

Similarity Representation and Difference in Age Basing on Similarity Information Activity

【作者】 安蓉

【导师】 阴国恩;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 相似性服务于各种具体的认知加工,是各种认知理论必不可少的组成部分,相似性信息的加工在人们的现实生活中也具有重要意义。人们从新旧问题之间的相似出发寻找到成功地解决新问题的途径,依赖事物之间的相似,把他们归入不同的类别,依靠线索的相似来提取记忆中的信息,归纳推理也把事物之间的相似作为前提,要对以上的研究领域做出根本性的解释都依赖相似性研究的进展。相似性是可变和灵活的,相似比较是涉及多种加工的复杂活动。个体对情境与任务的理解和对长时记忆中某些表征的一致性程度的评价是相似性的关键,这种一致性评价的实质就是相似表征,相似表征是不同事物相似比较的中介和标准。 相似性信息在知觉的早期加工中就获得了较高的激活水平,早期加工中注意就倾向于把事物置于与其他事物“比较”和“匹配”的加工模式之中。特定情境中,项目的激活与头脑中对该项目的表征是相互对应的,然后通过竞争实现有意识的知觉和主动的行为,不同表征之间的竞争同时受自上而下和自下而上加工因素的影响而具有倾向性。早期加工中注意的改变,本质上是知觉性的,而不是由被试策略性的选择所造成的。这种注意分配的变化,是由于知觉能力的变化,而不是由于被试改变知觉的策略而导致的变化,在信息加工的早期阶段,注意就选择性地分配到刺激的“相似性”上。 本研究的四个实验可以分为两部分。第一部分,包括实验一和实验二,主要通过对不同相似性信息影响下的视觉搜索的绩效的考察,研究了注意引导下,事物知觉信息的激活和相似性信息在事物情境性表征中地位与作用。第二部分,包括实验三和实验四,通过启动刺激提供的相似表征线索,考察了相似表征的情境性和建构性。 实验结果表明: 1、任务方式对视觉搜索和再认加工有显著影响。在限时和不限时“视觉搜索——再认”中,视觉搜索任务是否限时对成人和儿童的视觉搜索和再认的准确性没有显著影响。但是,视觉搜索任务是否限时对被试视觉搜索和再认的反应时有显著影响,不限时任务使被试视觉搜索和再认的反应时明显延长。不同任务条件、搜索项目性质及年龄的对视觉搜索和再认加工均有影响。儿童,特别是6岁和9岁儿童在完成视觉搜索和后继的再认任务中的绩效低于成人,即,准确性

【Abstract】 Attention is a central topic in psychology that is essential to partial information processing. Attention enables limited psychological resource concentrate on the most important information at the specific time. Selection of incoming sensory information can be guided by many criteria. In humans, object similarity information process is one of primary tasks of the early process. Sensory processing of visual stimuli, along with prior visual experience, leads to categorization judgments that can ultimately be used for cognition.According to some models of visual selective attention, objects in a scene activate corresponding neural representations, which compete for perceptual awareness and motor behavior. During a visual search for a target object, top-down control exerted by working memory representations of the target’s defining properties resolves competition in favor of the target. People must have conceptual knowledge that would constrain which perceptual correspondences would be detected and which would be ignored. Most importantly, the similarity-based approach does not assume the existence of conceptual knowledge at the beginning of development; rather, it attempts to explain the development of this knowledge from simpler processes operating on simpler components. There are multiple correlations in the environment and that humans have perceptual and attention mechanisms capable of extracting these regularities and establishing correspondences among correlated structures. Mature representation is that inductive generalization is grounded in perceptual and attention mechanisms capable of detecting multiple correspondences or similarities. The similarity approach does not assume the existence of conceptual knowledge at the beginning of development; rather, it attempts to explain the development of this knowledge from simpler processes operating on simpler components. In particular, linguistic labels presented as count nouns are claimed to be central properties, whereas appearances are claimed to be peripheral properties. There is evidence that

【关键词】 相似性相似表征视觉搜索启动
【Key words】 similaritysimilarity representationvisual searchpriming
  • 【分类号】B842.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】358