

Research on Structure Optimization of Chinese Vegetable Supply Chain

【作者】 杨为民

【导师】 钱克明;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 蔬菜在中国农业生产中占有重要地位。在国家政策引导和支持下,中国蔬菜生产、流通和销售得到了长足发展,已经成为世界上第一大蔬菜生产国。随着人们收入水平的提高和安全消费意识的日益增强,对蔬菜安全供应提出较高要求,特别是随着蔬菜国际贸易的进一步发展,对蔬菜品质提出更高标准,使完善蔬菜供应链体系成为迫切的现实要求。 中国蔬菜供应链体系已基本形成,但与国外发达国家相比,还有待进一步完善,特别是在蔬菜安全、供应链效率等方面还存在一定差距。因此,加强对中国蔬菜供应链的研究,提高流通效率、确保蔬菜安全具有重要的现实意义。 本研究运用制度经济学、管理学等相关理论,在实地调研基础之上,采用定性、定量、比较、主成分分析等方法,对蔬菜供应链中的安全和效率问题进行探讨,通过蔬菜供应链结构优化来解决目前蔬菜供应链发展中存在的“瓶颈”问题。 本论文包括导言共分九章,主要包括六方面内容: 第一章导论部分,在分析研究背景基础上,回顾和梳理了蔬菜供应链的相关研究成果,概括了研究思路、方法与框架,提出了可能的创新点与研究不足。 第二章是相关理论研究,是论文的主要理论支撑。通过对供应链管理基本概念、交易费用等理论的阐述,探讨了蔬菜供应链结构一体化理论,指出了蔬菜供应链结构优化是一种制度创新。 第三章是对中国蔬菜供应链体系的总体描述,着重从生产、运输、加工、销售(含国际贸易)等供应链的不同环节上,对蔬菜产业发展现状进行分析,认为中国蔬菜产业虽取得较大发展,但在蔬菜品质、运输等方面仍存在不足,因此,蔬菜产业及相关行业应该向资源整合、信息共享、技术互补等方向发展。 第四章是对中国蔬菜供应链发展模式的研究。主要从蔬菜供应链终端入手,溯源而上,分析发现,中国蔬菜供应链客观存在着两种发展模式:一种是以连锁超市为终端的蔬菜供应链体系,另一种是以农贸市场为终端的蔬菜供应链体系,它们互为补充。通过比较,认为前者具有相对优势,但这两种模式将在较长时间内并存。 第五章从蔬菜供应链各方的利益出发,通过博弈分析得出:由于蔬菜安全具有隐蔽性,当蔬菜安全成本较高时,企业不会自觉地进行相关投入,安全问题实际上是市场失灵的外在表现。蔬菜安全在一定程度上隶属“公共产品”,政府有责任必须加大蔬菜安全的监管力度。 第六章、第七章、第八章属于实证研究,通过消费者对蔬菜消费终端的选择分析,发现随着人们生活水平的提高和安全消费意识的增强,会选择连锁超市作为供应链终端的蔬菜流通体系。通过对企业研究表明,当蔬菜安全成为企业的共识时,会促使企业加强供应链的安全合作,特别要强化蔬菜生产安全,对蔬菜供应链源头进行安全控制,同时,通过关键点控制对其他环节进行有效监督,建立有效的蔬菜安全控制体系。研究还表明,蔬菜供应链内部的企业合作取决于合作效率的高低,而合作效率受合作意向与合作能力的影响较大。因此,应强化合作意向,提高合作能力,提高蔬菜供应链效率,构建蔬菜供应链结构一体化运作的发展模式。 最后,研究针对性的提出:要建立蔬菜供应链的HACCP体系;建立蔬菜供应链管理专门机构;通过立法确立农民经济合作组织法人地位;加大对蔬菜供应链建设的投入力度;加强蔬菜供应链体系中的纵向联合;加强蔬菜供应链企业品牌建设,以提高蔬菜市场竞争力等建议。

【Abstract】 In China, vegetable production plays an important role in Agriculture. Its growing, transporting and selling have come a long way under the government’s guideline and support. China is, now, the biggest vegetable production and exporting country in the world. With living standard improved, Chinese people have been paying more attention to its supply safety. In addition, in the realm of international business, a higher criterion for greenstuffs safety is among the top agenda, which makes the upgrading of supply chain system inevitable.Our vegetable supply chain has emerged. However, compared to the developed countries, it still lags behind, especially in its safety and efficiency of the supply chain. Hence, the research of the relevant fields has become very meaningful.In the research, the system economics and management theories have been employed. Besides, based on the data of a filed trip investigation, the nature-determine, quantity determines and main component analysis have been used to improve the safety and efficiency of the supply chain. With the optimization of the chain structure, the "bottleneck"of the development is expected to be solved.There are nine parts in the thesis including introduction, covering mainly six realms.In the introduction, based on the research background, the relevant achievements, the research method and framework are mentioned, through which some new ideas have been pointed out.Chapter Two discusses the supporting theory. With the concept of supply chain management and trade cost theory mentioned, the vegetable supply chain incorporation theory is presented, which sparkles a new way for the optimization of the chain.Chapter Three focuses on the description of the current domestic supply chain situation. Specializing in the chains of production, transportation, process and selling (including the international market), the research has, on the one hand, confirmed the great development of the industry, but on the other hand, found the deficiency of it quality and transportation. Thus, more effort needs to be made in the resource incorporation, information share and technology exchanges.Chapter Four is the research on the development mode of Chinese vegetable supply chain. Through the terminal of the chain, two development modes have been found, namely, the system with the supermarket as its terminal and the one with the farm product market. Though complimentary to each other, the former is regarded as better tool. The research also suggests that the two systems will co-existing for a long period of time.Chapter Five uses the game theory to look at the different benefits of the relevant parties in the system and finds out the concealing characteristic of the vegetable safety issue: when the safety cost is relatively high, firms are reluctant to invest on it, which is the explicit result of the misleading market. In that sense, the safety issue belongs to the public security and it is the duty of government to employ its supervision power on it.The following three chapters are of the positivist research. Through the analysis of the choices of the consumers towards the terminal of their vegetable buying, it has been found out that, with the development of the people’s living standard and their consumption safety awareness, more are inclined

【关键词】 蔬菜供应链效率安全结构
【Key words】 Vegetable supply chainEfficiencySafetyStructure