

Study on Suspended Sediment Distribution and Evolution of Radial Sand Ridges in the South Yellow Sea Using Remote Sensing Images

【作者】 宋召军

【导师】 黄海军;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋地质, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用南黄海辐射沙洲附近海域现场测量的悬浮体和光谱数据、遥感影像、沙洲陆侧岸滩剖面实测资料、苏北近岸海图水深数据,综合分析了本区文献资料,借助遥感影像处理和GIS技术较为深入地研究南黄海辐射沙洲附近海域悬浮泥沙的时空分布规律、沙洲陆侧岸滩剖面的近期变化以及沙洲区潮沟的变迁。研究结果表明:1)南黄海辐射沙洲附近海域2003年春季(3-4月)悬浮体浓度要高于2003年秋季(9月),两个季节都是底层悬浮体浓度大于表层;长江口-老黄河口之间的近岸区是本区悬浮体浓度最高的区域;陆源物质为主的无机组分是悬浮体的主体成分,特别是在近岸浅水区和接近海底的底层水中;春秋两季的表层和底层悬浮体平均粒径都是沙洲区内粒度较粗,沙洲外缘粒度相对偏细。2)基于悬浮泥沙水体光谱特性以及实测光谱反射率与水体中的悬浮泥沙浓度之间的关系,建立了表层悬浮泥沙浓度遥感反演模型,并以此为基础定量反演了南黄海辐射沙洲附近海域2003年四个季节的表层悬沙浓度。3)近岸沙洲岸滩剖面实测数据分析表明,条子泥陆侧岸滩剖面的季节变化特点是春夏季以侵蚀为主,秋冬季以淤积为主;东沙沙脊两侧边缘以侵蚀为主,而沙脊中央则以淤积为主。4)研究了辐射沙洲区内大型潮沟及岸滩小型潮沟的变迁规律,并揭示了潮沟变迁与沙洲演化的关系。5)辐射沙洲的演变趋势整体上处于萎缩和破碎状态。

【Abstract】 This paper deals mainly with spatial distribution and seasonal characteristic ofsuspended sediment, changes in beach profile and shifts of tidal troughs, based uponfield measurements, satellite images, bathymetric charts and so on. The results showthat: 1) total suspended matter (TSM) concentrations have higher values in spring(March-April 2003) than that in autumn (September 2003) and it has higherconcentrations of TSM in near-bottom layer and in nearshore area than that in surfacelayer and in offshore at both seasons;the main component of TSM is inorganic matter;coarser grain-size of TSM occurs within the sand ridges area, while finer in theperiphery of the sand ridges at both seasons. 2) a robust linear relationship isestablished between suspended sediments concentrations (SSC) (mg/l) and in situsurface water spectrum reflectance survey (Rrs) (R2=0.944, n=39) and then SSC of 4seasons in 2003 are retrieved from the satellite images with high precision. 3) Theseasonal characteristic of beach profiles located at the Tiaozini sand ridges areaccumulation in autumn-winter and erosion in spring-summer;it is eroded in the outerarea of Dongsha Sand Ridge and accumulated in the center area. 4) The relationshipbetween the shifts of tidal troughs and the evolution of sand ridges are analyzed onbasis of study on the movements of main tidal troughs and small tidal trough on beach.5) The whole radial sand ridges are in the period of division and shrinking.
