

Growth and Quality of Pakchoi (Brassica Chinensis L.) as Affected by Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Nutrition and Its Mechanisms

【作者】 王华静

【导师】 陶勤南; 吴良欢;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 植物营养学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以氨基酸、铵态氮、硝态氮等作为氮源,采用常规水培、局部无菌和完全无菌培养的试验方法,研究了矿质氮和有机氮营养对小白菜生长和品质的影响及其机理。结果如下: 1.氨基酸喷施对小白菜地上部生长、硝酸盐含量及品质的影响 在夏秋季喷施不同氨基酸都能显著提高小白菜地上部产量,尤以谷氨酰胺为佳,夏季增产幅度更大;同时都显著降低地上部硝酸盐含量,且以谷氨酸效果较佳而季间稳定;都显著增加叶片叶绿素含量,也以夏季效果更好;在夏季谷氨酰胺显著提高地上部磷浓度,在秋季谷氨酰胺显著提高地上部氮浓度,但其他氨基酸效果不太明显;夏季喷施谷氨酰胺、甘氨酸处理可以显著增加地上部钙和铁的浓度,但各氨基酸处理使地上部锌的浓度显著下降;秋季甘氨酸使地上部铁浓度显著增加,甘氨酸和谷氨酸处理使地上部锌浓度显著增加,但谷氨酰胺、甘氨酸处理使地上部钙浓度显著下降,谷氨酰胺处理使地上部锌浓度显著下降。 2.完全无菌砂培条件下矿质、有机氮营养对小白菜生长、品质及生理特性的影响 与无氮处理相比,除了铵态氮显著降低了根鲜重,各种氮形态都显著增加了地上部鲜重和根鲜重,各处理对地上部干重和根干重的影响与对地上部鲜重和根鲜重相似,其中谷氨酰胺处理的效果不如硝态氮,但好于铵态氮。不同氮形态对根系形态的各个指标有不同的影响。 去除种子中的硝态氮之后的整株植物硝态氮的累积,除硝态氮处理中的硝态氮累积量很高,无氮、谷氨酰胺态氮和铵态氮处理的硝态氮累积量都很低,且这三个处理间的差异并不显著。这说明小白菜吸收氨基酸态氮和铵态氮后,在体内不会转化为硝态氮。与无氮处理相比,各个处理都显著提高了地上部和根部全氮和可溶性蛋白含量,铵态氮或谷氨酰胺态氮的效果比硝态氮好。与无氮处理相比,铵态氮和谷氨酰胺态氮都显著提高了地上部游离氨基酸含量,而硝态氮对地上部游离氨基酸含量无显著影响;铵态氮显著增加了根部游离氨基酸含量,谷氨酰胺态氮和硝态氮显著降低了根部游离氨基酸含量。与无氮相比,各种氮处理都显著

【Abstract】 This study was carried out to determine the effect of inorganic nitrogen and organic nitrogen on growth, quality and physiological mechanisms of pakchoi {Brassica chinensis L.) under normal solution culture, wholly and partially sterile culture. The results were as follows:1. Effect of spraying amino acids on growth, nitrate content and quality in the shoot of pakchoi in both summer and autumnSpraying three amino acids (Glu, Gln, Gly) could significantly enhance yield of shoot and Gln was the best. Better effects on increasing yield of shoot were observed when amino acids were sprayed in summer than in autumn. The nitrate content of shoot decreased obviously when spraying amino acids, especially Glu in two seasons. Chlorophyll contents were improved by spraying three amino acids and the effects were better in summer than autumn, too. Of three amino acids, Gln could increase P concentration of shoot in summer and K concentration in autumn significantly. Glu and Gly significantly increased Ca and Fe concentration of shoot, but Glu, Gln and Gly significantly decreased Zn concentration in summer. Gly increased Fe concentration of shoot and Gly or Glu increased Zn concentration significantly, but Gln or Gly decreased Ca concentration and Gln decreased Zn concentration significantly in autumn.2. Effect of inorganic nitrogen and organic nitrogen on growth, quality and physiological characters of pakchoi under wholly sterile sand cultureExcept that NH4+-N significantly reduced root fresh weight, all nitrogen sources significantly increased shoot and root fresh weight compared to no nitrogen treatment (CK). The trend of shoot and root dry weight was similar to shoot and root fresh weight. Of three nitrogen sources, effect of Gln-N was better than NH4+-N and worse than NO3-N. The different nitrogen sources had different effect on root morphology.NO3--N treatment significantly increased the nitrate-nitrogen accumulation inwhole plant (minus seed’) compared to CK, NH4+-N or Gln-N. There were no significant differences between CK, NH4+-N, and Gln-N. This indicated that Gln-N and NH/-N absorbed externally was not converted to internal nitrate-nitrogen. Compared to CK, all treatments significantly enhance total nitrogen and soluble protein content in shoot and root. Of three nitrogen sources, effect of NEU+-N or Gln-N was better than NO3"-N treatment. Compared to CK, NH4+-N or Gln-N significantly increased free amino acid content in shoot, while NOs’-N had no significant effect;NH4+-N significantly increased free amino acid content in root, while Gln-N or NCV-N treatment significantly decreased it. Compared to CK, all treatments significantly increased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid and chlorophyll a+b content in leaf. Of three nitrogen sources, effect of Gln-N was best. Compared to CK, three nitrogen sources all significantly decreased soluble sugar and starch content in shoot, but three nitrogen sources had no significant effect on them in root except that NH4+-N significantly decreased soluble sugar content in root.Compared to CK, three nitrogen sources all significantly decreased GS activity in shoot and root, and increased GOT activity in shoot and root and GPT activity in root. However, NO3-N significantly decreased shoot GPT activity, while NH4+-N and Gln-N had no significant effect on it. Compared to inorganic nitrogen (NH4+-N or N03"-N), amino acid-N significantly increased GOT and GPT activity in root, indicating that amino acid was transaminated in root at first, and then transformed into other amino acids, finally synthesized protein.3. Effect of different amino acid-N concentrations on growth, quality and physiological characters of pakchoi under partially sterile solution cultureShoot and root fresh weight increased when Gln-N concentration in the nutrient solution was 5mmol/L or less, and significantly decreased afterwards. Effects of Gln-N concentrations on shoot and root dry weight were similar to fresh weight. Different effects of different Gln-N concentrations on root morphology were observed.Total nitrogen and free amino acid content in shoot and root, shoot soluble protein content, shoot soluble sugar content and chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b,carotenoid and chlorophyll a+b content in leaf rose when Gln-N^ concentration in the nutrient solution increased. Although addition of Gln-N to the nutrient solution increased root soluble protein content and decreased shoot starch content compared to no nitrogen treatment, no significant difference in them was observed between different Gln-N concentrations. Gln-N concentrations in the nutrient solution unaffected soluble sugar content and starch content in root.No significant differences in shoot GOT activity were observed when Gln-N concentration in the nutrient solution was 5mmol/L or less, and significantly increased afterwards. However, the highest root GOT activity was observed when Gln-N concentration was 5mmol/L. Although addition of Gln-N to the nutrient solution significantly increased shoot GPT activity compared to no nitrogen treatment, no significant difference was observed between different Gln-N concentrations. Root GPT activity increased when Gln-N concentration in the nutrient solution increased, but no significant effect was observed between 5 and lOmmol/L Gln-N. Root GOT activity was averagely four times of shoot by the addition of three Gln-N concentrations and root GPT activity was averagely eight times, but root GOT and GPT activity was similar to shoot in no nitrogen treatment.4. Choices of optimal experimental condition of amino acids partially replacing NO3-N in normal solution cultureThere was the biggest shoot fresh weight and dry weight with 12mmol/L NO3-N in the nutrient solution, while a further increase in NO3VN concentration reduced the shoot fresh weight and dry weight. The shoot nitrate content increased with increasing the N03"-N concentration in the nutrient solution except for 3mmol/L.Compared to 100%NO3"-N treatment (CK), the shoot fresh weight of plant was significantly increased when the 20% NO3"-N in the nutrient solution was replaced by Arg, while it was unaffected by Asn and Gin. However, fresh weight was decreased by most amino acids. Except for Cys, Gly, His and Arg, other amino acid treatments all depressed apparently nitrate content in the plant shoot relative to CK.Both Gin and Glu reduced shoot fresh weight and dry weight with decreasing NO3"-N/amino acid-N ratios. At 80:20 NO3’-N:Gln-N ratio, Gin had no significant121growth reduction effect on shoot fresh weight. Decreasing NCV-N/amino acid-N ratios reduced nitrate content in shoot, regardless of Glu or Gin.Addition of about 12mmol/L NO3"-N to the nutrient solution and the replacement of 20% NO3-N in nutrient solutions with Gln-N will significantly reduce nitrate content in shoots without significant reduction of crop yields. In addition, Glu-N used as a nitrogen source to replace the 20% NCV-N in nutrient solutions due to the fact that Glu had an important role in nitrogen metabolism.5. Effect of amino acids partially replacing NCV-N in nutrient solution on growth, nitrate content and quality of pakchoi under partially sterile solution cultureShoot dry weight significantly increased, but shoot fresh weight, root fresh and dry weight were unaffected when Gin replaced 20% NCV-N in the nutrient solution compared to 100% NCV-N (CK). However, shoot fresh weight dropped, root fresh weight significantly rose, while shoot and root dry weight were unaffected by Glu.Both Gin and Glu significantly reduced the nitrate content in shoot and root compared to CK. Both Gin and Glu significantly enhanced total nitrogen and soluble protein in shoot and root, root free amino acid content and chlorophyll SPAD values in leaf compared to CK. Only Gin significantly enhanced shoot free amino acid content, while Glu had no significant effect. Both Glu and Gin significantly enhanced soluble sugar and starch contents in shoot and root. Amino acids of shoot and root mainly were Asp, Glu, Glu, His and Ala in all treatments. Glu and Glu significantly enhanced some amino acid contents and did not decrease amino acid content except that Glu reduced Phe content compared to CK.6. The study of mechanism of the decrease in nitrate content in pakchoi by amino acids partially replacing the NCV-N in the nutrient solutionWhen nitrate concentration was 2mmol/L or lOmmol/L in the sterile uptake solution, addition of 2.5mmol/L or 25mmol/L amino acids (Gin or Glu) all significantly inhibited the nitrate uptake rate of root and reduced the NR activity in shoot and root of pakchoi compared to the uptake solution without amino acids (Gin or Glu).There was no significant difference in nitrate content in shoot and root between80% NCV-N and 100% NCV-N under partially sterile solution culture, indicating that the decrease in nitrate content in pakchoi by amino acids replacing 20% NCV-N was not due to the decrease in NCV-N concentration in the nutrient solution, but the role of amino acid.When Gin and Glu replaced 20% NCV-N in the nutrient solution, NR activity in shoot and root significantly decreased under partially sterile solution culture compared to 100% NCV-N, indicating that the decrease in nitrate content in pakchoi by amino acids replacing 20% NCV-N was not due to the increase in nitrate reduction in vivo.7. Effect of amino acids partially replacing NCV-N in nutrient solution on iron bioavailability in shoot of pakchoi in normal solution cultureTotal iron content in shoot significantly increased when 20% NCV-N in the nutrient solution was replaced by Arg, His or Gin, and significantly decreased by Asp or Glu, while NH4+-N or Asn treatment had no significant effect compared to 100% NCV-N (CK). Glu, Arg, His and Gin treatments all significantly increased the soluble iron content in shoot, while NH/-N, Asp, or Asn had no significant effect compared to CK. Arg, Gin, His or Asn enhanced the Caco-2 cell ferritin content in shoot, while Asp, NH4+-N or Glu decreased it compared to CK. However, only Arg significantly increased ferritin content in shoot, Glu significantly decreased it, while other treatments had no significant effect compared to CK. In all treatments, iron in pakchoi had bioavailability to some extent, indicating that pakchoi may provide a part of iron needed by human beings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期