

【作者】 杨静

【导师】 宝贡敏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 在中国传统文化中,“信”是个人立身之本,是国家的财富。古人云:“自古皆有死,民无信不立”;“信,国之宝也,民之所庇也”。然而,在中国市场经济飞速发展的今天,企业间的“信”却面临着严峻考验,在经济利益的诱惑下,企业已经越来越难以做到“重信轻利”。因此,正确把握和建立企业间信任及合作关系,是企业健康发展的保证。它不仅可以使企业赢得良好声誉,而且还是企业长远利益的根本所在。 本文以“信任”作为研究的切入点,从企业的视角探讨了供应链内企业间信任的建立机制、维度以及对合作的影响,进而探索出企业通过信任建立供应链伙伴关系的途径,并发现企业间信任及合作的演化路径。本文的主要研究内容包括以下几方面: (1) 供应链内企业间信任的建立机制 本文将信任的影响因素研究与机制性研究相结合,把供应链内企业间影响信任产生的因素分为三个方面:①供应商(受信方)特征,包括:供应商的能力、声誉、产品及人员,而产品及人员也就是本文引入的新变量;②企业与供应商(施信方与受信方)的关系特征,包括:交往经验、相互依赖性及沟通;③企业自身(施信方)特征,包括企业的规模、性质、所在的地区以及股份制改造情况。 (2) 供应链内企业间信任维度的划分 通过对前人信任维度相关研究的回顾,笔者发现这些研究基本上是以西方文化为背景的,而经验研究也都以西方企业作为样本。然而,中国文化是以儒家文化为代表的东方文化,是一个典型的“人情”社会,在这种文化背景下,基于西方文化背景的信任维度划分是否仍然适合中国企业是值得商榷的。因此,本文没有完全采用国外的信任维度划分,而是在以往文献总结的基础上,通过实地访谈,结合中国企业的背景、文化进行修改,将信任划分为“计算型信任”和“关系型信任”两个维度,并以此作为进一步分析的基础。 (3) 供应链内企业间信任对合作的影响研究 与以往事先根据即定条件对合作进行分类的做法不同,本文通过探索性因子分析,针对企业及行业的特色对合作进行分类,并通过确定性因子分析检验其有效性,在此基础上进一步探讨不同信任与合作之间的关系、信任与合作的演化路径以及信任与合作的最佳匹配类型。 本文拟解决的问题为:企业与供应商如何建立信任?信任的前因对不同类型

【Abstract】 Pursuant to Chinese traditional culture, "TRUST" is basic of being, and fortune of one country. Confucianism is "death is unavoidable, but trust is eternal" and "trust-treasure if country, protection of common people". After over ten years’ developing for Chinese market economy, trust is facing rigid and awkard status nowadays between Chinese enterprises. Trust is difficult to be emphasized against profit driving. So, indeed handling cooperative relationship and building trust is guarantee of developing of enterprise, which can help enterprise obtain much more long-term profit as well as obtain reputation.Herein, trust is inducted into the paper. The study will aim at the enterprises, which have the supply-demand relation and mainly analyse primary system, dimensionality and influence for cooperation from trust. And discover the way to build well cooperative relationship and the rule of trust and trust’s evolvement. Based on target above, this study’s outline is below for reference.(1) The formationmechanism of interfirm trust in supply chainThe paper combines trust’s foundation study with mechanisms study and summarize the factors to three items. The characteristics of supplier (trustee) include supplier’s capacity, reputation, products and person. In which products and person will be new variable in the paper. The relation characteristics between enterprise and supplier (trustor and trustee) include experience, mutual dependence and communication. Enterprise (trustor)’s private characteristics include capacity, property, location and rebuilding of stock-holding system.(2) Dimensionality of interfirm trustAccording to literature review for dimensionality of trust, nearly all the studies are based on the background of occidental culture and tradition. Original data are from occidental enterprises. Whether such dimensionality study can be applied to domestic enterprises is an issue this paper will study. After all, Chinese culture is oriental Confucian culture, and China is typical relational society. Thinking about these differences, based on occidental studies, combined with Chinese local enterprises’ characteristics, culture and tradition, this paper sorts the dimensionality two aspects, calculus-based trust and relational trust.(3) Influence from trust to cooperationDifferent with early studies, in which sorts for cooperation are based on a condition confirmed in advance, this paper will study enterprise or trade’ characteristic first, sort by exploratory factor analysis, finally test the validity byconfirmatory factor analysis. This part will study and find the relationship between different trust and different cooperation methods, the evolution route and optimal matching between trust and cooperation.This paper will solve the questions below: How to build trust? How to build the optimal trust? How to influence interfirm trust on cooperation? How to influence the different trust on differentt cooperation? How to develop the trust and cooperation? How to build the optimal combination between trust and cooperation?Based on these questions, this paper aim to manufacture enterprise as study object, combine former research and investigation, make questionaries for trust and cooperation, and revise original data by pretest. Four regions, Hebei, Zhejiang, Tianjin and Beijing are selected in formal survey. 700 questionaries are launched from the simple random sampling and 316 effective return. CITC analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, independent-sample T test, correlation analysis, variance analysis, regression analysis and structural equations modelling analysis are applied in the data processing, testing data’ reliability and validity and validating the model and hypotheses.Compared with existing study for interfirm trust and cooperation, this paper is mainly absorbed in below issues and get conclusion.(1) Relation between supplier’s characteristic and interfirm trustIn the four factors of supplier’s characteristic, reputation of supplier and trust to the person from the supplier can bring relational trust and prompt cooperation. Products can affect calculus-based trust and cooperation. However, this study find, different with former research, capacity of supplier is not a key factor to influence interfirm trust.(2) Influence for relationship characteristic between enterprises to trustIn the three factors of relation between enterprise and supplier, communication is positive for both calculus-based trust and relational, but experience is positive just for calculus-based trust. For dependence, the paper divides into two factors, enterprise’s dependence to supplier and supplier’s dependence to enterprise. Dependence from the supplier can prompt mutual calculus-based trust. However, neither dependence from enterprise nor dependence from supplier is negative to prompt the relational trust. Different with former research, relation between experience and relational trust is not obvious, and rising mutual dependence is negative to strong the relational trust.(3) Relation between enterprise private characteristic and trust and cooperation For interfirm trust, mid size enterprises prefer to build relational trust withsupplier. Enterprises in Zhejiang province care calculus-based trust much more and enterprises in Hebei province are interested to relational trust. For cooperation, stateowned enterprises are apt to cooperate with long term’s stable supplier or those with certain private or others relation. No matter calculus-based cooperation or relational cooperation, enterprises in Zhejiang are the best in the survey.(4) Relation between trust and cooperationBy modelling analysis, both calculus-basis trust and relational trust can influence the partnership between enterprises. But this paper find calculus-based trust is negative to relational cooperation, which means only calculus-based trust is no benefit for relational cooperation, and too much cost and profit calculation will block long-term cooperation. However, if calculus-based trust can be transformed relational trust, it will prompt relational cooperation.Discover above is positive to enterprises. Following this, enterprise can review and give up the concept that relational cooperation is the best. When trust between enterprises is not mature, relational cooperation must incur failure. So when enterprises determine cooperation method with supplier, trust analysis must be taken into account.Compared with former research, there is innovation as below in this paper.(1) Introduce of new variable. Based on trust mechanism and supplier’s characteristic, two new variables, importance of supplier’s products and trust to person from suppler are inducted. Early studies for enterprise’s characteristic in trust mechanism are mainly for capacity, reputation, intent and motivation. Products are never part of enterprise’s characteristic. It’s a shortage. Based on this, supplier’s product will be one of factor to study in this paper. On the other hand, China is a typical relation society. Relationship, including publicly or privately, is important factor in interpersonal and interfirm communication. So trust for individual person from supplier is another important factor to build and develop interfirm trust.(2) Enterprise’s characteristic is a part of formation mechanism of interfirm trust. Theoretic model induces enterprise’s characteristic as control varible and analyses its effect on trust and cooperation, which make the formation mechanism more prefect. At the same time, basing on Chinese local culture and economics, rebuilding of stock-holding system is considered as one characteristic of enterprise besides capacity, property and location, which make the research more conformable with Chinese enterprise.(3) Sorts for trust dimensionality based on Chinese local enterprises’ culture background. Combined with survey on spot and professors’ opinions, in this paper, trust dimensionality is sorted two types, calculus-based trust and relational trust. From expirical research, the validity of these dimensions is proved and the route of interfirm trust developing is found.(4) There are abundant studies and options for cooperation types, but most of them are measured based on certain preliminary assumption in advance. It’s seldom to sort dimensionality by process study based on certain line, just like manufacturing described in this paper. Calculus-based cooperation and relational cooperation are submitted and reciprocity between evolvement of cooperation types and different trust type is described in this paper.Studies for trust are popular and develop rapidly in domestic and overseas now, but most of them are based on occidental culture and enterprise. Applicability of these studies for global enterprises or Chinese enterprises needs further validating and testing. Analysing domestic studies for trust, especially for trust between enterprises, most are based theory analyse or individual case. But studies for enterprises group or certain trade line are still lacking. Target of this paper is to prompt studies in the field of trust between enterprises, and provide some direction and reference for enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期