

The Disaster Event Response to Environmental Changes Recorded by Phytolith in Chaohu Area

【作者】 范斌

【导师】 许世远; 蒋辉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 第四纪地质学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 全球环境变化和可持续发展是当前人类社会普遍关注的问题。灾害对人类社会造成了巨大的破坏,是全球环境变化和可持续发展研究的主要内容之一。湖泊沉积物中植硅体、粒度、磁化率等是环境变化记录的载体,能较好地提取区域环境突变(灾害)信息,结合历史文献、考古资料及近现代器测记录提取供环境和人类活动灾变的信息进行研究,有助于了解历史时期环境变迁和灾害事件,有助于了解流域内人类活动对环境的影响和人类对环境的适应性,有助于全面客观认识流域内历史时期的人地关系。 巢湖流域地处亚热带和暖温带过渡地带,是东部低旋气候与反气旋气候比较频繁发生的地区,也是水旱灾等自然灾害频繁发生的地区。本文依托国家自然科学基金项目“长江下游区域人类活动对流域环境影响的沉积记录研究”(批准号:40271107),选择巢湖南灵钻孔(ACN)和AC2钻孔的进行了植硅体分析、并结合历史文献、考古资料及近现代器测记录提取气候变化因子进行小波分析。在对ACN孔的有机炭进行加速器质谱法测年和AC2孔137Cs测年的年代控制下,探讨了环境变化引起的灾害事件和人类对灾害的适应性。本研究的主要结论和认识如下: (1)巢湖流域植硅体研究(ACN)所记录到的自5600aB.P.以来的基本气候变化,根据巢湖植硅体组合成分的变化,自下而上可划分为6个植硅体组合带,其中,奇数带以反映气候寒冷的植硅体类型数量较多为特征。自5600aB.P.以来,巢湖流域气候经历了3个相对寒冷(5600-5200aB.P.;4600-3600 aB.P.;2500-2100aB.P.)期和3个相对温暖时期(5200-4600aB.P.;3600-2500aB.P.;2100-1800aB.P.),与植硅体组合带结果相吻合。在相对寒冷时期,植硅体组合是以反映寒冷气候成分的棒型较为丰富;而在气候相对较为温暖期,扇型、长方形和方形植硅体含量较高。植硅体记录显示的灾变年底大致为5500 aB.P.、4500aB.P.、2500 aB.P.和2100 aB.P.等年代 (2)用主成分分析法对巢湖AC2孔植硅体类型的数量变化及其相互关系研究表明:巢湖流域近300年来气候划分为四个阶段,其中2个相对较温暖的时期(1710’s-1780’s;1890’s—1970’s)、1个相对寒冷时期(1780’s—1890’s)和1个增温阶段(1970’s—2003)。 (3)利用植硅体干旱气候指数法分析了近300年以来巢湖流域气候特征:以湿润的气候为主,偶尔出现阶段性干旱气候。1730’s-1820’s是一个相对干旱

【Abstract】 The growing recognition that global change and sustainable development has brought into focus some fundamental questions, in which the disaster led to huge human damage is one of the main questions of them. The research methods contrast among environment changes recorded by phytolith and sediment grain size and pollen and environmental magnetism, and human activities during the disaster period obtained by the historical literature and archaeological data and instrumental record lead to analyzing historical environmental changes and disaster which brought to human impacts on environment changes and human adaptation, which can be gotten comprehensive conclusion about historical human-natural relationship in Chaohu area.Located in the transition zone of subtropical and warm temperature, Chaohu lake area has frequently dominated by the east low-cyclone and anticyclone leading high frequency natural disasters. Through these analyzing of the phytolith and sediment grain size and pollen and environmental magnetism and research on the historical literature and archaeological data and instrument record, some conclusions about research on human impact on environmental disasters and human adaptation are as follow:(1) According to systematic research on the phytolith fossils of core Nanlin in the Caohu Lake, the phytoliths in the area can be divided into six zones. Based on changes in the main components in the phytolith zones and principal components analysis, the evolution of paleoenvironment and paleoclimate since the middle Holocene is reconstructed. There are three cold periods (5600-5200aB.P、 4600-3600 aB.P、2500-2100aB.P.)and three warmth periods (5200-4600aB.P、,3600-2500aB.P、 2100-1800aB.P.) since 5600aB.P . The main types of phytolith indicated warm climate are fan type and square-rectangle type. The main types of phytolith indicated cold climate are sinuate/smooth bar type and short/long point types. The disaster event year recorded by the phytolith are 5500aB.P.,4500 aB.P,2500 aB.P,2100 aB.P.(2)The phytolith fossils of core AC2 from the Caohu Lake can be divided into three zones. Based on changes in the main components in the phytolith zones and

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