

A Research on Literature Communication of Tang Dynasty

【作者】 柯卓英

【导师】 霍松林;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文从传播学角度来探讨唐代的文学创作与交流活动,结合考古学、史料学、历史学、版本学等学科,运用社会学方法、文化学方法来研究唐代文学,试图对唐代文学的繁荣及其传播活动、规律等作新的探索性研究。尽管传播学的兴起时间不长,但如果以传播学的角度来分析早在千余年前唐王朝的文学传播情况,就会发现在当时多彩的文学创作与交流活动之中,已经蕴藏着传播学的基本理论。 唐代文学在开放的唐文化视野中,既体现出一种集体主义文化,又体现出一种高语境文化。在这样的文化背景下,唐代的文学传播活动极为活跃、隆盛,可谓盛况空前。在传播类型方面有群体传播、人际传播,也有人内传播,以及非现代意义的大众传播,体现出完整的传播过程。唐代的文学传播主体以文人士子为主,上自帝王,下至百姓,无不积极投入诗歌的创作与传播之中。他们具有极强的传播观念,充分认识到意见领袖的作用。或为官八方,或平民布衣,无论何种身份,他们都以各自的方式、途径来传扬自己的才华。正是有了唐代文人积极地举荐人才,以及唐人的自我宣传,唐代的文学传播活动才显得有声有色。 唐代的文学传播媒介丰富多彩,反映了唐人富于创造性的特点。除了口语传播以外,唐代的文学传播媒介主要有卷轴、碑石、墙壁、邸报、笺、名纸、拓印本、雕版印刷本、陶瓷器等物质载体,以及其他具有媒介性质且发挥传播功用的物质,如金简、露布、信鸽、紫燕、竹木筒、白鹤、木瓢、树叶、战袍、风筝、烽烟、羽檄等,凡是能传播信息的物质唐人都能充分运用,并且均取得了极好的传播效果。传播信息的渠道丰富多样,充分反映了唐人在科学技术极为不发达的情况下,传递信息的智慧和魄力。在如此丰富的传播媒介基础之上,唐代形成了独具特色的媒介文化。唐代社会处于封建社会的顶峰,属于中古时期。传播思想当时就已经存在,但是没有传播学意义上的媒介这一词语,更没有媒介文化的概念,加之科学技术的不发达,传媒形式受到很大的限制。因而唐代的媒介文化是

【Abstract】 This dissertation approaches the literary creation and exchange activities of Tang Dynasty from the angle of communication. It combines archaeology, historical data study, history, edition study with other related subjects, and makes use of the sociological method as well as the cultural method to study the literature of Tang Dynasty, attempting to conduct an exploratory research on the prosperity, communication activities and regularities of the literature in Tang Dynasty. Although the study of communication sprung up in recent years, if we analyze the communication of literature in Tang Dynasty from the angle of communication study, we will find that the basic theory of communication had already stored in the colorful literary creations and exchange activities at that time.In the open view of Tang Dynasty’s culture, the literature not only embodied a collectivism culture, but also incarnated a high language environment. In such kind of cultural background, the literary communication was so active and prosperous that it might well be regarded as an unprecedented grandeur. As to the rich types of literary communication, it involved group communication, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication as well as non-modern significance mass communication, which reflected the integrated communicating course and developing regularities. The principle , part of the literary communication of Tang Dynasty, mainly were literates and scholars, from the emperor to the common people, all the people devoted to the creation and communication of poesies enthusiastically. They possessed a strong sense of communication, and fully understood the effect of leaders. No matter what status they were, they all displayed their talents through their own method and were adept in showing their passions through poems. It was the active recommendation and self-publicity that made the literary communication of Tang Dynasty full of sound and
