

A Study on the Category of Words in the Inscriptions on the Bronze in the Zhou Dynasties (Section of Function Words)

【作者】 武振玉

【导师】 吴振武;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 两周金文作为语料的价值被认识并且自觉运用到古汉语研究中是经过了一个较长的发展时期的。虽然早在二十世纪二十年代就已经有学者利用金文材料进行《尚书》的语言研究,此后亦不断有学者进行类似的研究,并且这些研究也多集中在虚词方面,但到目前为止,全面而系统的两周金文虚词研究尚付阙如。而随着《殷周金文集成》及其《引得》的编撰,对两周金文中的所有虚词进行全面而彻底的调查研究已成为可能,并且应是上古汉语虚词研究的当务之急。有鉴于此,本文选取两周金文中的虚词进行专门研究。研究范围包括两周金文中的代词、副词、介词、连词、叹词、语气词,共六类。其中对代词的词类归属考虑到了传统的看法及本文的体例。研究方法上则采用汉语史研究中常用的穷尽性数量统计、历时分析、共时比较的方法,以期全面揭示两周金文的虚词系统。

【Abstract】 This thesis is a thorough study about the Pronouns, Adverbs, Adjectives, Conjunctions and Interjections in Jin Wen of Zhou Dynasties, which adopted methods like periodical analysis and synchronized comparison. There are 7 sections in this thesis.The first chapter is the introduction, which contains 4 sections. The first section introduces the textual value of Jin Wen, the second makes a brief retrospection about the results of research of Jin Wen, the third discusses the methods of study, the last describes the objects and concerned subjects of this thesis.The second chapter discusses the Pronouns in Jin Wen of Zhou Dynasties including Personal Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns and Non-referring Pronouns. The Personal Pronouns include the first, the second, the third and the self person pronouns. The first person includes“我、朕、余、、辝”,among which“我、朕and余”are the primary ones, who differ in the functions of sentences (“我”mainly works as attribute and Subject,“朕”only as attribute and“余”only as Subject), the time of appearance (“朕”mainly appeared in middle and late west Zhou Dynasty,“我”and“余”mainly in late west Zhou and Spring and Autumn), the color of language body (“朕”mainly appeared in solemn conditions of language). The second person has“乃、汝、爾(尔)、而、若”, among which“乃”and“汝”are the primary ones who mainly differ in the functions of sentences (“乃”almost only as attribute while“汝”almost never as attribute) and time of appearance (“乃”mainly in middle and late west Zhou Dynasty, and the frequency of appearance in early west Zhou Dynasty was pretty high, while“汝”mainly in late west Zhou).The third person has“厥、其、之”, among which“厥”is the primary one, who differ mainly in the grammar functions, i.e.,“厥”and“其”mainly as attribute while“之”only as object;“厥”and“其”’s difference lies in time of appearance,“厥”mainly in early and middle west Zhou,“其”mainly in late west Zhou and Spring and Autumn. Self person only includes one“自”, which was rarely used. Demonstrative Pronouns mainly has“兹、之、是、此、若、斯、厥、其、乃、皮(彼)、它、者(诸)、者”, among which“之、其、厥”were the primary ones, who differ in grammar functions and time of appearance. Interrogative Pronouns only has“隹(谁)、害(曷)、叚(胡)”, who appeared very rarely and very late. Compared with Jia Gu Wen, they resemble each

【关键词】 两周金文虚词语法意义句法功能出现频率
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期
  • 【分类号】K877.2;H141
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】1915
  • 攻读期成果