

Theoretical Probing and Epoch Construction of the Contemporary Character and Personality Education

【作者】 李虎林

【导师】 胡德海;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 “人格”是一个普遍使用的概念,但是,人们关于人格的认识既存在中西文化的差异,也存在不同学科的差异。虽然目前我国关于人格教育的探讨为数不少,但其实教育学对人格概念的研究尚不深入,在理论研究和具体实践中还存在着对人格教育认识混乱和模糊的现象。当前我国的社会文化转型正加速推进,人们的人格一方面开始由传统转向现代,另一方面也出现了诸多危机。本文正是从这样的时代背景出发,就当代人格教育的相关问题进行了研究。本文第一部分绪论:文化转型的挑战。说明了文化转型的背景及其对人格教育的挑战,对已有的研究成果进行了介绍,检讨了其存在的问题,从理论与实践两个方面阐述了本研究的目的与意义。第二部分人格概念及其界定。首先对“人格”概念进行了总体考察;接着了解了相关学科中的人格界说;最后,在对人格概念进行分析综合的基础上,总结了人格的特征,并从教育学的立场出发,揭示了人格概念的本质,确立了作为教育学范畴的人格界定。从总体上来说,人格作为一个复杂的系统,是独特性与共同性的统一;层次性与整体性的统一;相对稳定与变化发展的统一;历史继承性与时代性的统一。人格是文化的产物。从根本上来说,人格是凝结和体现人的社会文化特性的精神与行为模式;一个人的人格集中代表着他安身立命、待人处事的态度和准则,表现为主体与自己、与他人、社会及与外界事物进行联系和交往的方式;从其结构和组成要素来看,人格是一个有组织、有层次的系统,由内层和外层两个层面构成,内层是以自我意识为核心的,主要包含主体的需要与动机(如经常起作用的亲和动机和成就动机)、情感方式、意志品质、相对稳定的价值、道德观念及思想意识等精神特质,外层是主体内在精神特质的显性化,它主要表现为人的个体形象和行为模式。第三部分当代人格教育的内涵与定位。人格是凝结和体现着人的社会文化特性的精神与行为模式,是内在精神特性与相应的行为模式的统一体,这种统一体往往由一些特质所构成,当代人格教育就是培育与时代发展相适应的人格特质或人格品质的活动。具体而言,就是通过教育活动解放、改进、提升和完善每一位儿童的人格。当代人格教育是中国传统人格教育的革新、改造、继承和发展。它是我国全面发展教育的重要组成部分,是培养中国新世纪公民人格的教育。第四部分教育在文化与人格转型中的地位与作用。这部分以文化与文化转型的含义为基础,探讨了当代社会文化转型的实质,并借鉴文化人类学和社会心理学的理论与研究成果,进一步分析和研究了教育在文化与人格转型中的地位与作用问题。当代文化转型的实质是部分的农业文明的经验主义文化向部分的工业文明的理性主义文化的转化与部分的理性主义文化向部分的后现代主义文化的转化,是一个双重的复合过程。尽管理性主义文化与后现代主义文化之间存在着一些差异,但它们并不是对立的关系,而毋宁说是并存、延续的关系。人格转型是社会文化转型的组成部分,也是社会文化转型的动力。教育在文化转型中处于中介和动力的地位,主要发挥着改进和提升人格的作用。第五部分当代人格教育的目标分析。与21世纪中国社会的文明进步相适应的公民人格是一个整体,现代人格、健康人格和道德人格是对这一整体人格从不同角度的描述和把握。这部分提出当代人格教育的三个目标是现代人格、健康人格和道德人格,并对它们的实质和相互关系进行了分析。最后,还就当代人格教育追求的目标与传统人格的关系进行了探讨和研究,提出现代性的融入和传统人格的创造性转化是实现当代人格教育目标的基本途径。第六部分当代人格教育的内容构建。在文化转型中,“价值秩序”已经发生位移,“价值秩序”重建的任务甚为迫切。这部分主要根据时代的需要,从自我意识的觉醒、心态结构的成熟、价值态度的培育和行为模式的养成等几个方面对当代人格教育进行了重新构建。第七部分当代人格教育的原则与策略。与传统中国人人格成长的文化环境相比,文化转型时期中国人所遭遇的文化环境呈现出两大特征:一是文化内容和形式的多样化,二是文化内容和形式的不稳定性或变迁性。针对这种社会现实,并依据人格的特征和发展规律,本文在这部分提出并探究了进行人格教育所应遵循的五条基本原则和开展人格教育可以采取的六个策略。

【Abstract】 "Personality" or "character" is a concept that it has been widely used, but there exists its different meanings between Chinese culture and western culture, as well as among different subjects. Although studies of character and personality education (CPE) do not lack in our country currently, personality is not researched deeply and roundly from educational standpoint, and there exist phenomena that the cognition of CPE is mist in theoretic researches and concrete practices. At present, transformation of society and culture is speeding up in our country. On the one hand, personality of people is transforming from the tradition to modernize, on the other hand, there have been many personality crises. It is from this historical background that the thesis deals with contemporary CPE.The introduction part of the thesis analyses the background of the research, introduces relevant researches and inspects some problems in them, Interpretation the research’s purpose and significance.In the second chapter "personality concept and definition", review history of "personality" at first; Then inspect the definition of personality in some subjects; Finally, sum up the feature of personality, reveal the essence of personality, and from the standpoint of education establish definition of personality. Personality is integration that has two sides, a individual side and a common side, a level side and a integral side, a stable side and a metabolic side, a classical side and a modern side. Personality is a product of culture. Fundamentally, Personality is the socio-cultural identity of everybody that condense and embodies their spirits and behavior modes. Everybody’ personality decides his attitude to life and how he treats oneself, other people, social and all kind of thing. Respecting the structure and components of personality, it is an organized, structured system of inner dimension and outer dimension. inner-level is a mixture of self-awareness, needs and motives (such as pro-motivation and achievement motivation) , feelings, will, and relatively stable values, ethics and ideology, ethos; outer-level be composed of individual image and behavior patterns.The third part of the thesis is about definition and positioning of contemporary CPE. Personality is a continuum of inner spirit and outer behavior. The continuum materializes some personality traits. Contemporary CPE is the activity of fostering and developing these personality traits that are needed in our times. Specifically, it liberates, improves, upgrades and perfects each child’s personality. Contemporary CPE is innovation, transformation, succession and development of the traditional CPE in china. It is necessary component of comprehensive development education. It cultivates Chinese Citizenship personality in the 21st century.The fourth Part is about educational place and function in the transformation of culture and personality, which clarifies the meaning of culture and cultural transformation, explores the essence of current social and cultural transformation, analysis and research further educational place and function in the transformation of culture and personality. Contemporary cultural transformation is a double composite process, the essence of which is the conversion of partial culture of the agricultural civilization to partial culture of industrial civilization and partial culture of industrial civilization to partial postmodern culture. There exist some differences between modern culture and postmodern culture, but they are not antagonistic relationship and that is rather coexist, and postmodern culture is a continuation of modern culture. Personality transformation is an integral part of social and cultural transformation, but also is the engine of social and cultural transformation. Education is intermediary and engine. It improves personality in cultural transformation.The fifth part of the thesis is about research on goal of contemporary CPE. Chinese new ideal personality is a whole in 21st century. it is described from different angles as modern personality, healthy personality, and moral personality. In the part, the thesis expound three goals of contemporary CPE, which is modern personality, healthy personality and moral personality at first, then analyses theirs meaning and mutual relations. Finally, demonstrates the relationship between goal of contemporary CPE and the traditional personality, propound the basic way to goal of contemporary CPE that we ought to transform traditional personality creatively.The sixth part is content of contemporary CPE. In the cultural transition, "the order of values " has occurred displacement. The reconstruction of "the order of values " is an urgent task at present. On the basis of needs of the times, the part confirms newly contents of contemporary CPE including the awakening self-awareness, maturing heart, cultivating values and attitude, and nurturing behavior patterns.The seventh part of the thesis is about principles and strategy of contemporary CPE. In the cultural transition, compared with the traditional cultural environment, current cultural content and form is diversity and uncertainty in china. In view of this social reality, and based on the personality development law, the thesis demonstrates five basic principles and six strategies of contemporary CPE in this part.

  • 【分类号】G41
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