

The Research on the Quaternary Tectonics Evolvement and the Stability of the Aboveground River in the Lower Reach of the Yellow River in Henan Province

【作者】 朱嘉伟

【导师】 田明中;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 第四纪地质学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 黄河是中华民族的摇篮又是中华民族的心腹之患。历史上黄河下游的频繁决溢给沿黄地区人民带来了深重的灾难,“洪水横溢,尸漂四野,疫情四起”的记载不绝于书。新中国成立后,黄河下游大堤经过多次加高,堤防高度已不是防洪工程的主要问题,目前黄河面临的突出问题是下游河床不断淤积升高,水高堤高险情增大,洪水威胁更为严重。 如何合理布置重点防洪工程体系是下游河道治理的重要研究课题。历史上黄河决口迁徙溃决点的空间分布具有一定的规律性,与地质构造环境关系密切。该项研究工作的目的是试图通过对黄河下游地区第四纪构造演化与河流地质作用、河道地貌、河道变迁、大堤稳定性之间的关系分析,着重从第四纪构造演化角度对下游悬河的稳定性进行综合评价,定量预测悬河险工地段,为下游重点防洪工程建设提供依据。 悬河稳定性综合定量评价不仅是评价方法问题,更重要的是要以悬河稳定性影响因素的深入分析研究为前提,因此,该项研究首先应用遥感、钻探、物探、土壤汞气测量、地应变测量、历史考证等综合技术手段,对河道地貌、隐伏活动构造、河流地质作用、河道决口变迁历史进行了深入的分析研究,在此基础上建立了悬河稳定性综合定量预测模型,对黄河下游悬河稳定性进行了定量预测评价。 在河道地貌研究中,首次应用“分形理论”并提出了“分形积分”的概念对河道地貌进行了定量研究,建立了河床分维模型,定量分析了河床分维值的沿程动态变化。 在隐伏活动构造研究中,通过综合解译提出并证实了郑州—兰考区域性隐伏断裂带的存在;详细分析了郑州—兰考断裂北部断块的掀斜式沉降运动特征,建立了“断块掀斜侧蚀模式”,据此解释了黄河侧蚀南岸的机理。提出了东濮断陷带为“凸陷相间斜列”构造样式的新认识,指出聊城—兰考断裂并不是东濮断陷的边界断裂。 在悬河稳定性定量预测评价中,借鉴矿床统计预测的理论方法,提出了“信息权”的概念,并系统介绍了定量预测的方法步骤,建立了悬河不稳定指数定量预测模型,定量预测出黄河下游10段极不稳定险工河段,15段较不稳定河段,预测方法改进了“专家赋权法”的主观性缺陷,提高了预测成果的客观性,预测成果可作为黄河下游重点防洪工程建设的重要参考依据。

【Abstract】 The Yellow River is the cradle as well as the serious trouble of the Chinese Nation. In the history, the flood toke place frequently with dead body all around and murrain all directions in the lower reach of the Yellow River. With the riverbank of the lower reach of the Yellow River having been added up time after time after the People’s Republic of China founded, the chief problem now is not the height of the riverbank but the danger of the riverbank. With the riverbed of the lower reach silting up, the riverbank becomes higher and higher, and the flood becomes more and more serious.It is an import question for study that how to set the emphases riverbank prevent flood project system in reason in the lower reach of the Yellow River. In the history, most levee breaks of the riverbank are burst, the spots of the burst have regular pattern, and ties up the geological structure. The purpose of paper is to try to find the relations about the lower reach of the Yellow River between structure evolvement in the Quaternary Period and the river geologic function, river channel landform, channel change, stability of the riverbank, and evaluates the stability of the aboveground river in the lower reach of the Yellow River in view of structure evolvement in the Quaternary Period to quantitatively forecast the dangerous sector of the aboveground river and offers some basis in building the control flood project.The quantitatively evaluate of the aboveground river should based on the analyses of the effect factor about the stability of the aboveground river in depth. So this study fist use many technologies, such as remote sensing, drilling, geophysical prospecting, measure the Hg in soil, measure earth strain and textual history research to analyses the river channel landform, blind active structure, river geologic function and burst of the riverbank in history, and then construct a ration drop out model about the stability of the aboveground river.The theory of fractals is used, and the concept about "fractals integral" is advanced in the research of the river channel landform first time. A model of riverbed fractals is constructed, and the change about the riverbed fractals number along the riverbed is analyzed quantitatively in this paper.In the research of blind active structure, a blind fault zone named Zhengzhou-Lankao fault is found and approved existed synthetically first time. The character about tilting sink movement of Zhengzhou-Lankao fault is analyzed, and the model--"block tilting lateral erosion pattern" is set up, with which the mechanism of the Yellow River lateral erosion on the south riverside is gave out. A new viewpoint that the tectonics pattern of the Dongpu fault depression is"protruding-falling diagonal" is held up. It is pointed out that Liaocheng-Lankao fault zone isn’t the borderline of the Dongpu fault depression first time.In the study on the method of quantitative forecast and evaluate the aboveground river, the concept of "information weight" is injected first time, and the steps of the method is introduced systematically. A quantitative forecast model about the index of instability is set up, with which a exactly result is given that there are 10 sect bally instability and 15 sect rather instability workshop sections in the lower reach of the Yellow River. This method improves the objectivity of the achievement. The achievement offers some importance basis in building the flood-control works of the lower reach of the Yellow River.
