

A Theme-study of 1930s’ Novels under the Ology of Eco-Culture

【作者】 李钧

【导师】 朱德发;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 “意识形态化”是1951年开始的中国现代文学史写作的主要特征。王瑶、刘绶松、林志浩等前辈领衔编写的文学史固然带着深深的时代烙印,即使“重写文学史”过程中形成的一些经典文学史也不同程度地受到意识形态一元价值标准的影响,呈现出文学史写作的范式困境;尤其是对“民族主义文学”、通俗文学和“自由人”的评价,仍存在许多研究空白和误读之处。本文针对中国现代文学史研究的范式困境,提出了“生态文化学”理念,并以马克思主义哲学、文化人类学、现代历史哲学等基本理论对其进行了逻辑与历史、社会与伦理、文化与艺术等层面的论证,建构了自成体系的文学史写作原则框架。同时,以“生态文化学”为方法论和文学史观,从阅读民国报刊和出版物入手,对30年代小说五大主题进行文本抽样勘探,在努力还原历史文化生态的过程中,揭破既有文学史研究中的遮蔽现象,以突破文学史写作的范式困境,彻底打破意识形态思维和写作模式,为文学研究和文学史写作提供一种新的范型。绪论“‘生态文化学’:现代中国文学史研究的一种新理路”。根据研究对象的实际需要提出了“生态文化学”理念,并汲取多学科基本原理对这一理念进行了多层面的理论整合,论证本命题成立的可能性、可行性与必然性。以“生态文化学”为方法论,在“现代中国”核心理念下,在“世界性”、“民族性”与“人性”的三维坐标中,重新审视各种文学流派并努力发现其独特的艺术价值,有利于为“重写文学史”工作营造一个优化环境。“生态文化学”视野中的“30年代”(1927-1937年)小说,至少包括民族国家、阶级革命、精英启蒙、市民社会、文化寻根五大主题,现代中国文学史正是这五种力量合力的结果。本论文主体部分即以此五大主题展开。论文主体部分共分为五章。第一章“民族国家:想象的共同体”。本章对民族主义思潮影响下的“三民主义文学”、“民族主义文学”和“抗战文学”进行梳理并发现其合法性。本文认为,民族主义文学是服务于国家统一、民族独立的文学,值得重新研究。第二章“阶级革命:翻身解放的梦想”。无产阶级文学在马克思主义文艺理论指导下,在国际左翼文坛的影响下,于30年代生成、发展并走向成熟。无产阶级文学在探索过程中形成了“革命美学”和“无产阶级小说学”,并以切实的创作实绩融入到国际无产阶级文学的大潮中。本章检阅了中国无产阶级文学阵营,并陈述其合理性。第三章“启蒙主义:五四传统的绵延与赓续”。本章对关注自由人权与文化批判的启蒙主义文学进行研究,并发现其式微的原因。启蒙主义文学传统在30年代的后期文学研究会、民主主义作家和自由主义作家身上都有着传承与赓续,他们构成了茅盾所说的“五四的正统派”。但是启

【Abstract】 This thesis aims at the methodology predicament in modern Chinese literaryhistory study, puts forward “Ology of Eco-Culture” issue to provide a new theoreticalway for the modern Chinese literary history research. The thesis regards “1930s’novels” as researching object, working hard to restore the history cultural ecosystemwith touching the periodicals and expose the covering of literary history study,showing the true circumstance of the literary history. The novel study is the main partof this thesis;it is the application of “Ology of Eco-Culture” and also the fact proof tothe theory.The prologue “Ology of Eco-Culture: a new theoretical way in modern Chineseliterary history study”, puts forward “Ology of Eco-Culture” proposition anddemonstrates it with the basic principles such as anthropological philosophy, modernhistorical philosophy and Marxist philosophy, etc. establishing the theory in logicaland historical, art and ethical, cultural and historical levels, demonstrating itspossibility and inevitability. From “Ology of Eco-Culture” standpoint, the 1930s’novels include at least five great topics: nationalism, rank revolution, eliteenlightenment, citizen society and “searching for cultural root”. The modern Chineseliterary history is the result of these five powers. The main part of this thesis is basedon these five topics.Chapter 1 “Folk and nation: imagined communities” will study the legitimacy ofnationalism literature which is supported by Nan king government. Nationalism isbeneficial to the country independence, self-confidence, national sovereignty andterritory unity;Nationalism literature serves for the union and independence, deservesto study afresh.Chapter 2 “Class revolution: the dream of liberation” will inspect the Chineseproletariat literature troops and illustrate its rationality.Chapter 3 “Didacticism: the enlargement of May 4th tradition in 1930s ” willstudy the literature flow which paying attention to the human rights and culturalenlightens, discover the reason of its recession. Didacticism literature still has itsimportant historical and realistic value now.Chapter 4 “Citizenry society: the public space and life poem” generallydescribes the social condition of citizenry society in 20-30s of 20th century, displayits economic power and political ideal, public space and citizenry culture, study the“new felling”, novels about swordsmen, “new mandarin duck and butterfly” etc.Citizenry literature satisfied the civic natural requests, expressed the respect of“humanity”. It is legitimate in every era.Chapter 5 “Cultural China: The literature searching for root in 30s”. When ourcountry was facing crisis in 1930s, parts of intelligentsia tried to rectify the nihilism,return to study the Chinese traditional and folk cultures in order to reconstruct thenational ethos, and became the “night watchman for Chinese traditional culture”.Some authors rebuild the Chinese classic aesthetics and novel spirit, constituted aliterary realm of “searching for cultural root”. They made the traditional culture amodern transformation. This literature flow has an important significance inremedying the “modernity naivety” in modern literature.The conclusion part “Humanism literature: 1930s’ novels under the Ology ofEco-Culture visual field”, reiterates the important principles of the “Ology ofEco-Culture” such as “literary field”, discovering history and recuperate theecosystem, the freedom of literature and literary liberty, historical literature andliterary history etc., The Ology of Eco-Culture seeks after the purpose that relievingthe literary history from the bondage of political ideology and becoming a forbearingand healthy literary history which regard humanism as the most important principle,so that rebuilding a graceful researching environment.The thesis has the targets that, the first, according to the research object toestablish the theory of “Ology of Eco-Culture”, providing a new theoretical way forthe modern Chinese literary history research, this is the theoretic target;The second,to reiterate the important principles of the “Ology of Eco-Culture” such as “literaryfield”, discovering history and recuperate the ecosystem, the freedom of literature andliterary liberty, historical literature and literary history etc. This is the target ofmethodology. The third, this paper will set up a logistic frame for 1930s’ culturalthoughts, novel writing and new literary historical view based on the “Ology ofEco-Culture”. This is the inaugurate target of history writing style. The forth, todistinguish the five kinds philosophic cultural thoughts in 1930s’ from the originaljournals and publications, re-exploring the complexity of 1930s’ cultural ecosystem.This is the writing target of this thesis.

【关键词】 生态文化学“30年代”小说研究
【Key words】 Ology of Eco-Culture1930sNovel study