative to passive filters, active filters and compound filters are defined. The technical features of harmonic-suppressed transformers are specified. These theoretical achievements orientate the further researches in the future.The primary structures, technical characteristics, operation principles and applications of various practical harmonic-suppressed transformers like multi-function balancing transformers, harmonic-shielded transformers and new-style converter transformers are investigated. The test models of these three kinds of transformers were developed and passed the type-tests. The filter design methods for harmonic-suppressed transformers are offered, the design principals for filters with harmonic magnetic-potential ampere-turn balance are explained and the examples and data of filter design are given as well.Design works concerning the testing platform of DC power transmitting based on new-style converter transformers are concluded. The system architectures and combination principals are discussed. The functions and control characteristics of each part in control system are classified. The filtering methods, filter architectures and parameters are tabulated. This has concreted a solid theory foundation for the startup of the testing platform.The application and testing of harmonic-suppressed transformers are studied. The filtering methods and testing schemes for multi-function balancing transformers and harmonic-shielded transformers are delivered. Several operation conditions of on-site operation are simulated. A great number of test data are obtained. After being examined, the testing results show that the principals of harmonic-suppressed transformers are true and the filtering effects are excellent.A sample of multi-function balancing transformer is developed. Many key technical roadblocks in engineering practices of multi-function balancing transformers are swept away. The onsite networking between multi-function balancing transformer sample and its matching filter is carried out. The main functions of this transformer as well as auxiliary functions such as higher harmonic filtering, reactive compensation and supplying power for substation are realized. Based on the onsite testing data, various operation modes of this transformer are considered. The onsite testing results witnessed the operation principal and the filtering effect of this transformer. It gathered valuable onsite operation experiences for the extended application of this transformer. This achievement has passed the technical appraisement of Shanghai Railroad Bureau and was approved to be adopted in railroad system.The new-style balancing transformers and harmonic-suppressed transformers successfully met the imperative requirements of negative sequence and harmonic suppression. Bearing an infinite application potential, these transformers take various architectures, by means of balancing nature of transformer’s magnetic potential, to match different fields, achieve comprehensive results by squeezing transformer’s potentials and satisfy the basic requirements such as power saving, material efficiency and simple structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期