

【作者】 杨万江

【导师】 黄祖辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 农产品(食用农产品,食品)质量安全正在变成日益突出的全球性问题,不管是基于科学方法还是基于价值观,不管是国内供求还是国际贸易,都面临着共同的农产品安全问题,“从农场到餐桌”正在成为安全农产品管理的基本理念,而源头却是安全农产品生产。没有安全农产品生产,就没有整个食品安全;没有安全农产品生产经济效益,就没有安全农产品体系;没有农业生产者的积极态度,就没有安全农产品生产的可持续发展。我国真正重视农产品质量安全还是近几年的事,学术研究也并不深入,我们并不十分清楚,我国安全农产品生产状况如何,生产经济效益怎样,进一步发展有无后劲,这些问题亟需我国农经理论工作者加以研究。有鉴于此,本文以“安全农产品生产经济效益研究”为题开展了本研究工作。 本研究的思路是在对安全农产品生产进行经济学和生产者行为学理论分析的基础上,从我国安全农产品实际情况出发,假设农业“三品”(无公害农产品、绿色食品和有机食品)生产基地生产安全农产品,以安全农产品生产基地为基础,以基地农户为核心,以与农户相关的农业龙头企业为安全农产品生产的关联企业,将农户与企业视为安全农产品生产者整体,经系统设计调查方案和关联性调查,建立安全农产品生产经济效益比较分析统计量,择优建立多元线性回归模型组分析农户安全农产品生产经济效益及影响因素、企业安全农产品生产经济效益及影响因素、安全农产品生产者整体效益及影响因素,根据农户进一步发展安全农产品生产的选择意愿建立多元Logit模型,分析其影响因素并进行预测,为促进安全农产品生产可持续发展提出政策建议。 本文由五部分组成。第一部分由第一章导论和第二章文献综述两章组成,先概要介绍论文总体情况并对本研究领域相关的基本理论和研究文献作了梳理,旨在为进一步研究提供理论指导和明晰研究背景。第二部分由第三、第四和第五章组成,立足已有研究成果,设定主题研究架构和实证分析框架,简要分析我国安全农产品现状与问题,根据研究目标设计调查方案。第三部分由第六和第七章组成,应用统计学方法对调查数据进行初步整理和统计分析,给出调查数据的描述性分析结果。第四部分由第八章和第九章组成,建立模型组并实证分析农户、企业和安全农产品生产经济整体效益及影响因素,建立多元Logit模型研究农户进一步发展安全农产品生产的选择意愿及影响因素。第五部分,由前述分析导出的总体结论和政策启示,提出值得进一步研究的问题。 综观论文分析与总体结论,主要在四个方面体现了本文的研究价值: (1)在理论上,以安全农产品生产领域为研究对象,将安全农产品生产基地基础上的农户和关联企业作为生产整体,研究安全农产品生产经济效益和进一

【Abstract】 Agri-food (edible agri-food, food) safety is globally considered as one of more noteworthy issues. The agri-food safety problem exits in not only the domestic but also the international food market while solving it scientifically and cognizing it with rational valuation. " Farm to table" is regarded as the essential concept of safe agri-food management and in particular, the origin is safe agricultural production. No safe agricultural production, no the whole agricultural products safety. No economical benefits of safe agricultural production, no systems of safe agricultural products. No agricultural producers’ active attitude, no the sustained development of safe agricultural production. The agri-food safety has been caused more consideration but without academically deep research in China just in recent years. And still the development condition, economical benefits and the potential of Chinese safe agricultural production are desiderated to be studied by Chinese agricultural economics researchers. As a result, "the study of economical benefits of safe agricultural production" is the researching subject of this paper.This study is organized as follows: According to the situation in China and based on theoretical analysis of economics and behaviorism of producers, suppose safe agri-food were produced on "Three products" production base which associated with farmers are considered as basic element, while agriculture dragon enterprises associated with farmers are considered as affiliated enterprises of safe agri-food production, and both farmers and enterprises are regarded as the whole. Construct comparative analyzed statistical quantum of economical benefits on safe agri-food production in Multinomial linear regression model to analyze the economical benefits and influenced factors among farmers, enterprises and the integrate organization through systematic research design and correlative investigation. This study also empirically analyzes the probability of farmer’s choice to produce safe agri-food and those influenced factors by constructing the Multinomial logit model in order to put forward political suggestions for the sustained development of safe agri-food production.This paper is made up of five parts. The first part is involved with Chapter One (Guide) and Chapter Two (Summarize of literature). This part outlines of basic theories and research in correlative fields in order to provide theoretical guidance and define the background of research. The second part consists of Chapter Three, Chapter Four and Chapter Five. This part is based on research already exists, set up the frame of research and empirical analysis, and also briefly analyzes the situation and problem about agri-food safety in China. The third part including Chapter Six and Chapter Seven, primarily analyzes the investigation data in Statistical way and shows the result of descriptive analysis about variables. The forth part is built up with ChapterEight and Chapter Nine, set up models to give empirical analysis on the integrated economical benefits and influenced factors among farmer, enterprise and safe agri-food production. Multinomial Logit Model mainly analyzes the farmer’s willingness to choose about further development of safe agri-food and influenced factors as well. The fifth part according to above four parts, is the part of conclusion and also raise some questions for further research.Make a comprehensive view on the analysis and conclusion, we can mainly find four aspects about research valve of this study.(1) According to the theory, take the safe agri-food production as the research object, and put farmer and affiliated enterprise together which are both on production base of safe agri-food, then analyze the economical benefits of safe agri-food production and willingness to choose further development. From production economics seen, production system of safe agri-food is mainly involved with farmer on production base and affiliated enterprise associated with farmer, while production base and local government are also related to the system. The necessary condition to maintain and improve the system is the economical benefits of safe agri-food production, and another required condition is to find out farmer’s attitude toward production and their behaviors of decision-making, which contribute to analyze their willingness to choose. This train of thought and frame of empirical analysis are not only help to open out basic characters and inner relationships about production economics of safe agri-food, but also conduce to the construction of theory of agriculture economics.(2) Systematic investigation design and data collection. Put theory, investigation and empirical research together in order to analyze the situation of economical benefits on safe agri-food production, and achieve correlative outcome as well. The layer upon layer investigation designed from production base to farmers, is aimed at gathering qualified samples and data, which provide the empirical materials for analysis of economical benefits on safe agri-food production and farmer’s willingness to choose as well.(3) Statistical quantum and model groups of economical production benefit are constructed and estimated to measure the comparing benefit between safe agri-food and general agri-food. The safe agri-food production is one of innovation compared to general agri-food, while it is also a new pattern of advantage distribution." There isn’t any safe lunch for free", the economical benefits of safe agri-food production is the goal that producers pursuit, and it is quite different from general agri-food in input, output and the calculation of economical benefits. Three statistical quantum are constructed to comparatively analyze the safe agri-food production with application of statistics and comparative advantage theory. Model groups of economical production benefit are constructed to empirically analyze the integrate benefit of safe agri-food production (TR), benefit of farmer (RH), benefit of affiliated enterprise (RE), andinfluenced factors.(4) Analysis and estimation about further development of safe agri-food production based on farmer by Multinomial logit model. The application of Multinomial logit model in field of agriculture economics is few in China. This study empirically analyzes the probability of farmer’s choice to produce safe agri-food and those influenced factors by constructing the Multinomial logit model based on analysis of economical benefits about agricultural production. The result is both the conversion of farmer’s divers choices and adjustment among various collocated factors can improve the precision of estimation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期