

Theoretical Discussions on the Geochemical Quantitative Prediction for Potential of Mineral Resources and Corresponding Practical Methods

【作者】 孙忠军

【导师】 张本仁;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球化学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 矿产资源潜力预测一直是地质各个学科非常重视的研究方向,定量预测是当前资源潜力预测的前缘课题。不同级次矿床成矿系列资源潜力定量预测是当前急需解决的关键问题。地球化学场可以从成矿带、矿集区、矿田和矿床的级次上聚焦矿床成矿系列的规模特征,从矿田和矿床地球化学场的形成规律入手,揭示出矿田和矿床成矿元素剥蚀量的空间结构定量模型,研究矿田和矿床成矿系列资源潜力定量预测新方法;探讨成矿带成矿系列形成规模的地球化学控制因素,计算因素系数,建立因素耦合定量预测模型。这些是本文解决上述问题的学术特色。本文主要取得以下创新性成果:一、建立了土壤中成矿元素相态迁移规律的空间功率模型通过研究土壤层元素总量和分维变化特征、元素相态和分维分布特征,计算相态迁移的主导因素系数,揭示元素迁移的驱动能特征-空间能系数,在土壤中元素相态迁移机制研究的基础上,用空间伸展研究方法,建立了元素相态迁移规律定量模型。二、研究出水系沉积物相态分配系数空间功率模型研究内容包括:水系沉积物粒级层元素分配特征,水系沉积物元素迁移机制,元素迁移的主导因素系数和空间能系数,水系沉积物元素迁移定量模型。揭示出开放体系非平衡过程元素相态分配特征是水系沉积物成矿元素迁移的机制,空间能系数描述了元素相态分配的驱动力特征,剥蚀矿化系数制约元素的分形伸展过程。三、用二元组分的空间功率模型描述了风成沙干扰的突变规律通过研究水系沉积物风成沙扰动层(-40目)元素和分维的变化特征,得出风成沙干扰是一种突变过程。进一步揭示粒级因素系数可以描述风成沙混入量特征,组分因素系数模型反映了风成沙干扰程度,二者得到了试验的证明。最后建立了风成沙突变干扰的二元组分空间功率模型。四、建立了资源调查采样密度理论模型通过研究水系沉积物元素迁移机制,提出了分形面密度的概念,以描述地球化学场对采样密度的制约作用,在研究水系形成机制的基础上,提出了流域面积比概念,刻画水系发育程度对采样密度的控制作用,研究了高寒湖沼区地貌侵蚀特征,提出比降系数可以揭示地貌发展的阶段性特征,最后,建立了采样密度因素模型,用试验结果验证了模型的客观性和适用性。五、研究出矿床资源潜力定量预测的土壤空间熵新方法首先用分形理论和耗散结构理论证明了空间能系数与熵的联系,其次提出了

【Abstract】 Mineral resource potential prediction has been a very important researchfield in the field of earth science. At present quantitative prediction is a frontierdirection of Mineral resource potential prediction. The quantitative prediction ofdifferent scale of minerogenic series is a key problem that needs to be solvedurgently. Geochemical anomalies can focus on the mineralization scale ofminerogenic series in the scale of metallogenic belt, concentration ofmetallogennesis, ore field and mineral deposit. According to the research ofthe formation regularity of ore field and mineral deposit geochemical anomalies,denudation amount of ore field and mineral deposit was able to revealed byspatial structure quantitative model;Thus, the new methods of predictingminerogenic series resource potential were studied. In addition, according tothe research result of geochemical factor coefficient constraining minerogenicseries reserve, the quantitative prediction model of factors coincidence hadbeen established triumphantly.Main achievements of this text lists below:Explored a new quantitive mothod of spatial structure’s evolving in theresearch of surface geochemistry Element migration in soil or stream sediment is process of fractal evolve.The tests illustrated that the new method was able to reveal constrain factors,energy coefficients, geochemical mechanism and degree of spatial structure’sevolving in the process of element migration. Thus it can provide a newmethod for revealing quantificationally natural law in the field of complicatedgeological process.Formulated a spatial power model in the process of element formmigration in soil The distribution characteristic of element content with chemical fractaldimension and element form with its fractal dimension in soil layer was studied.Predominant factor coefficient constraining element form migration in soil wascomputed. Driving force of element migration was able to characterize byspatial energy coefficient. The mechanism of element migration had beenrevealed. The research showed that the spatial power model representcharacteristic of element form migration in soil.Formulated a spatial power model of element form distributioncoefficient in stream sediment. The research of element distribution, element migration mechanism,predominant factor coefficient and energy coefficient in stream sediment hadbeen done. The study shows that the spatial power model of element formdistribution coefficient opens out the regular pattern of element migration instream sediment.Formulated a spatial power model of binary component that formulatesthe mutation characteristic of chemical spatial construction in -40 meshstream sediment disturbed by eolian sandThe fractal dimension of ore-forming elements in the -40 mesh streamsediment appears to be a mutation character. Granularity factor coefficient wascalculated according to the disturbance feature mixed flow dune with fastnessdune, which is a good index to the mixing quantity of eolian sand in streamsediment. Composition factor coefficient also was computed by the use of foldfunction formula, which coincides with regional experimental results.Formulated a factor model of sampling density in geochemicalexploration for mineral resource.Theory and experiment proved that sampling density in geochemicalexploration for mineral resource is constrained by geochemical anomaly scale,stream distribute and physiognomy cycle. Fractal area density, drainage arearatio and altitude coefficient can open out the forming mechanism of threeaspects above. A factor model of sampling density is the foundation ofsampling density theory. It could guide establishment of sampling density andsampling layout in geochemical exploration for mineral resource.Explored a new method of spatial entropy that quantificationally predictsmineral resources potentialFirstly, the author proved that spatial energy coefficient has contact withelement entropy in soil by the use of fractal and dissipative structure theory.Secondly, the author constituted a calculation model of spatial entropy forquantitive prediction of mineral resources potential. Finally, the authorpredicted minerogenic series resource potential in study area.Explored a new method of spatial structure degree in stream sedimentfor quantitative prediction of mineral resources potentialOn the basis of geochemistry regulation of element migration in streamsediment and self-similarity in geochemical anomaly of ore field, two spatialstructure degree models of denudation amount in the area of ore field with thenested and associated geochemical patterns were formulated by the use offractal method. The models provided theory foundation of geochemical methodfor quantitative predicting ore field resource potential. The tests illustrated thatthe new method not only quantificationally predicts mineral resource potentialbut also qualitatively lead the research of minerogenic series.Explored a new method of factors coupling for prediction of minerogenicseries in metallogenic belt.The prediction of preponderant minerogenic series in the eastern section ofGangdise Mountains, Tibet, is a key problem that needs to be solved currently.The author studied the provenance characteristics and relations betweengeochemical targets and minerogenic series, revealed the geochemicalconstraint of mineralization scale and calculated factors coupling coefficientsfor predicting potential resources. It can be concluded that four differentminerogenic series are concentrated in the eastern section of the GangdiseMountains.

  • 【分类号】P612;P632
  • 【被引频次】3
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