

On the Spider Fauna of Yunnan, China, and Its Evolution

【作者】 杨自忠

【导师】 朱明生; 宋大祥;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 动物学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 根据调查研究所得和对已有资料的统计,云南省蜘蛛计有属于中纺亚目Mesothelae的1科1属2种、后纺亚目Opisthothelae原蛛下目Mygalomorphae 4科4属8种、新蛛下目Araneomorphae 41科220属653种,总计为46科225属663种。本论文中有26个新种、16个待定种、2种雌性新发现、2种新组合,以及我国1新纪录科、4新纪录属和3新纪录种,云南省的3新纪录科、28个新纪录属和107新纪录种。现将具体学名列出如下:新种为:点苍伪遁蛛Pseudopoda diancangensis sp.nov.、墨江巨蟹蛛Heteropoda mojiangwnsis sp.nov.、山形中遁蛛Sinopoda montiforma sp.nov.、镰壮蟹蛛Stiphropus falciformus sp.nov.、雨林耙蟹蛛Strigoplus rainforestus sp.nov.、刺斜蟹蛛Loxobates spiniformis sp.nov.、公山莫蟹蛛Monaeses gongshanensis sp.nov.、大理花蟹蛛Xysticus dali sp.nov.、媛春微蟹蛛Lysiteles yuanchun sp.nov.、云县艾奇蛛Ebrechtella yunxianica sp.nov.、海珍艾奇蛛E.haizhen sp.nov.、盈江艾普蛛Epeus yingjiangensis sp.nov.剑突拉弗蛛Laufeia sicus sp.nov.、葫芦盘蛛Pancorius cucurbitus sp.nov.、弹簧拟蝇虎Plexippoides springiformes sp.nov.、金林拟蝇虎P.jinlin sp.nov.、敬钊合跳蛛Synagelides jingzhao sp.nov.、点苍合跳蛛S.diancangensis sp.nov.、叉合跳蛛S.forkiforma sp.nov.、永善赛恩蛛Thyene yongshan sp.nov.、大理雅蛛Yaginumaella dali sp.nov.、凤振雅蛛Y.fengzhen sp.nov.、直缘雅蛛Y.orthomargina sp.nov.、扎氏雅蛛Y.zabkai sp.nov.、云南文蛛Weintrauboa yunnan和唐氏社蛛Badumna tangai Zhu,Zhang.&Yang,2006。待定种为Cteniza sp.、Haplopelma sp.1、Haplopelma sp.2、Loxosceles sp.、Zilla sp、Eriovixia sp.、Mallinella sp.、Xysticus sp.、Ozyptila sp.、Ebrechtella sp.、Synaema sp.、Phintella sp.1、Phintella sp.2、Pseudicius sp.、Siler sp.和Thyenula sp.。雌性新发现:云南伪遁蛛Pseudopoda yunnanensis (Yang&Hu,2001)和彭氏中遁蛛Sinopoda pengi Song & Zhu,1999。新组合:大理隆头蛛Eresus daliensis Yang & Hu,2002移入穹蛛属Stegodyphus,成为大理穹蛛Stegodyphus daliensis;云南中遁蛛Sinopoda yunnanensis Yang&Hu,2001移入伪遁蛛属Pseudopoda,成为云南伪遁蛛Pseudopoda yunnanensis。另外,国内新纪录科为潮蛛科Desidae Pocock,1895;新纪录属有:Stegodyphus Simon,1873、壮蟹蛛属Stiphropus Gerstǎcker,1873、文蛛属Weintrauboa Hormiga,2003和社蛛属Badumna Thorell,1890;新纪录种包括:唇形孔蛛Portia labiata(Thorell,1887)、藤氏雅蛛Yaginumaella tenzingi Zabka,1980、条斑雅蛛Yaginumaella striatipes(Grube,1861)。云南新纪录科有:地蛛科Atypidae Bertkau,1878、颠当科Ctenizidae Thorcll,1887和刺客蛛科Sicariidae Keyserling,1880。云南的新纪录属和新纪录种数量太多,不便在此一一列出,详细情况见“云南蜘蛛种类组成和地理分布”中带“▲”者。另外,根据本人所采的标本由其他专家已发表的或有待发表的模式标本产地在云南的新种有27种,可见“云南蜘蛛种类组成和地理分布”中带“◎”者,在此不一一列举。在云南蜘蛛区系成分中,东洋区成分有234种,占区系成分的35.29%;古北区成分有14种,占2.11%;跨区分布种有158种,占23.83%:云南特有种257种,占38.76%。论文系统地阐述了云南蜘蛛区系的特点,主要为:种类丰富;东洋种和特有种占优势,多种成分交融并存;区系成分古老,既有属于冈瓦纳古陆起源的旧热带区系成分,也有劳亚古陆起源的温带区系成分;地区特有种丰富,物种分化现象十分明显;狭布种多,地理替代和生态替代明显。并对广泛分布于东洋区、全北区、热带区、新热带区的属级阶元和特有种的地理分布格局做了探讨分析。最后,文中对云南蜘蛛区系的起源和演化进行了分析论述。

【Abstract】 Based on the investigation on the spider fauna of Yunnan, China, and the material from published papers, totally 663 species are found belonging to 46 families and 225 genera. Among them, 26 are new to science; 16 species are undetermined; females of 2 species are newly discoveries; 1 family, 4 genera and 3 species are newly recorded to China; 3 families, 28 genera and 107 species are new records from Yunnan Province. Besides, two species are new combinations. Their names are listed respectively as follows:New species are: Pseudopoda diancangensis sp. nov., Heteropoda mojiangensis sp. nov., Sinopoda montiforma sp. nov., Stiphropus falciformus sp. nov., Strigoplus rainforestus sp. nov., Loxobates spiniformis sp. nov., Monaeses gongshanensis sp. nov., Xysticus dali sp. nov., Lysiteles yuanchun sp. nov., Ebrechtella yunxianica sp. nov., E. haizhen sp. nov., Epeus yingjiangensis sp. nov., Laufeia sicus sp. nov., Pancorius cucurbitus sp. nov., Plexippoides springiformes sp. nov., P. jinlin sp. nov., Synagelides jingzhao sp. nov., S. diancangensis sp. nov., S.forkiformq sp. nov., Thyene yongshan sp. nov., Yaginumaella dali sp. nov., Y.fengzhen sp. nov., Y. orthomargina sp. nov., Y. zabkai sp. nov., Weintrauboa yunnan sp. nov. and Badumna tangai Zhu, Zhang & Yang, 2006. There are 16 undetermined species: Cteniza sp., Haplopelma sp. 1, Haplopelma sp. 2、Loxosceles sp., Zilla sp., Eriovixia sp., Mallinella sp., Xysticus sp., Ozyptila sp., Ebrechtella sp., Synaema sp., Phintella sp.1, Phintella sp.2, Pseudicius sp., Siler sp. and Thyenula sp.. Adult females of Pseudopoda yunnanensis (Yang & Hu, 2001) and Sinopoda pengi Song & Zhu, 1999 are described for the first time. Two new combinations are: Eresus daliensis Yang & Hu, 2002 is transferred to the genus Stegodyphus, Sinopoda yunnanensis Yang & Hu, 2001 transferred to the genus Pseudopoda, respectively. Besides, 1 family, 4 genera and 3 species are newly recorded from China. They are: Desidae Pocock, 1895; Stegodyphus Simon, 1873, Stiphropus Gerstacker, 1873, Weintrauboa Hormiga, 2003 and Badumna Thorell, 1890; Portia labiata (Thorell, 1887), Yaginumaella tenzingi Zabka, 1980 and Yaginumaella striatipes (Grube, 1861), respectively. Atypidae Bertkau, 1878, Ctenizidae Thorell, 1887 and Sicariidae Keyserling, 1880 are recorded from Yunnan for the first time.The elements of spider fauna of Yunnan Province are composed of: 234 Oriental relam species (35.29%), 14 Palearctic realm species (2.11%), 158 multi-realm species (23.83%) and 257 Yunnan endemic species (38.76%). The characteristics of the spider fauna of Yunnan Province can be summarized here as follows: (1) spider species are very rich and abundant; (2) the Oriental and endemic elements are predominant, other element also abundant; (3) ancient elements both tropical and temperate originated from Gondwana fauna side by side presented; (4) endemism and differentiation at species level is very high; (5) species of narrow distribution range very common, with obvious replacement geographically and ecologically. The distributed pattern of the genera widely distributed in Oriental, Holarctic, Afrotropical, Neotropical realms and endemic species as well are discussed. Finally, the origin and evolution of the spider fauna of Yunnan are analyses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期