

Lyndon Johnson and Great Society

【作者】 王庆安

【导师】 王斯德;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 战后美国物质丰裕,经济繁荣,然而,繁华的表象下潜伏着深刻危机,主要表现为经济发展缺乏持续的动力、种族隔离与歧视导致种族对抗加剧、教育和就业机会不平等、贫富差距扩大和公共服务“缺失”等矛盾凸现,保守的艾森豪威尔并没有有效地运用自己的威望和权力进行必要改革,积重难返的社会危机蕴藏着改革的动力。 50年代中期之后,自由派很好地解读了这个时代的特性,史蒂文森、加尔布雷斯、小施莱辛格、汉佛莱等民主党人在50年代对自由主义精神的阐释、宣传和政治实践,对保守主义的攻击,使人耳目一新,自由主义改革精神复兴。1960年11月,肯尼迪成为美国历史上最年轻的总统,在“新边疆”的口号下,自由的行动主义者聚集在肯尼迪周围,在国家经济政策、民权、教育、医疗和反贫困等方面进行了大量的尝试性改革。但在政府内部保守势力仍然十分强大的情况下,肯尼迪的许多改革计划在国会就被搁置了。 1963年11月22日,肯尼迪在达拉斯被暗杀,林登·约翰逊继任总统,接过了自由主义改革大旗。他继承了肯尼迪自由主义改革遗产,并发扬光大。1964年5月22日,约翰逊在密歇根大学发表了关于“伟大社会”的演讲,在随后18个月的重要讲话和提交国会的立法建议中,约翰逊明确地表达了“伟大社会”改革目标:第一,全力以赴消灭贫困;第二,消除种族歧视,追求社会平等;第三,改善生活质量。约翰逊希望通过改革结束贫困和不公平,使所有人都有机会平等进入美国主流政治经济生活,有机会分享美国的富裕,使每一个美国人都能过上充实、富裕、安详的生活。围绕着这些目标,约翰逊在民权、反贫困、医疗和教育、城市改造和建设、改善生活质量等领域发动了全面改革。 “伟大社会”改革是基于这样约翰逊的许多假设的基础上:第一,经济持续快速增长产生改革所需要的“红利”,在不牺牲中产阶级利益的前提下,使所有美国人都有机会共享社会经济繁荣;第二,贫困和不平等等社会邪恶并不是由人的劣根性造成的,而是文化、社会制度等外部环境的影响;第三,人性都是向善的,帮助穷人和弱势群体是文明社会政府和所有公民的责任;第四,为了实现共同目标,善意的权力集中是所有人都能够理解和支持的……。改革的进展并不以约翰逊的主观意志为转移,在改革中,许多计划在具体实施的过程中涉及到联邦、州和地方的权力分配、阶级和集团利益、国家的财力、文化传统、意识形态等等诸多现实问题。另外,约翰逊的承诺激起了黑人和其他少数民族弱势群体对“结果平等”社会的期待,种族问题和贫困问题交织在一起,黑人试图通过暴力和激进的手段来发泄他们对社会不公的不满,表达对“结果平等”社会的诉求,骚乱、

【Abstract】 There are abundance products and flourishing economy in Postwar American, however, under lively representation lays dormant profound crisis. It mainly appeared as economic advance absented standing power, the racial segregation and the discrimination which caused the race resistance intensively, the opportunity of education and the employment was not equality, the gap of the rich and the poor had been enlarged, the community service was lacunae, and so on. The conservative Eisenhower had not effectively taken advantage of his own prestige and power to carry on the essential reform. The unpenetrable social crisis was containing the power of reform.After interim of the 50’s, the liberals well unscrambled the era characteristic, the Democratic such as Stevenson, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Hubert Humphrey, who explained, propagandized, and practiced the spirit of liberalism ,and attacked the conservatism in the 50’s, had made people find everything new and fresh. The spirit of liberalism reform is reviving.In November, 1960, Kennedy became the youngest president in American history, Under the slogan of New Frontier, the liberal actionist gathered around Kennedy. They carried through the massive attemptive reform in the economic policy, the civil rights, the education, the medical service and counter-poverty and so on. But the conservatives are still formidable in the government interior. Many reforms plan of Kennedy government are put aside in Congress.On November 22, 1963, Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas; Lyndon Johnson succeeded the president, received the liberalism reform flag. He has inherited the Kennedy liberalism reform inheritance, and carries it forward. On May 22, 1964, Johnson gave the lecture about Great Society in the University of Michigan. Johnson explicitly expressed the goal of Great Society in the important speeches and legislation to the Congress in later 18 months. The first is to perish the poverty by whole-heartedly; the second is to eliminate the racial discrimination, and pursue the society equality; the third is to improve the quality of life. Johnson hoped to end the poverty and unfair through the reform which enable everyone have the equal opportunity to enter the American mainstream politics economic life, have the opportunity to share the American wealth, to enjoy enrich, abundant, and serene life. Surrounding these goals, Johnson launched the comprehensive reform in the field of

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