

Study of Consumers’ Rights from the Angle of Equality

【作者】 董文军

【导师】 霍存福;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 消费社会中经营者与消费者的分离、利益对立以及消费者的弱势性,导致经营者对消费者利益的损害成为普遍性的社会问题。消费者权利作为保护消费者利益的法律手段,成为法学研究中的一个重要的问题。本文对消费者权利及其法律保护进行了法理学上的探讨。即从平等的视角出发,结合人权的平等观和平等的正义理论分析了消费者权利产生及存在的正当性,系统探讨了消费者权利保护中国家干预的经济学和社会学理论基础以及国家干预的具体方式,揭示了消费者法律人格的确立对私法变迁的影响,并且进一步指出平等作为基本的价值追求,是消费者保护法律制度构建及适用的支点。对于消费者权利及其保护所做的法理学上的系统研究对于消费者保护法律制度的发展与完善具有重要的理论和现实意义。

【Abstract】 The mankind was developed into the consumer society during the spectrum between the ending of 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century, with the soaring of the mass productivity and the enrichment of the production. The segregation between the manager and the consumer, combining with the interests’opposition and the weakness on the latter sides, results in a common social problem, i.e., the harm caused by the manager to the consumer. Being the means to protect the interests of the consumer, consumer rights have been enveloped into a front in legal research. From the viewpoint of fairness, this dissertation argues for the justification of the existence of the consumer rights, the necessity and sufficiency for meddling by government in the protection of the consumer rights and the representative consumer rights protection systems in the world, etc, which includes the following five Chapters.In chapter I, the author tries hard to put forwards that the pursuance for fairness in law leads to the justification of the being of consumers’rights. Though there was consumption at the very beginning of the human being, we can’t find any growth in pace with the presumption of the so called consumers’rights and the consumption. The consumer rights are constructed basing on the development of the protective campaign for consumers’rights and the difficulties met by the consumers’. The universal phenomenon of the consumer problems reflects the unfairness between the subjective identities of consumers and the managers. Through the ongoing of the campaign for the protection of the consumers’rights, the consumers call for the protection

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 10期