

On Man-earth Harmony of Chinese Mountain-type "World Heritage of Nature and Culture"

【作者】 孟华

【导师】 秦耀辰;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 人文地理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 随着“世界遗产”研究的逐步深入,遗产理论的提升正在成为学术界的研究“热点”。在对国内外“世界遗产”研究进行评述的基础上,本研究选定以中国山岳型“世界自然-文化遗产”为研究对象,以人地和谐为研究主题。研究以中西方哲学思想为指导,借助相关学科的理论,以可持续发展思想通观全局,在“类型”的层面上,对中国现有的泰山、黄山、峨眉山-乐山大佛、武夷山4项山岳型“世界自然―文化遗产”进行了地理环境分析与人地关系分析。进而以大量的实地调查问卷为基础,对泰山进行了人地和谐状况的实证研究。整个研究共分八章、五大方面。第一、二章提出问题和研究思路;第三章阐述研究的理论基础;第四、五章对中国四个山岳型“世界自然-文化遗产”项目作地理环境与人地关系分析;第六、七章以泰山为例作实证研究;第八章是整个研究的结论部分。本研究对中西哲学的基本思想进行对比分析后认为,“天人合一”是中国哲学的基本精神,其主张人与自然的和谐、将人与自然视为统一整体的思想内涵对于“世界遗产”的世代传承及人地关系的和谐具有重要意义。“世界遗产”人地和谐的研究需要人地关系理论、人类生态学理论、生态旅游理论、循环经济理论等相关学科理论的支撑。各学科理论虽然各有侧重,但最终都统一于人与自然的和谐、统一,体现出可持续发展思想的精髓。本研究结合国外全部20项“世界自然-文化遗产”,对中国的4个“世界自然-文化遗产”项目进行地理环境分析后认为,它们之所以成为“世界双遗产”,主要在于如下4方面原因:地势起伏明显,以山地、高原居多;占据较大的区域面积,多在几百上千平方千米;长(某一)时期适宜于人类的活动与生存;是历史上某(几)种文化的繁盛地。可以说,任何一个“世界自然-文化遗产”项目,都是一个较为完整的人地关系地域系统。这个系统占据足够的区域面积,拥有较为复杂的自然与人文环境,适宜人类的生存与活动,创造种种的人类文明。人地关系包括物质关系与精神关系。一般来说,物质关系重于精神关系。但对于山岳型“世界自然-文化遗产”而言,由于满足人类的精神文化需求是其主要功能,从而决定了在其人地关系中,人地精神关系较人地物质关系更为重要,人地精神关系乃其人地关系的主体,而且随着人类社会的进步,人地精神关系的这种地位将会愈益巩固。山岳型“世界自然-文化遗产”给人更多的是一种精神寄

【Abstract】 Heritage Theory has become a heated subject in the academic field with the penetrating research on the“world heritage”. The present thesis attempts to investigate man-earth harmony of Chinese mountain-type“world heritage of nature and culture”on the basis of a review on the study of“world heritage”both domestic and abroad. Guided by the Chinese and western philosophy and an overview of sustainable developing thought, it gives a thorough analysis on the geographical environment and man-earth relations of Chinese current Mount Taishan, Mount Huangshan, Mount Emei-Leshan Giant Buddha and Mount Wuyi at the level of“type”in virtue of some relevant theories in other fields. It further provides a positive study on man-earth harmony of Mount Taishan with the aid of a vast autoptical investigations and questionnaires. The thesis includes eight chapters: chapter one and chapter two raise the research questions and outline the framework; chapter three elucidates the theoretical basis of the research; chapter four and chapter five analyze the geographical environment and man-earth relations of the four Chinese mountain-type“world heritage of nature and culture”; chapter six and chapter seven have a positive study on Mount Taishan; chapter eight is the conclusion of the thesis.Having compared the fundamental thoughts of Chinese and western philosophy, we assume that the essence of Chinese philosophy ---“unity of man and nature”, which asserts the harmonious unity of human beings and nature, bears a great significance in the inheritance of“world heritage”for generations and the harmonious man-earth relations. The study on“world heritage”needs support from relevant theories in other fields such as man-earth theory, anthropological ecology theory, ecotourism theory and circular economy theory and the like, all of which, though have their own aspects of study respectively, have a terminal in harmonious unity of human beings and nature, which in turn represents the essence of sustainable developing thought.On the basis of an examination on twenty items of“world heritage of nature and culture”abroad, we conduct a through geographical analysis of four Chinese items, based on which we work out the following four reasons why they are taken as“world double heritage”: the obvious gurgitation of hypsography with majority of mountains and altiplanos; a vast acreage, mostly more than hundreds square kilometers; fit for human beings’living and activity for some or a long time; having been a cultural prosperous place in one or some periods of history. It is safe to say that any item of“world heritage of nature and culture”can be regarded as a comparatively complete man-earth areal system, for it takes a sufficient acreage and a relatively complex natural

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期