

Research on the Beneficial Administrative Actions and It’s Legality

【作者】 孙丽岩

【导师】 崔卓兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 授益行政行为作为相对人获取利益改善自身发展条件的重要行政手段之一,在倡导行政服务于民和行政回应社会需求的大环境下愈发凸显它的社会政治和经济价值。但与此同时,授益行政行为作为政府分配公共资源的手段又极易成为“权力寻租”的目标,授益主体和利益分配对象的模糊化以及程序上的欠缺使相对人通过授益行政行为的方式攫取不正当利益或者侵蚀社会公共利益成为可能。如何从源头上合法、合理规制授益行政行为成为我们探讨适合现代行政法治发展方向的行政手段所面临的主要问题。本文试图梳理授益行政行为作为现代行政方式存在的合理性和发展前景,以我国授益行政行为中的行政许可、行政给付和行政奖励在观念和制度层面存在的缺失作为剖面,检讨我国授益行政行为应当向何处去的制度构建。文章从政治、经济和人文民主等角度论述了授益行政行为在现实生活中的意义,阐明了它作为现代行政方式所应当具备的基本理念和基本制度证成,并强调了信赖保护原则和比例原则作为授益行政行为初始点和落脚点的实践价值。在具体制度框架中,授益主体多元化是必须面对并纳入管理轨道的主体范畴,行政公开、听证程序是保障授益公正透明不可或缺的环节,同时在有关授益行政行为的行政诉讼中扩大原告的资格范围,合理界定有关的行政补偿和赔偿的标准、幅度,改革有关行政复议的运行模式,这些具有针对性的救济手段构成了保障相对人被授益权实现的坚实屏障。

【Abstract】 As an administrative method in favor of related administrative party, beneficial administrative actions, on the one hand, have a direct decisive effect on the realization of related administrative party’s own rights; on the other hand, as one of the methods for the administrative parties to reallocate the public resources in their control, it may probably, without proper regulations, become an instrument to aggrieve public interest and invade others’lawful rights. Based on such a fact, it has been a start point and a striving direction for building up new administrative method to discuss the living space and future development direction of beneficial administrative actions.The first section mainly analyses how to define the concept“beneficial administrative actions”, and meanwhile explores its theoretical existing space and practical demands. In summary, beneficial actions is the concept founded on the analysis of the value to related administrative party. If we focus on the structure of it, it should include following part: the existence of power of beneficial administrative actions is the premise; the use of administrative power of beneficial administrative actions; the expression of beneficial administrative actions; the existence of legal impact on administrative beneficial actions.Based on economic background, a market economy, which upholds free and fair competition, requires a government to control on it, and the beneficial administrative actions is just such a way to respond. It mainly means to examine the qualifications as the subject of market by administrative permission, registration and approval, to provide favorable access circumstances and to create fair conditions for market access. By

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期