

Research on Preservation Condition of Regional Deposits Based on RS and GIS

【作者】 王功文

【导师】 陈建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 矿床是复杂地质作用的结果,其形成后受环境(包括成矿地质条件和自然环境两个方面)的影响,又将经历不同形式和不同程度的变化。因此,将单个矿床的形成(成因)和矿床的变化、保存研究与区域系统成矿演化相结合,既有利于矿产资源定量预测与评价,又为改善矿区和区域生态环境提供基础资料。论文以青海“三江”北段为研究区,其位于青藏高原的东部。目前,研究区已发现32个铜多金属矿化点,24个重点铜矿床,均位于海拔4600m以上地区。通过青藏高原演化对该区矿产资源环境的影响分析,结合已知铜矿床的矿床特征和地形地貌特征的研究,系统分析了区域铜矿床的产出模式、成因模式和变化模式及其对矿床保存的影响因素。在此基础上,根据定量地学相关的地质异常理论,利用遥感与GIS技术进行了铜矿床保存条件相关因素的定量分析与评价,并实现了区域矿产资源潜力的预测与评价。论文取得的主要研究成果如下:1.根据区域矿床的产出环境对青藏高原演化的响应,探讨了区域矿床产出模式、成因模式和变化模式及其对矿床保存的影响因素。2.基于地质异常理论,利用遥感和GIS技术对区域铜矿床保存条件相关的因素(包括地质、地球物理、地球化学和遥感等多元数据)进行定量化信息提取。3.利用证据权重法对铜矿床的形成条件和保存条件的相关变量分别进行了定量化分析。根据证据权重法中选取变量的相对独立性及其权重值的合理性,检验并筛选变量,并利用筛选变量进行区域资源潜力预测与评价。4.利用优化的层次分析法开展区域矿床保存条件的系统研究。借助证据权重法筛选的矿床保存条件变量,从区域铜矿床的物源、变化和保护的三个层次构置新的层次变量,并赋予权重值,依此计算了区域成矿潜力,并划分了五个成矿潜力有利的远景区:纳日贡玛—然者涌Cu、Mo多金属成矿远景带(Ⅰ);东莫扎抓—白马海地区Cu多金属热液成矿带(Ⅱ);吉龙—囊谦Cu多金属成矿远景带(Ⅲ);解嘎—旦荣成矿远景带(Ⅳ);尕龙格玛铜铅锌多金属成矿带(V)。5.初步实现了典型矿床剥蚀程度的定量预测与评价在区域岩体的剥蚀速率研究的基础上,计算了纳日贡玛矿区的剥蚀速率,并估算了该矿床的储量剥蚀速率。对于区域矿床的保护与开发具有指导意义。

【Abstract】 The deposit formation is a result of complex geological processes .The majority ofdeposits is subject to changes in various forms and degrees after their formation. Thesynthetic research of ore-forming genesis, post-ore change and modification is favorof the probability of deposit prediction. The research on the post-ore changes is notonly favorable for the forecasting and exploration of mineral resources,but alsobeneficial for the improvement of the ecological environments of mining area.The north of Sanjiang region is selected as the study area, with latitude N32o ~34oand longitude E94o~97o. Sanjiang region lies in the east of Tibetan plateau, which isone of the important copper multi-mineral metallogenic belts in China. There are 32copper occurrences, and 24 important copper deposits. The elevations of all depositsare more than 4600m, and the deposits are suffered with denudation and erosion.Since it is bad environment, geological work is usually limited in study area.Therefore, it is significant to use remote sensing and GIS techniques to researchdeposit, preservation. Major findings are as follows:1. Based on the regional ore-forming environments to Tibetan plateau evolvementresponse, the modes of ore-forming process (genesis), post-ore changes andmodification are built.2. Based on geological abnormity theory, the remote sensing and GIS techniquesare used to extract factors (geology, geochemistry, geography and remote sensing) ofdeposit, preservation in study area.3. With ore-forming factors and ore-deposit preservation factors, weights ofevidence are used to quantitative assess regional mineral resources. The factors inweights of evidence model must satisfy conditional independence. Therefore, themore reasonable and significant factors can be extracted, which are in favor ofquantitative assessing mineral resources in study area.4. Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to research regional deposit, preservation.Based on the extracted factors with weights of evidence, new variables of regionalcopper occurrences including materials, change and protection factors can be built.According to AHP method to compute the weights of new variables and the mineralresources in study area, combing regional denudation and erosion of bedrocks andorebodies, five ore-forming potential regions were plotted out.5. Quantitative prediction and assessment of typical deposit from four dimensionpoint of view. Based on the denudation and erosion speed of regional bedrocks,combing the max and min elevations and other parameters of copper orebody, thedenudation speed of copper reserves can be computed.
