

Electronics System of BESIII Luminosity Monitor

【作者】 颜天信

【导师】 安琪; 王永纲;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 物理电子学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 高能物理是探索物质结构的基本组成成分、性质以及它们之间相互作用规律的前沿学科,它的研究需要借助很多手段,其中之一就是像“显微镜”一样的对撞机。北京正负电子对撞机(BEPC)十多年来,取得了辉煌的成就,在国际高科技领域占有了一席之地。 近年来,中国科技实力不断发展,国内科技和工业水平已大幅度提高;而且在二十多年来北京谱仪的建造、运行取数、数据和物理分析中积累了丰富的经验;在这些基础上提出了BEPC重大改造工程——BESⅢ探测器。 BESⅢ亮度监测系统是BESⅢ探测器的主要子系统之一。BESⅢ亮度监测系统分为粒子探测器和亮度监测电子学系统两大部分,本课题系统研究并设计了BESⅢ亮度监测电子学系统。 BESⅢ亮度监测电子学系统的研究主要包括的内容及本文的主要工作如下: 前端读出电子学:北京谱仪需要检测的亮度信号是宽度小于4ns的脉冲信号,所以前端电子学系统必需有足够高的带宽:同时,前端电子学系统安装在环境电磁辐射很强的对撞环附近,而计数控制系统在几十米外的控制室,这要求前端电子学系统具有很强的抗干扰性和远距离传输能力。BESⅢ亮度监测前端系统设计带宽为300MHz,信号传输距离为30米。 高速ECL逻辑设计:ECL数字集成电路是目前速度最快的实用电路。为了实现4ns Bunch by Bunch的BESⅢ亮度信号监测,在数字信号处理部分使用了大量ECLinPS系列芯片,完成了工作时钟为500MHz的高速数字系统设计。 FPGA并行计数及控制:FPGA资源丰富,易于实现并行流水线,设计专用的数据处理方法来完成大量的数据处理,从而大大缩短系统的响应时间:FPGA的I/O接口资源也很丰富,易于实现各种接口。BESⅢ亮度监测器的并行计数及CAMAC接口采用了Altera公司的Cyclone系列芯片EP1C6T144C8实现。 实时显示控制软件系统:BESⅢ亮度监测系统显示控制软件使用C++ builder完成,提供了方便的控制平台及直观的Bunch by Bunch亮度信息。

【Abstract】 High energy physics is to explore the basic structure of the material composition, nature and the interactions between them in the forefront of disciplines, and its research needs through many means, one of which is like "microscopes" to the same collision.Beijing Electron-Positron Collider(BEPC), 10 years ago, has scored brilliant achievements in the field of possession of a high-tech international.In recent years, the continued development of China’s scientific and technological strength, the level of domestic technological and industrial has increased significantly; More than twenty years of the construction, operation on Beijing Spectrometer(BES), has accumulated rich experience;Basis on these, made a major transformation project for BEPC -BESIII detectors.BESIII luminosity monitoring system is one of the major subsystems of BESIII detectors. BESIII luminosity monitoring system is divided into particle detectors and monitoring electronics systems.The main task of this paper is to systematic study and design an electronics systems for BESIII luminosity monitoring system.BESIII luminosity monitoring electronics system and the contents of this study include the following major tasks:The front-end electronics: BESIII needs to test luminosity signals with less than 4ns pulse width, so the front-end electronics system must have a sufficiently high bandwidth.Meanwhile,the front-end electronics systems installs in the environmental impacting of a strong electromagnetic radiation near Central,and the counting & control systems is installed in the control room few dozen extra meters. These require the front-end electronics systems with remote transmission & strong anti-interference capability. BESIII luminosity monitoring electronics system is designed with 300MHz bandwidth, and signal transmission distance of 30 metres.High-speed logic ECL design: ECL digital IC is the fastest practical circuits. To
