

【作者】 刘东方

【导师】 宋益乔; 张清华;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 胡适是中国现代文学史上的一位大家。胡适研究已为越来越多的学者所关注,成为一门“显学”。本文立足中国现代文学文体理论的建构发展,从文体理论的视角,通过文学内部研究和外部研究相结合的方法,运用现代西方语言学原理和哲学、社会学、心理学理论,考察胡适文体理论形成的主客观条件,梳理胡适现代文体理论的形成过程,阐释胡适文体理论的内容,并揭示其文学史意义。从现代文学批评的角度来看,文学史在本质上,主要表现为文体演变史。现代文学史本质上就是一个现代文体建立、发展和不断成熟的动态过程。在中国的现代文学史上,胡适既是现代文体理论的提倡者,又是现代文体理论的建设者。他最早认识到“中国旧文学在文体诸方面都不完备”。中国的新文学若要健康顺利地发展,就必须建构完备的现代文体理论规范。他在对中国传统和西方近代文体理论进行历时性考察的基础上,在实验主义哲学和进化论思想的指导下,建构了新文学的现代文体理论。他的文体理论主要包括通过现代白话文运动确定的现代白话语言系统和通过诗歌、小说、戏剧、散文建构的现代文体类型两部分。其理论建构经历了语言符号的革命转换——语言符号的审美规范——文体类型的最终确立这样一个逻辑轨迹。本论文认为:“五四”时期所形成的胡适的文体理论,是与当时的社会文化背景和胡适本人的人格素质类型分不开的,同时,它也是西方实验主义哲学和社会进化论思潮共同作用的产物和胡适整合中西文学资源的结果。

【Abstract】 Hu Shi is a great master in the history of Chinese modem literature.Researches into Hu Shi have received more and more scholars’ attention andbecome the focus of literature research. Based on the establishment anddevelopment of style theories of Chinese modern literature, this dissertation,from the aspect of style theories, applies modem western linguistics, analyzesHu Shi’s understanding of modern style theories and the content of styletheory and points out the theory’s significance to the whole literary history. From tile point of modem literary criticism, literary, history is mainlyexpressed as a history of style elution in nature, in essence, modern literaryhistory is a dynamic process in which a modern style establishes, develops andcomes to maturity. In Chinese modern literary history, Hu Shi was all advocator and erectorof modem style theories. He was the first person who realized: "Chinese oldliterature is net mature at all the sides. "To develop Chinese new literaturehealthily, mature modern style theories criteria must be established. After hisreview of Chinese traditional and western modem style theories, Hu Shiestablished modern style theory of new literature according to the abovetheories. His theory, consisted of two parts. One was modern colloquialismlanguage system established though modern colloquialism movement, theother was modern style types including poetry, fiction, drama and essay. Thewhole logical trajectory was the revolution of linguistic symbols—aestheticcriteria of linguistic symbols--the establishment of style types.Starting with language, Hu Shi advocated colloquialism to realize therevolution of linguistic symbols and aesthetic criteria of linguistic symbols.Applying principles of western modern linguistics, this dissertation analysesthe great significance and value of Hu Shi’s work. With the development ofwestern linguistic philosophy represented by Hard-edged and westernlinguistics represented by Susure, people have realized that language, althoughseems to belong to literary form and only a tool used to express meaning, it iscover and physical material of ideology in substance. Literature essentially is alinguistic independent entity that is made of linguistic skills. So, the moderncolloquialism movement advocated by Hu Shi(revolution of linguisticsymbols-aesthetic criteria of linguistic symbols),will surely arouse revolutionof the whole Chinese people’s made of thinking, revolution of literaryideology and the transition of the whole literary conception from classical tomodern. It also becomes the linchpin of Chinese literature, Chinese cultureand even Chinese people’s modernization with epoch-making significance.Based on the above, this dissertation concretely analyses the process of HuShi’s construction of modern colloquialism linguist icy system specifically.Language is the essence of style,style type its external form. Afterestablishing the modern colloquialism linguistics system,Hu Shi establishedmodern style types of new literature, specifically from poetry, fiction, dramaand essay, etc. To poetry style, Hu Shi raised “natural syllables” and “imagoand artistic conception” theories. His fiction style includes both normal fictionstyle theory and short story style theory. To drama style, he is the first personto put forward tragedy style. To essay style, He put forward modern essayconceptions that underline application, literary grace and unification ofcontent and form. With the establishment of Hu Shi’s modern style theory.Chinese literature in 20 century turned from tender and gentle appearance intoa new image, coming into world literature.At the same time, put Hu Shi’s style theory into the process of Chinesemodern literature’s development, this dissertation evaluates its uniquesignificance in literary history and also summarizes its experiences andshortages. Hu Shi’s style theory, innovating in ideology, is the hard foundationstone of Chinese modern literature’s Hu Shi’s style theory, innovating inideology, is the hard foundation stone of Chinese modern literature’sdevelopment. His theory, innovating in ideology, is the hard foundation stoneof Chinese modern literature’s development. His theory, changed Chinesepeople’s made of thinking and led to the revolution of Chinese literaryideology in 20 century;his theory also pays much attention to aestheticenlightening, raises modern literature’s aesthetic value and modernizespeople’s aesthetic senses. Hu Shi’s theory, echoing the May 4th spirit, showsoutstanding subject consciousness and era theme of human beings’ liberation.What’s more, his theory, almost the same with western modern style theories,laying stress on language and text, is used for reference to establish modernChinese style science.This dissertation also notices that Hu Shi’s style theories are not perfect.As product of the May 4th era, his theories don’t deal well with the relationshipbetween nationalization and modernization. Contrast to classical styles, histheories’ aesthetic criteria should get further improvement;while contrast tolater style theories, they are simple and infantile. However, they carry moreadvantages than their advantages and we can’t disregard great contributionsHu Shi’s style theories has made to Chinese even world literature.
