

The Change of the Ruminal Digestive Function and the Diet Digestibility in 15~150 Day’s Lamb

【作者】 朱文涛

【导师】 雒秋江;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 草业科学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本试验研究不同日粮条件下15~150日龄期间羔羊的采食、消化和瘤胃消化代谢等,以了解15~150日龄羔羊消化功能的发育,从而为羔羊育肥和羔羊饲料的生产提供依据。试验1选择44只初生体重4.4kg的罗姆尼与中国美利奴羊杂交公羔,将其中36只分为3组,每组12只,从15~60日龄分别喂给代乳和两种不同能量/蛋白水平的日粮(DE/CP(MJ·Kg-1/%):11.91/20,8.15/14)。试验2选择16只30日龄的羔羊(品种与试验1相同),分为4组,每组4只,在25日龄左右安装瘤胃瘘管,在30~150日龄给试验羔羊分别饲喂四种能量/蛋白水平的日粮(DE/CP(MJ·Kg-1/%):11.91/20,11.91/14,8.15/20和8.15/14)。结果表明:(1)羔羊的采食量随日龄而呈线性增加,平均增加8~11克/天,直到100日龄时趋于稳定(1000克/天)。日粮成分影响羔羊的采食量,在高能量水平日粮采食量较高,增加15%~27%。(2)羔羊对日粮有机物、粗蛋白质、纤维素等的消化率在60日龄前随日龄而不断提高,羔羊的有机物消化率每天增加0.19%~0.36%,在45~60日龄时达到最高水平(68.4%~71.7%),75日龄后则又逐渐下降;日粮成分影响羔羊有机物的消化率,饲喂高能量水平日粮时在45日龄即达到最高消化水平(70.5%~73.8%),而饲喂一般能量水平日粮时则到60日龄才达到最高水平(66.7%~68.7%)。除一般能量/一般蛋白水平日粮外,羔羊对其它三种日粮的粗蛋白质消化率每天增加0.40%~0.86%,在45~105日龄期间水平较高(64.6%~77.7%),105日龄后则逐渐下降至50.0%~66.7%。羔羊对纤维素的消化率每天增加0.56%~0.74%,75日龄后达到较高水平(40.7%~46.6%),以后仍持续增加,135日龄后达到47.0%~54.4%,饲喂一般能量水平日粮比饲喂高能量水平日粮的纤维素消化率高10.2%~12.8%。(3)羔羊瘤胃消化代谢水平在30日龄就较高,以后则呈平稳上升的趋势。瘤胃液平均pH在30日龄、90日龄和150日龄时分别为5.47~5.82、6.56~6.85和6.81~7.00,饲喂一般能量/一般蛋白水平日粮羔羊瘤胃液pH略高于高能量/高蛋白水平日粮(p>0.05)。羔羊瘤胃液氨态氮浓度在75日龄前随日龄而增加,在30日龄、75日龄、90日龄和150日龄时分别为11.22~15.48、17.8~21.3、18.0~21.9和18.3~23.7mg/100mL,饲喂高能量/高蛋白水平日粮瘤胃液氨态氮略高于一般能量/一般蛋白水平日粮(p>0.05)。羔

【Abstract】 Two experiments were conducted to investigate the intake, digestion and rumen metabolism of the 15-150 day’s lamb fed with different diets in order to understand the development of lamb’s digestion functive and to provide further data for lamb fattening, especially for the production of the lamb feed. In experiment 1, 36 Romney×Chinese Merino newborn male lambs, with body weight about 4.4 kg, were divided into 3 groups (n=12 in each group) and were fed with milk replacer (Diet A), or high digestive energy/high crude protein ((H-DE/H-CP(MJ·Kg-1/%),11.91/20) diet (Diet B), or ordinary digestive energy/ordinary crude protein (O-DE/O-CP, 8.15/14) diet (Diet C), respectively between 15-60 day’s old. In experiment 2, 16 of 30-day’s lambs were fitted with the rumen fistulae at 25-day’s old and divided into four groups (n=4 in each group). After weaning at 30-day’s old, lambs were fed with four diets: high digestive energy/high crude protein (H-DE/H-CP, 11.91 /20) (Diet 1,equals to Diet B in Exp.1), high digestive energy/ordinary crude protein (H-DE/O-CP, 11.91/14) (Diet2), ordinary digestive energy/high crude protein (O-DE/H-CP, 8.15/20) (Diet3), and ordinary digestive energy/ordinary crude protein (O-DE/O-CP, 8.15/14) (Diet 4, equals to Diet C in Exp.1). The results showed that (1) The feed intake by lamb was increased by 8-11g/d, which was linearly correlated with the age until 100-day’s old. The feed intake in the H-DE groups was 15 —27% higher than that in O-DE groups. However, the feed intake was tended to stable when it arrived to 1000 g/day after 100 day’s old. (2) The apparent digestibilities (AD) of OM, CP and cellulose by lambs were increased with age, AD of OM was increased by 0.19%-0.36%/d before 60-day’s old, reaching to the maximum (68.4%-71.7%) at 45—60 day’s old, and decreasing gradually after 75 day’s old. The AD of OM was associated with feed components of diet, the the maximal AD to OM (70.5%-73.8%) was appeared at 45 days old when lambs were fed with H-DE diets, while it was appeared at 60 day’s old in the lambs fed with O-DE diet. The AD of CP was increased by

【关键词】 羔羊消化发育采食瘤胃增重
【Key words】 lambdigestiondevelopmentintakerumenbody weight