

Study on Improving Alkali-saline Soil by Adding the Coal Ash and Sewage Sludge Reasonably in Zhenglu and Huafeng, Shandong Province

【作者】 周学武

【导师】 李胜荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文在调查采样基础上,从矿物学及土壤学角度,对山东郑路、华丰的盐碱地及周围的粉煤灰、污泥进行了成分、质地、矿物组合及物理性质全面分析。并以此为依据进行了粉煤灰与污泥配比改良盆栽实验,优选出4个配方在两处进行了共计14亩的大田黑杨种植实验。 研究表明:山东郑路林场的土壤为盐化碱土(pH值9.15、全盐含量0.143%、钠碱化度36.5%),华丰矿区土壤为盐渍土(pH值7.6、全盐含量0.21%、钠碱化度8.54%),两者均为养分低、质地差、物性不良的贫瘠土壤,改良前植树不活或种植效果极差。本区的粉煤灰容重低、疏松多孔、高孔隙率与蓄水性、具保温性且质地良好,含丰富的中量及微量元素和有效P,是盐碱地物理性质的良好改良剂。本区的污泥含有丰富的有机质、碱解N、有效P、K、有益微量元素和有益微生物,是全面提高盐碱地养分的良好添加剂。粉煤灰与污泥中有害元素低于国家农控标准。 大田实验表明:郑路林场盐碱地改良后的土地里种植的黑杨,经过2年6个月的生长,成活率高达98%,树高平均年增量3.21m,树胸径平均年增量约29.1mm,且叶大葱绿茂盛,达速生丰产效果。 对改良后土壤进行的全面分析表明:改良后土壤养分全面大幅增高(郑路实验田有机质提高了1—1.8倍、碱解N提高了1.6—2.3倍、有效P提高了1.9—2.7倍;华丰实验田有机质提高了3.3~5.2倍、碱解N提高了1.43~4.71倍、有效P提高了8.74~27.87倍,两处土壤的全部有益中量及微量元素及C/N比满足需要)、质地改善、物性良好、脱盐降碱(郑路实验田pH值已降到8.13、全盐含量<0.061%、钠碱化度降到3%±;华丰实验田pH值已降到7.1、全盐含量<0.07%、钠碱化度降到3.97%),全部有害元素远低于国家农林环境标准。已将严重盐碱化土地改良成适于种植的好土。 此外,本文提出了对废弃物科学选择原则及合理配比方法,指出选料错误或配料不当都会造成严重危害,建立了该技术实施的系统工作规范。从化学改良作用、土壤通透性及碱中和作用角度,论述了改良盐碱地的机理。进行了效益分析,系统论述了粉煤灰与污泥配施改良盐碱地的经济、环境与社会效益。检索了国内外大量文献并委托相关部门进行了查新工作,论述了本研究的发现与创新点。 总之,本文从数据积累、物料选择、配方优选、大田实验、改良机理探讨及建立实施规程等,提供了系统资料,为大面积推广做好了技术准备。 两种废弃物配施改良退化土地,以废治退,变双害为两利,达到社会、经济和环境效益的统一。

【Abstract】 Based on investigation and sampling, this paper analyzed the component, texture , mineral assemblage, physical property for sewage sludge, coal ash and saline-alkali soils from mineralogy and pedology in Zhenglu and Huafeng, Sangdong province and optimized four formulas and carried out experiment for planting 14 mu black poplar in two sites.The study showed that the soils are saline-alkali soils (pH=9.15, total salt =0.143%, basification ratio= 36.5%, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) =36. 5% ) in Zhenglu forestry centre;and the soils are salinized soils (pH=7.6, total salt =0.21%, SAR =8. 54%) in Huafeng mine district, both of them are viscidity texture, bad osmosis, poor organic matter, poor available phosphorus, poor plant effect before soil improving, It having micro-element, the coal ash of this region is lower gravity, loose and porous, high porosity and impound, excellent heat preservation, and is excellent improvement agent. The sewage sludge of this region have abundant organic material, available N, P ,K, micro-elements, beneficial microorganism and all deleterious elements are lower than nation criterion, which would improve saline-alkali soils.The experiment indicated that, the survival rate of the black poplar was up to 98%,the increment of poplar growth height was 3.21m per year, the increment of poplar bust was 29.1mm, in the improved soil in Zhenglu, in 6 months and 2 years. Now the black poplar , which their leaves are big, verdant and exuberance, reach fast growth and foison.The comprehensive analyses of the improved soil showed that the nutrients of improved soil were enhanced (for example, in Zhenglu and Huafeng, the organic material had increased 1-1.8 times 3.5-5.2 times, the available nitrogen had increased 1.6-1.3 times and 1.43-4.71, available P had increased 1.9-1.7 times and 8.74-27.87 times all beneficial micro-element and C/N meet demand), and the improved soils had good texture, excellent physical property, and had be desalted and dealkalization (for example, in Zhenglu and Huafeng, pH was 8.13 and 7.1, total salt content was lower than 0.061% and 0.07%, SAR decreased to 3% ± and 3.97%), the deleterious elements were lower than nation criterion. So the improved soils were excellent soil for plant.Moreover, this paper put up the optimized criterion and partitioning approaches for discard object, and setup technological specification and implement criterion, and pointed out mistaken partitioning would damage soil. From chemistry improvement, soil permeability, this paper analyzed the mechanism of improving saline-alkali soil, and carried out benefit analysis, and systematically illustrated economy, society, and environment benefit from utilization of coal ash and mire improving saline-alkali soil. This paper searched lots of document, examined innovation.In short, using of lots of material, component choosing, partition optimizing, planting experiment, improving mechanism, and setting up criterion, this paper provided systematical material and prepared for popularization application technique.Two waste materials cooperate to improve degenerated land, using castoff to reconstruct degenerate soil and changing castoff to useful material can get economy, society, and environment benefit, and was up to unite.

【关键词】 盐碱地粉煤灰污泥土壤改良山东
【Key words】 Coal ashSewage sludgeSoil improvementSaline-alkali soilShandong
  • 【分类号】S156
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】986