

Mechanism of the Outbreak of Rice Borers in Shanghai Area

【作者】 罗举

【导师】 翟保平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 水稻螟虫(主要是二化螟和三化螟)是我国水稻上的主要害虫,发生历史悠久,分布面广,危害严重。近年来,二化螟在江淮、长江流域、江南大部分稻区连续大发生,华南北部及华北、东北稻区发生危害程度也明显上升;三化螟在华南稻区显著上升,长江流域沿江稻区造成了严重危害。 自1998年起,上海螟虫危害急剧上升,2000年二化螟全郊区突然猛增,2001年三化螟在崇明、南汇等区发生严重,给当地农民造成了较大损失。 本文主要针对上海地区螟虫大发生的原因,如播栽期、品种、气候因子及防治措施等方面进行了研究,获得了以下一些研究结果: 在浦东新区黄路镇对直播稻5个播期水稻的发育进度、螟害和产量进行了调查。试验结果表明,直播稻播期对三化螟一、二、三代的发生危害程度有明显影响,将播期推迟到5/23前后,螟害发生较轻,且对产量影响较小;同时以三化螟的一、三代为例分析了播期与螟害的关系,明确了5/23前后播种的水稻,对于一代蛾,能够有效减少虫源基数81%左右;对于三代蛾,5/10播种的破口期正遇上第一卵孵盛期,故其受害较5/17和5/23播种而此时尚达到破口期的为重;5/30和6/7播的水稻在9/9-11都处于破口期,正与三代三峰蚁螟盛孵期相吻合,加上孕穗期还受到一峰蚁螟的危害,故受害最重,而5/17和5/23的破口期则完全或部分避开了蚁螟侵入的最佳时期,所以发生相对较轻。 选用上海地区1980至90年代初的代表性栽培品种秀水04和近年来三个推广品种(寒优香晴、98110、花育1号),进行了其对螟虫(主要指二化螟Chlio suppressalis、三化螟Scirpophaga incertulas)抗性的差异及其机理的研究。结果表明:三化螟和二化螟对四品种的危害率存在着显著差异,秀水04较其他三个近期品种的抗螟性都明显为高。植株的组织学特征中,维管束间距大小与品种的螟虫侵入率表现出明显的相关,秀水04的维管束间距显著小于其它3个品种;在无机化合物分析中硅的含量以秀水04最高,而目前所推广的三个品种中均较低。 采用特制的计算机自动检测仪测定过冷却点的方法,比较了上海地区同一越冬时期二化螟、三化螟和大螟的耐寒能力,同时调查了上海奉贤的二化螟越冬代的龄期构

【Abstract】 Rice is important crop in China, the growing area of which is about 1/3 of all crops and the total output of rice is about 45 percent of the total output of grain. Rice borer, mainly included rice stem borer, Chilo supprssalis Walker, and yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas Walker, are the two major pests on rice, which have occurred for a long time and distributes in many areas and cause serious damage.In recent years, as the adjustments of farming system is conducted, the rice crop is increasingly infested by the two kinds of rice borer. From 1998, in Shanghai, the stem borers increased greatly. So it is necessary for us to make clear what on earth factors could induce such results and which one was the key factor, all of these could help us to understand the stem borers population dynamics, and give some advices for IPM of the stemborers.The relationship between the rice seeding date and the occurrence of the yellow stem borer was investigated in Pudong, Shanghai. It showed that there was obvious relationship between the two factors, which when it was seeded at May 23th, before and later, the injuries was the most small, and the rice output decreased fewer compared with the May 10 th. At the same time we explain the reason, from the decrease of the adults, attracted by the lamp day by day, which could oviposite and do harm to the rice.The difference and mechanism of the four rice varieties resistance to rice stem borers (Chilo suppressalis Walker and Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) were investigated in Shanghai rice area.The results indicated that there was obvious difference of varieties resistance between Xiushui-04, which was the main one from 1980 to the early stage of 1990s, and the other three varieties, Hanyou-xiangqing , Huayu-1 and 98110, which were the main varieties

  • 【分类号】S435.112.1
  • 【被引频次】6
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