

Research and Thinking on Contemporary Architectural Programming Methodology

【作者】 韩静

【导师】 胡绍学;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对一些具有代表性的西方建筑策划方法进行研究和讨论,试图为建筑策划研究者或者将要从事建筑策划工作的建筑师提供一个理论、方法和技术的平台。虽然建筑策划在我国已经有一定的理论基础,但是在实践中如何开展?在信息收集阶段有哪些技巧和策略?建筑策划如何应对复杂多变的建筑环境?国外目前有哪些建筑策划的方法?等这些问题都有待于进一步的探索和研究。另外也希望能够唤起政府部门、建设领导部门、以及建筑工作者的更多重视,给建筑策划的健康发展以更多的鼓励和支持。作者在研究过程中采用了横向思维和纵向思维相结合,由浅入深的研究方法,首先对建筑策划的概念、内涵和外延进行了辨析和定位。然后具体分析了当代西方具有典型代表性的 8 种策划理论和方法,主要从概念理解、主要特点、操作策略、策划技术四个方面对各种策划方法进行了梳理。最后通过对比研究的方法,分析了各策划方法的特点,从它们的特点和适用性出发,提出了针对政府投资项目开展建筑策划的建议,以及适宜我国不同投资项目情况的建筑策划方法和程序。在案例研究部分,作者还通过两个案例分析,分别从策划程序研究和对我国几个大型公共建筑项目可行性研究报告的分析来说明了建筑策划的有效性和必要性。本论文的研究着重强调了建筑策划的重要性,既提供了各种方法论的理论平台,同时也阐明了作者的观点:要使我国建筑设计形成一个健康发展的良性循环,要使建筑设计的质量得到不断的提高,包括政府部门、投资部门、建筑设计人员和社会大众都应该重视建筑策划在建筑设计中的作用。

【Abstract】 This dissertation wants to provide a platform of theories, methods andtechnologies for architectural programming researchers and architects whohas a opportunity to do this career in the future through a study anddiscussion on some of the typical architectural programming methods ofWestern.Architectural programming has a certain theory basis in China, however,how to operate in practice? What tactics and strategies can be used in theprocess of information collection? how the architectural programmingreplies to the complicated architectural environment? What methods ofarchitectural programming are popular in Western countries on contemporary?These questions still need more exploration and research. For another hand,the author wish the government, the professionals give more concentrationon this area, and give more encouragement and supporting for its healthydevelopment.The author uses a combined vertical and lateral thinking modes, toidentify and orient the concept, intension and extension of architecturalprogramming from surface to details. Then analyses 8 typical westerncontemporary programming theories and methods, and explains thesemethods from concepts, main specialties, operational strategies andprogramming technologies in detail. The author also makes arecommendation about how to operate architectural programming in practiceon projects invested by government, and which architectural programmingmethod and procedure is fit for China concerning of different projects. Incase studies, the author first takes an example comes from Japanese researchabout the procedures of the programming, and then analyses severalfeasibility studies of huge scale public architectures of China to explain theeffectiveness and necessity of architectural programming.This dissertation expresses the author’s point: in order to construct ahealthy developed circle of architectural design environment, and to improvedesign quality gradually in China, the government, investing department,designer and the public all should recognize the importance of architecturalprogramming in design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 08期