

【作者】 吴玉军

【导师】 韩震;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 在当代纷繁复杂的哲学流派中,对非确定性问题的关注,构成了它们共同的理论旨趣。当代哲学对非确定性问题的关注,反映了现代人的基本生存现实:高度流动的现代社会与人的无根基状态。本文力图从现代人的这一基本生存情境出发,深入到非确定性问题的探讨当中。从理论变革角度看,在确定性追求的道路上,人类总体上先后经历了神话思维、本体论思维以及主体性思维等不同的阶段。现代社会的形成和发展正是体现为外在神秘力量的不断衰微和自我力量的不断伸张。从自身当中而非外在的权威中寻找确定性的生存根基,这一方面构成了确定性追寻的现代形态,另一方面也颠覆了原有的秩序框架,将自我非确定的感性欲望凸显了出来。围绕自我而展开的确定性与非确定性的矛盾运动,构成了现代人的基本生存境遇。现代社会的发展体现为自我力量不断增长和社会世俗化不断增强的过程。自我不仅日益摆脱外在枷锁的束缚,而且也不断摆脱自身理性对非理性欲望的控制,从而将自我感性的、经验的一面最为充分地表现出来。但丧失了形而上追求的现代人也失去了其完整性和崇高性,最终导致自我的碎片化。现代社会不再将共同体看作首要的东西,而是将自我意识、自我决定和自我实现作为自身努力的方向。摈弃了共同体束缚的原子化的个人主义有力地促进了个体自由权利的实现,但同时也将多元主义的种子撒播开来,从而使得价值共识成为现代社会的一个突出问题。现代社会的发展体现为人以自我意识为基点,力图将外在的自然纳入一个确定化轨道的过程。但是,以主观性保证确定性的努力,奠定了现代技术限定自然、强求自然的基础。现代科学技术在抽象化运用的过程中,对复杂的自然进行了简单化处理,在力图使自然的发展按照人自身的确定轨道运行的过程中,造成了人为的风险和危机,从而危及现代人的生存。总之,以自我为根基寻求确定性的现代性实践,是在二元对立的框架下展开的。它所展现的是自我与自然、自我与社会、经验与超验的对立。封闭、冲突代替了对话,僵化、对峙代替了和谐。力图追求确定性的现代性实践,并没有顺利地向着人们预期的目标前进。现代人在不断取得进步的同时,却也面对着自我认同焦虑、价值共识困境和非安全感增强等生存困境。生存的无根基状态成为现代人在发展过程中面临着的突出问题。正因如此,冲破自我独断的二元对立框架,建构一种新型的自我观,以便为现代人的生存奠定坚实的根基,理应成为当代社会和当代哲学努力的基本方向。立足于实践基础上的马克思主义的自我观和理性观,为我们重建确定性提供了坚实的理论基础。

【Abstract】 Most of the contemporary philosophical schools focus their attention on the question of uncertainty, which reflects a basic fact that the modern society is a liquid society and the existence of modern humankind is shaky. And this dissertation does discuss the question of uncertainty from the fact above mentioned.On the whole, humankinds pass through different stages such as myth, ontology thinking, and self-conscious thinking during the pursuit of the certainty. And modernity is a process of the decline of the mystery contrast with the rise of the self, which tries to seek the certain existence base from the humankind and not from the outside. This on one hand reflects the specialty of the modern society, on the other hand, the old order frame has been deconstructed and the aspect of desire emerges clearly. The contradiction resolving around the certainty and the uncertainty constitutes the reality of modern human existence.The development of modern society reflects the growth of the self and the secularization. In this process, not only the self gets rid of the chains from outside, but also the irrational tries to shake off the control of the reason. So, the sensual and experimental have been shown fully. When not pursuing the metaphysical, the self loses the sublimity and integrity and is fractured. Modern society does not regard the community as the prime good but tries to realize the aim of self-consciousness, self-determination and self-realization. Individualism from the bound of community promotes the realization of the individual freedom and right, but the seeds of pluralism have been planted also, which makes the value consensus becomes a difficult question that contemporary society must be faced up with. At last, modern society tries to construct a certain frame for the nature according to humankind’s mind, which lays down the base to limit and oppress the nature. During the abstract use of the science and technology, modern humankinds want to deal with the nature with the thinking of the simplicity. By this, they want to make the nature develop according to their own minds. Contrary to their minds, the risks and crisis led by humankinds appears, which constitutes a threat to humankinds’existence.In a word, the modernity based on self tries to construct certainty in the frame of dichotomy, between the self and nature, self and community, experiential and transcendental. As a result, the conflict takes the place of dialogue and harmony. And the modernity trying to realize the certainty has not realized its aim easily, what’s more, self-identity crisis, value consensus and uncertainty by humankinds come out. Modern humankinds are faced with the difficulty of unrooted existence state. So, it’s necessary to breaks up the frame of dichotomy and to construct a new concept of the self in order to constitute a solid base for modern humankinds’existence. And the new concept of self and reason of Marxism based on practice gives us a solid base for the reconstruction of certainty.

【关键词】 非确定性确定性现代性生存
【Key words】 UncertaintyCertaintyModernityExistence
  • 【分类号】C912.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1004