

Researches on Gamma-ray Emission Mechanism in Active Galactic Nuclei

【作者】 范忠辉

【导师】 曹新伍;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(上海天文台) , 天体物理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要对活动星系核(AGN)高能伽玛射线的辐射机制、中央黑洞质量、多普勒因子,及喷流的组成成分等问题进行了一系列研究。 高能伽玛射线是探测宇宙中非热、高能加速过程的重要探针。与其它波段的辐射相比,伽玛射线在银河系内很少被吸收。因此,除了那些包含高密度的低能光子的区域(或在极高磁场区域),伽玛射线光子将通过光子—光子作用产生正负电子对而被削弱外,在银道面的方向上,它们提供了无遮掩的视野。随着新一代伽玛射线望远镜[如伽玛射线大面积空间望远镜(GLAST)、甚高能辐射图像望远镜阵系统(VERITAS)]将投入使用,伽玛射线天文学将进入一个激动人心的时期。伽玛射线波段提供了一个重要的观测宇宙的窗口,使我们理解高能天体物理现象有了巨大的进步。 活动星系核的中央是一个106—1010M)的超大质量黑洞,从寄主星系吸积物质,物质吸积到黑洞的产能效率可以达到~0.1-0.3。从AGN的统一模型来看,黑洞附近有一个吸积盘,部分活动星系核中垂直吸积盘有一对喷流,吸积盘外是宽线区,再外面是一个环形的尘埃环及窄线区。不同类型的AGN被认为是因为我们沿不同的视角观测。目前观测到的高能伽玛射线辐射的AGNs基本都是耀变体(blazar)。blazar是喷流沿视线夹角很小的角度观测到的活动星系核。观测到的高光度、短光变时标和视超光速运动都支持AGN的伽玛射线辐射起源于强相对论喷流。 目前,活动星系核的伽玛射线的辐射机制主要可以分为两类模型:轻子模型和强子模型。这两类模型都应该解释blazars宽带能谱的双峰成份。对平谱射电quasars(FSRQs)和低频峰值BL Lacs(LBLs),第一个峰值从射电延伸到光学/UV频率;对高频峰值BL Lacs(HBLs),第一个峰值达到软X射线甚至硬X射线。第二个光谱峰值在伽玛射线能段,许多quasars的第二峰值在几MeV到几GeV。某些blazars的第二峰值甚至达到TeV。 一种可靠的确定多普勒因子的方法在研究活动星系核中致密发射区里的物理过程的起源是关键的一步。确定喷流的物质成分是研究喷流的形成、传播和辐射的重要一步。我们基于外光子模型,用一种新的方法估算了多普勒因子的下限。并根据不同的物质物质成分估算了喷流的多普勒因子,同时估算了喷流

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we present the studies of the high energetic gamma-ray radiative mechanism, central black hole mass, the Doppler factor, and jet’s composition of active galactic nuclei, etc..High energy gamma-rays are important probes of the Universe. Unlike radiation at longer wavelengths, gamma-rays are not attenuated significantly within the Galaxy. As such, they provide an unobstructed view through the plane of the Galaxy except for regions which contain high densities of low energy photons (or virtual photons in regions of high magnetic fields) where Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays are attenuated via photon-photon pair production. With new experiments, such, as GLAST and VERITAS on the horizon, we are entering an exciting period for gamma-ray astronomy. The gamma-ray waveband has provided a new spectral window on the universe and has already resulted in dramatic progress in our understanding of high energy astrophysical phenomena.Within the unification model, the underlying scenario for all AGNs is intrinsically similar. At the very center of the galaxy there is a supermassive black hole (106 to 1010M?) which accretes galactic matter forming an accretion disk. Broad emission lines are produced in clouds orbiting above the disc at high velocity (the Broad Line Region, BLR), and this central region is surrounded by an extended, dusty, molecular torus. Narrower emission lines are produced in clouds moving much farther from the central black hole. Unification of different AGN classes is achieved taken into account the intrinsic anisotropy of the phenomenon. It is generally accepted that blazar gamma-ray emission originates in relativistic jets. Blazar general observed features show: a) strong flux variability, b) strong spectral variability, especially when flaring, and c) the dominance of the gamma-ray emission over all other wavelengths.There are two kinds of models on γ-ray radiative mechanism of AGN: leptonic models and hadronic models. Both scenarios have to explain the
